Here is how the quilt along will work:
Week 1: Gathering of supplies.
Week 2: Cutting the fabric.
Week 3: Sewing the blocks and trimming them to size.
Week 4: Assembly of quilt top.
Week 5: Quilting the top, batting and backing.
Week 6: Binding.
Each week I will give full instructions and then you will have the whole week to get it done. Easy enough, right?
Also, each week I will give quilting related stuff away that sort of corresponds to that week's work. For example, since this week will be getting all the supplies around that you will need to make a quilt, I will be giving away rotary cutters, cutting mats and straight edges. More on that later.
At the end of 6 weeks you'll have a completed quilt. And at the end of 6 weeks I'll give away the big daddy of all prizes . . . a Janome 6600P sewing machine.

Can I get a Boo-Ya?? I said a Boom-Chica-Boom . . . Boom-Chica-Boom . . .
Sorry. I'm excited.
I'll try to settle down now.
Listen closely to this part. Post photos of your progress and completed quilt here in the Old Red Barn Co. Quilt Along 2009 Flickr group and you'll earn FIFTY extra chances at the Janome 6600P.
Still with me? Make your quilt and post photos in the Flickr group using Flights of Fancy fabric and you'll earn ONE HUNDRED extra chances at the Janome 6600P.
I'll be back later today with the supply list and instructions for week one. Cause I have to take the kids to school. Go to the gym. Shower. Take some photos. And write the instructions.
No I haven't done it all beforehand. Maybe I should have. That would have been smart. But I want it all to be in real time. I want to quilt right along with you. That is how I roll people!
OOHH! This is going to be fun! I cant wait! Now I gotta figure out my Flickr! Libby
Booya! Woot WOot! Hip HIp Hooray!!
What other cheers can I give you!? I'm off to take pictures of my fabric!
oh MAN, you just had to do this to me didn't you??? well, there is probably no way in heck i'll be able to take a proper crack at this, but it'll be fun for me just see all the process.... i don't even think i have time to figure out how to use flickr. i'm SUCH a fuddy-duddy
I can't quilt to save my life, but I wanted to wish the rest of you loads of luck! I can't wait to see the outcomes!
Sounds great to me - now I have bigger motivation to move my quilting equipment over to the new apartment this morning!!
How exciting! I've been working on finishing up other projects so I can get started on this one :)
So FUN! I am super excited and have already started gathering supplies!
i love how you roll. i will for sure be cheering you on...
I'm so excited. I definitely needed this today. Can't wait to get started. I need to add to my list, "finish the last quilt that's been sitting around for a year" so that I can start this quilt along with a clear conscience!
Perfect timing. I so need to do something for me right now! WOOT!
can't wait to get started! I'm a sucker for a good quilt-along!
Oh, how I wish I could give this one a shot. Have fun and good luck to your happy winner!
Looks like a schedule I can stick to!! Can't wait to get started. :-)
This is so exciting and looks like it is going to be so fun! I am glad the schedule looks so do-able. I am SO in!
Uh.... WOW - this is going to be hard... but I'll try my best!!!! How exciting!!! Wooooooo Hoooooo!
When getting the extra points for using the flight of fancy fabric Does the entire quilt have to be made from that fabric or can it be a mix? (sorry if it is a stupid question)
I wanna play, I wanna play!! :D
Boom Chica Boom! Oh my gosh what memories that brings back! This looks to be super duper fun! ooxx`jodi
Whoot! Whoot!
Can't wait for the supply list! The local shop just got the flights of fancy line in....Woot!
I am so participating! And I joined your flickr group! How fun!
I want to join and I want to win!! I am looking for fabric as I type. I do not have a blog, is this a problem?
Dana! You are so good!! I don't really need a machine but I'm compelled to get fof just for the extra chances :)
I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one who sings and dances on her blog. Some people just don't get it!
You know I'm in, sista!
Ok I'm in. Gonna take a picture of my stash fabrics and post to Flickr tomorrow! This should be great fun.
Hi I hope to keep up with the quilt steps each week, this is going to be fun! Would be a nice treat to win but the fun is making new friends and sewing!! thanks Quilter000 aka patty
I'm in - thanks for the fun event!
I sined in on Flickr...ready for week 1!
I like the way you roll. Now I have to see if I can figure out how to get on Flickr and I'll roll along with you.
So....can I still join? My schedule will be claring up in another 10 days. So I may be behind this first week, but then I do have all supplies exept maybe the fabric (and let's be hinest, I have that too. LOL)
It just looks like so much fun...I'm not too late am I?? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease!
