Monday, May 11, 2009

Missing in Action

Between art shows, chorus concerts and clogging performances, we've been a little preoccupied.

That and the rain. I think it has rained everyday for nearly two weeks. But we managed to find some sunshine over the weekend.

Thank heavens.



  1. I'm right there with you on the rain and being too busy!

    Things should get calmer soon. Glad you had some sunshine this weekend too!

  2. Rain Rain Go Away. ;o) ooxx`jodi

  3. If you do not mind, PLEASE, PLEASE send the rain our way.
    We are in such a drought it is becoming depressing.
    In due season the rain shall come.
    Great pictures of your girls in their performances.

  4. That last picture is priceless. It reminds me of lazy summer days in the country when I was a kid, walking over bridges and rail road tracks. Glad you caught the sun for a little while...

  5. glad you found a little sun and maybe a little down time! hope your mother's day was good... you deserve it. always love pics of those gorgeous girls :-)

  6. For a few days there I was afraid I was suffering from sunlight deprivation myself. Though I'm thankful for the rain, bring on a few sunny days!

  7. Gee, and I was excited when it rained here last week. I spent far too much time on the coast...

  8. Your blog makes me want to move into your life.

    Not that I'm a stalker or anything....

    I love that your girls clog!

    May you soak in the lazy hazy days of summer soon.

  9. sweet shots! i hope your mother's day was extra special!

  10. How was your Mother's Day Dana?
