Check back again next week for Week 2 of the quilt along and more great giveaways.

People ask me all the time about quilting. What do you need? How do you learn? Is it hard?
I'm going to spell out exactly what you need right here.
You can learn from a friend, book, a class at your local quilt store, or you can wing it. How about you learn right here over the next 6 weeks? Ok? Good.
And, no, it is not hard once you know what you are doing.
So let's go.

Last summer I gave away this quilt and for months afterward people emailed me asking about the pattern and if I would share it with them. There was no pattern. Just me putting fabric that I liked together. Winging it. Hoping for the best.
That is exactly the "pattern" we are going to make here.
You will need 12 different 1/2 yard cuts of quilting cotton fabric for the quilt top. One yard of quilting cotton for the binding. We'll talk about the batting and backing at a later date. Make sense?
In other words you need a 1/2 yard of each of 12 different prints for the quilt top and 1 yard of one print for the binding.
I'm using the summer color way of Paula Prass' Flights of Fancy.

You need a pair of sewing scissors. Ones dedicated only to cutting fabric.

You need straight pins and pin cushions.
A little about the straight pins . . . buy ones specifically for quilting. They are longer than your standard straight pins. They are usually sold in packs of 100 so get a couple of packs. Better to have too many than not enough.
And you need more than one pin cushion. I have 3 so that I can keep one by my sewing machine, one on my cutting table and one at my ironing board. That way you don't have to carry it with you everywhere you go.

You need thread. Duh. But I have found that quality of thread really makes a difference. I love, love, love Mettler thread. I love it so much I want to marry it.
When buying thread be sure to get several spools. I do most of my quilt assembly sewing with white, natural or gray thread. You won't see these stitches so just pick something that works well for you. While you are buying thread, it is a good time to remember what color your binding fabric is and to purchase thread that will match that. Or rather, blend with that. If your binding is going to be red then get red thread.
Isn't that aqua thread heavenly? And that red! Have I mentioned my love for Mettler thread?

You also need a rotary cutter, a rotary cutting mat and a straight edge in which to use them both. I use Olfa rotary cutters, mats and straight edges. They are pricey but worth every penny. Guaranteed.
While you are at it be sure to buy extra blades for your rotary cutter.

Finally, you will need an iron, a sewing machine (Not an absolute necessity. I mean you could do it by hand easily enough.), and ironing board. You do not want a picture of my ironing board. Trust me. It would make you want to hide under your coffee table and suck your thumb. I really need to make a new cover. And I shall. Someday.
So, I thought I would give away some Olfa goods!

I will give 9 sets of Olfa goodness to 9 different winners. Each set includes:
1 Olfa 12"x12" rotating self-healing rotary mat
1 Olfa 45 mm quick change rotary cutter
1 Olfa 6"x12" frosted non-slip ruler

You'll like the easy blade change capability of this cutter.

Leave a comment on this post for a chance to win one of the Olfa sets. Let me know that you are participating in the quilt along and that you have run over to Flickr and joined the Old Red Barn Co. Quilt Along 2009 group.
I'll leave the comments open until 7pm EDST on Wednesday, May 20, 2009 and randomly pick the winners soon there after. Due to the shipping cost, this particular contest is open to US residents only. But don't fret . . . there will be others that will be open internationally. And they will be good. Scouts honor.
Ok. So. Now, you know what supplies you need and you have a week to get them together. May the force be with you.
P.S. Wanna add this button to your blog, website, Facebook or Twitter? Please do. Copy and paste the html code in the box below. Thank you.