This will be fun!
Cool! Cant wit! My first quilt!
I am so excited I found this blog. I will be joining the quilt along - and setting up a Flickr account since I don't have one. Baby on the way and need something to occupy my time. This will be my first quilt-along. Woohoo! Mama needs a new machine! Off to fabric store tonight!
okay - I've got one question. If I make my quilt using some Flights of Fancy fabric - does the quilt have to be entirely that to get the 100 extra chances - or just mostly that? Or some that? Did you get that? ;)
Yay! Amazing prizes! Can't wait!
so, I got all my fabric today....unfortunately neither of the stores in my town carry the Flights of Fancy fabric....but I still love what I chose! Will take a pic and upload to Flicker tomorrow night! I'm very excited to be participating and making my first quilt ever! I signed up on Flicker last night (my name there is dtscrapper).
I signed up on Flickr: heidielliott :) I can't wait for week two. I am doing bunches of cutting an sewing this weekend to get ahead on my other WIPs. That way I can devote my time to this quilt next week :)
Am I too late to sign up for this great quilting project? I'd love to play. Always looking for new ways to do what I love. I'm sure I can find time to squeeze this project in. Thank you so much for organizing this great event.
Oh boy! This is really going to S T R E T C H me. But I think I'm up to the task.
I am so excited - this will be my first quilt!
can I mix it up with flights of fancy and other fabrics??
i am a bit late, but sign me up!! this looks like fun! and oooh all those prizes! woohoo
Ooh how fun! My daughter told me about this and we are going to do this together. I can't wait to see the finished quilt. Oh and I just joined Flickr too! All these new things I'm learning... Pat
I can't wait!! this is going to be so much fun! This should help motivate me to finish a project! I am making my mom does this with me, which will also help motivate me too. Just joined flickr too, so I can't wait to see everyones quilts too!! take care, Jill
Sweet!,I'm am all in...hope I can keep up with everythings else on my plate. Never tried flicker but have thought about it, so here's my push. This is so exciting...I can hardly contain myself...I don't see a post since 18 May...have you posted supplies yet...when does the actual week 1 start?
Never have participated in something like this but seems like fun--a challenge! Count me in. Is there somewhere we have to formally join? TIA, Sally
This will be my first quilt along! I can't wait to get started! Thanks for the challenge!
This is way to cool, I can't wait to see all the results from all of the different fabric choices and prizes sound great. I have wanted a Janome6600 forever. I think I am going to use fat quarters. Try to bust my stash down.
Thanks for a great time.
grr - I am swamped at the moment but I want to play along! I will have to cheer everyone on from the sidelines!
I'm so excited. . . I just found the quilt along. Oh, but I have catching up to do. . .I better get cutting!
Oh my goodness this is tempting! If only I didn't have so many other projects, cut out, ready to sew. I really would like to make a quilt too. Ooooh. What to do?
I want to join!! I need to get cutting!!! Thanks!!
I have to join this! Count me in! Now... I need to get some fabric!
Oh yeah! Count me in! Better late than never!
I'd like to join. I'm guessing that it isn't too late.
I can read all of the posts and jump in. : )
I know it's late but I just heard about the sew along and would love to join in. I'll do my best to catch up.
I know it's late but I just heard about the sew along and would love to join in. I'll do my best to catch up.
Can I participate? Love the idea!!
Maggie at maggienstamps@comcast.net
Am I missing something or is the finished quilt pictured somewhere? Or is this one of those mystery quilts that you don't know what the final design is until it's done? I'd love to join in if it's okay at this late point.
I just found out about this, and would love to do it. I have never made a quilt bigger than a baby quilt and am so excited. I will catch up to week three as I have most of the supplies except fabric which is the most fun. : )
Count me in. When does Week 1 start?
Sounds like fun to me;) I'll start gathering my supplies in the morning...oh wait...it is morning...well, later this morning;)
I think I'm gonna join too. I've been going thru my fabric stash & have found some fun stuff. Hopefully it's not too late! I'm gonna print out your succinct instructions!
Oh, I want to do this! I was just in the mood to start a new quilt...
I hope I can figure out flicker, I need a new machine!
I'm loving your blog - don't know how I missed it till now. Cannot wait to try the quilt along!
This will be my first quilt along! I've been wanting to do one for a while and I'm not too far behind in this. I heard about it from crazy mom quilts.