1 – 200 of 299 Newer› Newest»Lordy! Lordy! What have I gotten into!I done gone and collected all my supplies....cutter, mat, ruler, pins (I'm using some of them right now but they will be frees up before the day is over) pin cushions (i have a ton of these!) thread, binding fabric and 12 half yard (or more cuts of fabric. Oh iron and sewing machine all cleaned and ready for work. I need a new ironing board cover too!
And I joined the FLICKR group.
I joined the Flickr group, but I have a couple of questions before starting ...
What will the finished size of the quilt be??
Can you use 24 fat quarters instead of 12 1/2-yard cuts?? Not that I think I'll be able to coordinate 24 different fabrics, but this looks like it could be a great stash-buster.
Thanks for teaching this!! Being a SAHM of 4 kiddos makes getting out of the house regularly for a quilting class difficult!!
I'm echoing Wendy's question re: FQs. Plus I'm signed up with the Flickr group. And thanks for the HTML code! :)
I joined the Flickr group also.
I was also wondering about using fat quarters. I'm hoping to be able to shop from the stash too. I'm in a scrappy kind of mood lately.
I actually think I might have 12 1/2 yards, but I might not have 1/2 yard cuts of everything, i am assuming fat quarters will not work? I did join the flickr group!
I am participating in the quilt-a-long, and I have joined the flicker group!
I joinded the flicker group and have all supplies except the fabric.
Will I be quilting this on my machine?
I have only ever hand quilted.
Thanks for the shove to start and finish a project in a short time span.
This is going to be fun! I am definitely joining the quilt along and have already signed up over at the flickr group! I am wondering about fabric though... is it important to know lights and darks for this quilt? Or just get some fabric you love and it will work?
I'm in! This sounds fun. :)
Joined the flicker group and running out to pick up fabrics. And oh how I could use the cutting supplies--mine are bargain basement and desperately need replacing!
I joined the flickr group and now i need to sift through my stash and see if i have 12 half yard cuts of fabric i can use. i like the quilt we're making. yay!
Sounds like fun, I can't wait to start! I'm on my way to flicker!
I may have to try this! That machine looks interesting!
Amen to Olfa! Been using them since I started quilting and never "cheated" on them in hopes of something better. ;)
I joined the Flickr group - my handle is "sunflowersinthegarden".
This is my first quilt along and I have only made 3 quilts so far. I am really excited about this and I can't wait to see everyone's projects during the next six weeks..
How cool! I'm in and I've already joined the Flickr group. Can't wait!!
OK yeah - finally finished the Oh Fransson quilt-a-long so I can join this one. Sounds fun! Now I need to go pick out the fabric.
Thanks for being so generous!
Hi! I've been reading your blog for months without leaving any comments - especially like your tunes. So now it's time to get off my rump and join in the shinanigans! been quilting for about 6 months and I'm addicted - should be fun to play along with the group. Thanks for doing this!
I'm off to look for fabric (and I just joined the Flickr pool)!
Okay. Don't tell anyone, because I'm technically not allowed to start any more projects, but I'm going to do the quilt-along. I already joined the flickr group, and I just picked my fabrics. Your offerings are too good to pass up, plus, it's just a gorgeous quilt. I'm so excited!
Joined the group. Ordered my fabric. Cant wait to begin!
oh i am soooooo excited ... cant wait to start ... been to flicker but for some reason its down at the moment ... will check back .. will definately join in the fun ... :)
I'm in like flynn! I'm off to join your flickr group. I'm hoping, hoping, hoping that I win one of these 9 prizes! I need a rotating mat badly! And a new cutter. Mine is ancient. And I just read Jessica's comment. We won't tell a soul. Because? Technically? I too have so many projects and need another one, like I need a... well, you get it. So your secret is safe with us! ooxx`jodi
I've only made two quilts ever. I want to tag along...not sure if my machine will keep up. It's not been behaving lately. I've been making pillows and it's not been holding up to par.
Count me in.....
I may be off oldest is graduating and life is a bit hectic right now.
I love this idea!! I wanted to learn how to quilt and with help is much better!
Thank you very much.
I'll try to keep up although I don't have a sewing machine...
Yup, I'm doing it! 'Cause... who wouldn't want to join in? I've been wanting to make a blue and orange quilt for our bed for awhile now. This will be the perfect quick and easy project I need to do it. Woohoo!
This is my first quilt along and I'm soo excited! The prizes look amazing and I love that its going to be broken into manageable chunks. Off to find fabric in my stash, maybe I won't have enough and have an excuse to buy more;)
I am joining in the fun ! I have joined the flickr group and am trying to put the button on my blog but my blog is giving me a hard time !
I have all the supplies but may need to buy more fabric (hahah - any excuse!)
Thank-you for organising this !
This is a great reason to go shopping! Like i really needed one :) LOL Did you ask anyone to prep packets of fof in half yard cuts?? I noticed your sponsors had changed :)
I've joined the flickr group and posted a link to fb - I have non-quilty friends that need to learn :)
Yes, I am in, in, in!!! I have a few fabrics in mind from my stash and have to go buy the others. Lucky me.
I've joined the flickr group!
I am very excited... this is my first quilt or sew along! Hopefully this I can actually get it finished! I 2nd the fat quarters question :).
Now off to get all the other stuff ready & clean off an area to use it! My current set up works great for clothes, but it's just not gonna cut it for quilting!
Sounds like a great quilt along.
I am all signed up for the quilt-a-long, and SO excited! I have never taken a quilting class before - but have been sewing for quite some time. I LOVE your blog.
I am "pushing my thumbs" to win a give away.
Thanks for teaching this!
Jamie Brockbank
I'm so in! I joined the Flickr group. And I totally want to win the supplies! I'm a new quilter and have been borrowing supplies from friends. This will be my first non-baby blanket! Yay!
I'm in...I've joined the Flickr group...and I even have Flights of Fancy (spring) to use!!! And I love my Janome...but she's over 12 years old...and it would be so amazingly awesome to have a new one!!!
Count me in! I just joined the Flickr group and am now off to pick out fabrics. Fun!!
i joined the flickr group.
gotta get some fabrics.
so i am in. like. flin.
Hi! Jodi sent me! What a wonderful blog...I will be spending a bit of time here looks like! I just joined your QAL and appreciate your doing this for us! Thanks for the chance to enter your contest, too!
dfuller55 at verizon dot net
Jodi Sent me too-- what a generous offer, my cutting mat is shot---I'd love to win!!!count me in.
I am so excited about this!!! I just joined the Flikr group.
I'm not the greatest quilter (much better at clothes), but I am hoping this will help improve my skills, or at least make it more enjoyable! :)
I am so excited to learn! I'm in the flikr group and ready to roll!
I am very excited!!! Plus these are insane giveaways!! I'm attending my first maching quilting class on Wednesday.... Will sign up on flickr when I can remember my yahoo id.
hmmm...that will make 5 sew-along type things I'm doing at one time! And finishing up the homeschool year...and planting a garden....not to mention all the normal life things! And yes, I've joined the flickr group.
signed in to flicker ... ready to join ... cant wiat to start ...
I am SO in... :) Going to run and join the flickr group! :) Thanks!
Ok, I'm gonna give this a try. Should be interesting as I am due any day with baby #2. I may lag behind, but we'll see how it goes. I echo the questions about fat quarters, too. Headed over to flickr.
i am so excited! time to go pick out some fabric! I running over to flickr now!!
I'm in. And being a big fat copy cat, I've decided t go with Gingerblossom fabric. and I joined up on flickr!! Let the games begin!! Libby
I'm in!! I have of course joined flickr, but am still up in the air over what fabrics to use. I LOVE Olfa but have not sprung for the lovely mat and straight edge, or the new cutter!
I am so phyched to be doing this. Does it matter if we want to do a different quilt pattern? I've joined the flickr group!
I have joined! I even ordered flights of fancy fabric today, what a fab excuse to get some. I joined the flickr group this morning and am so anxious to begin.