I really want to find that Flights of Fancy fabric but my local store doesn't have it. Any online store suggestions??
This will be my first quilt along as well, would love to join if it's not too late.
I would also have to figure out flicker, learning so many new things.
I was just wondering what to do for the new quilt I want to make for my guest bed. This is perfect! I'm so glad AmandaJean (crazy mom quilts) posted about this quilt along!
Is it too late to enter??
what If I haven't quilted before??? will this be beginner friendly?
I have been so close to getting back to quilting for awhile - this quilt along has put me right over the edge! I have my fabric cut - I'm a bit late and waiting on three more 1/2 yards - but thank you, I'm thrilled to be hooking up with my sewing machine soon:)
I just ordered my fabric, so I'M IN! I can catch up. Besides, I'd LOVE that sewing machine! I'll grab your button to put on my blog....
Wow, sounds like fun! count me in. I was reading through the posts, and didn't see an answer about using fat quarters instead of 1/2 yard cuts. I have alot of fat quarters I'd like to use up.
Is it too late to join in?
WOW! This sounds like fun. I too will have to figure our flicker, but I can do that...right?
Holly - hmdraney@comcast.net
OK - I will be up for this challenge. I just have to be, just hope my machine is up for it also. Wow! how great it would be to win a new machine. I've had mine for 24 yrs (mother's day gift when my 2nd son was born). I don't want to replace mine ~ she may be just a basic sewing machine, but she has always been there to help me get my projects done =) but an addition to mine would be AWESOME!!!! WOOHOOOOO!!! Wait - looks like I have some catching up to do. It's gonna be a busy week around here - gotta get supplies..hehehehe
Oh how I would love to win! So much fun to get a package in the mail just for me. Thanks a bunch for entering me.
I am a first-timer. Does that mean that I am a virgin commenter? Please sign me up for the quilt along. I managed to join flikr and post a picture of the fabric I intend to use. I am excited to be a part of this project and hope I manage to keep up since I only found out about this today when reading Crazy Mom's blog.
Oooh I want to play! I found you through QuiltDad and like him I am using this as a stash buster! I have two daughters so I keep buying pink fabrics but I rarely use them when it comes time to sew! So I'm doing a pinky quilt! I just ironed all my fabric and am ready to cut. I'll post pics in a bit!
I keep seeing pictures for this quilt along, and have finally decided to join as well. I have my fabrics picked out and will hurry to catch up with the cutting. :-)
I just saw your quiltalong on amandajean's site.
i'll choose my fabric and then catch up quickly.
:jumps for joy
This is like a dream come true. I cannot go to classes and yet want to learn. You have given me the chance to do just that. Thank you! Thank you! Just to know it is even possible to win that gorgeous machine is wonderful.
Okay, I am in.....have a ton of stuff going on but I am in.....have picked my fabric and will cut it out tomorrow and then I will be up to speed.....thanks for offering this, should be fun.
So excited! Just saw this on a friend's blog and have been wanting to try making a quilt. Sewing is not my thing, but I'm loving your writing style and clear instructions --- don't think I have to worry about you slapping my hand with a ruler, right?!
Bought my fabric today...now off to wash and cut. Yay!
I would love to join your quilt along! Sounds like lots of fun.
I'm excited to do this quilt. I just picked out my fabrics!
Im in - what's one more project in my basket?
I'm in - the quilt looks great!
wahoooooooooooo, sounds like fun. As crazymomquilts says...one more iron in the fire! Count me in, Elaine
Is it too late to join?
How do you select the fabrics? I mean willy-nilly? OR coordinating?
I saw this question elsewhere, but couldn't find an answer. Does the entire quilt need to be in the Flights of Fancy fabric to get the extra entries for the sewing machine? I could SO use that machine, but I don't have a ton of spare money to buy lots of new fabric, especially because I have other stuff at home.
I am having more fun sewing than trying to figure out the website, I guess I'm not computor friendly. I sure hope I'm not the only one. I hope I'm entered in the drawings.
Okay, I'm joining late but I'm hoping to be caught up to week 3 by the end of the week. Shucks, an excuse to sew all week. Wink!
I'm joining!! I'm so excited to do this quilt! hopefully I'll be able to catch up quickly enough! Thanks for doing this!
I'm joining late, but hope to get caught up quickly! I love your fabrics!
I've already got my quilt pieced and basted and realized I hadn't joined yet - silly me. This has been so fun. tThanks!
OOOO! To win the 6600 would be amazing!!!
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