I'm in! Just need to find out if I can use fat quarters too, or do I have to go buy *more* fabric?! If so, just another "excuse" to buy more fabric. :)
Just joined the Flickr group.
And tomorrow I am going to pick out my fabric!!
Just joined the flickr name is pics4d....This is my first "Along" anything!:) I needed something to inspire me...I've been in a rut...Thanks!:)
This is going to be SOOOO much fun. Thank you SOOO very much for offering this quilt along! This is my first and a perfect reason to set my quilting supplies out of the back of the cabinet!
I'm in! Hoping to hear if FQs will work!!!!! On to flickr right now- hope it's easy for this tech-challenged g-ma!
oh, yes, I did join the flicker group.
I am totally in on this! I also joined the flicker group (name there is barefootprincess). I can't wait to get started! fun! I might have to do this. I love that Flights of Fancy fabric and have a few yards of one of the bird prints. Can I ask how big the quilt is going to be? Or can we make it as big as we want it as we go along through the process? I guess I'm just wondering what 1/2 yard of 12 prints is going to get me, size-wise.
I joined the flicker group this morning! I am still debating the flights of fancy fabrics...too hard to decide! But, I was leaning toward the summer colorway. we shall see.:)
What size will this finish to? Is is a bed quilt or more of a throw. That will influence which fabric I decide to use. :)
Hmmm. .I want to do this so badly as I LOVE the quilt!! I am going to try. . .with grad school & sports 4 nights a week plus work & sleep. . .I might be a bit behind. . . but I'm wanting to try:) Heading to flckr
No way you are giving away Olfa supplies!!!
To be honest I have a full Fiskers set and am less than impressed. My mat has cracked and even torn apart along the tri-fold lines. Everyone says to get Olfa...and here is my chance!!!!
I am joining this sew-along because i love quilting!!! I will also be out of state visiting my sister for two weeks (25th through the 5th) and I am really wanting a project to work on while I am there and she is at work. And I will be honest, the chance to win a sewing machine, a Janome none the less is a very exciting thought!
Thank you so much for such a fun opportunity not only to make a quilt but for fun goodies and a great community of people to interact with =)
I'm so excited to be doing this quilt. I entered the drawing when you gave it away (sadly didn't win!) so now I can make my own! I'm going to hunt through my stash tonight!
I have the Olfa quick change cutter and I LOVE IT!!! So much so that I don't pick up any of my other cutters anymore - joy would be having another one!!
Can't wait to start!
I would love new cutting supplies!
Oh I love the look of the aqua and red together. I have used Mettler for a long time too... it sews really well.
Thanks for hosting this. What a neat idea.
OK, I'm jumping in with both feet!!! I hope I can keep up!! Now I need to go purchase some fabric... what to get?
Bet Granny never had any tools that cool to quilt with. But bet she'd like them : )
Oh ... yes.... Dana, I joined the flickr group too! (Hi Tipper!) Em
I joined the flickr group. I really really really want to participate but may have to do a quilt-alone. Unless I win the supplies you're offering, then I can start right away. Otherwise I'll need to wait for the cash flow. Fingers crossed!
Yea! I joined the flickr group, I bought some fabric from Fabricworm on etsy and I am raring to go. I'm so glad I stumbled over here last week.
Ok, I'm in! Although, I'm laid off from work, and may get called back at any time....maybe this will get me the call. I have all the supplies, but could use a new mat, cutter and straight edge! I'm off to join the group, post on my blog and facebook. Can't wait till next week.
Sew with me!
Yeah for a great giveaway. I so need a new cutting mat and cutter. Mine are so old and worn out. I am joining the quilt-a-long and have joined the flickr group. Thanks! Can't wait to start. I am looking through my stash to pick some fabrics.
Joining the Flickr group now!
"May the force be with you." You are feeling sassy now aren't you.
I guess I gotta get shopping and get some fabric. I got some Jane Sassamans I've been collection that should be perfect!
I joined the flickr group earlier today and I've got everything except the fabric, most of my stash is 1/2 yards but I'm not sure I have 12 that will go together... hmmm... I may "have" to go shopping.
I'm set and I'm in the Flickr group! Ready to go!
I joined the group sucessfully, but am having trouble on facebook. I'll work on that.
Ready to go!
I just found your blog --it's so great. I would love to do the quilt along & I just signed up on flikr
This looks like a good time. I'm in. Thanks for the button. :-)
i am so in!!!! joined flickr group
Wow, I wanted to win that quilt, I will be happy to make one though! I also joined the Flicker group.
I'm in! I've the supplies and the fabric and I'm just crazy enough to think I can do this - along with everything else on my plate! Thanks for the fun! Nan
Oooooo, I am ready to play! Play and maybe win too! Thanks Dana
This sounds like fun and I'm off to join on Flicker!
I'm so excited...I've been waiting for the perfect reason to pick up some Flights of Fancy and here it is! I've joined the flickr group and have gathered my supplies!
I joined on Flickr and look forward to this quilt a long. I love Olfa products and would LOVE to win!
Joined the Flickr group and can't wait to get started. I have most of my supplies, but need to head up some more fabric to coordinate. Maybe this time I'll actually finish my quilt project instead of staring at it on my wall for the last month. Thanks Dana, I always enjoy reading your blog.
Hi Dana!
I joined the flickr group and I am so stoked to do a quilt along! Your blog is awesome and I love your quilts, so I know this is going to be one great quilt. I have the same question as others about the fat quarters. Hopefully, you will address some of these questions this week before we get started? I hope I win the olfa mats!
Hi Dana, count me in. I'm a newbie, just finishing my very first quilt. I've done it all by tutorials so far, so I'm thrilled to have a chance to learn a little more actively. Hopefully equivalent FQs will do - I have stash that I'd like to use for this project.
Ok, going to try this. I have made a couple of quilts, but they weren't very good. Maybe the quilt-along will help.
I have the same question re: FQ's - I'd love to stash-but on this puppy, but if I must buy new fabric, I will.
p.s. - Flickr'ed (I'm hrothgar103 over there) and Buttoned on my blog.
Oh, I joined the Flickr group!! :)
These quilt alongs are so fun! Thanks. And thanks for the goodies to win! I'm there...
This is very exciting ! I think I may have the fabric needed, checking that now.
I joined the flickr group and will post a pic of my fabric as soon as possible.
Now I am heading over to add your button to my blog.
I'm in!!!! Supplies...check! I've added the Flickr group as well.
I wanna win!
Wow....I have another brand of rotary cutter and realize now that the OLFA would have been a better choice. I really REALLY need one of those rotating cutting mats (so I don't chop off a finger or worse trying to cut all the sides without turning the ruler) And that frosted ruler has been on my wish list for a while.
Pick me! please !
I signed up with the Flickr group. I am really excited about joining. I have been wanting to make a quilt for my bed and this was perfect timing.
I joined the Flickr group and I cannot wait to get started on this quilt along!!!
I'm in. Using fabrics my mom had for years in her cupboard and just gave to me to "practice" with. So... practice I will go. Hmm, now to figure out how to get onto the flicker group.
OK...I have never tried a quilt along, or for that matter any "along" nor have I ever signed up for a Flickr group but today is as good a day as any to learn how :) I recently was given a stash of fabrics from my church quilt group to find a new home for and many found a home with ME so scrappy it will be. Here we go...
I'm signed up for the flickr group and I plan to participate in the quilt along. I can't wait.
My cutting mat was destroyed in my last move so I could really use a new one.
Thank you for hosting this great event!
Girl... I'm there. You're button is as good as posted on my blog and consider me along. "Following you" and "quilting"... does it get better?!
p.s. my sister's wedding is 5 weeks away and i meant to make her a quilt... this is serendipidity, or as good as it gets!
Ok, Thanks to park city girl, Amy I've jumped in. I really am not sure what I'm doing. I love to quilt that part I'm familiuar with its the internet that is my challenge. I'm excited to do this quilt it looks very pretty. I even bought my fabric today.
Woot woot, what a prize package! We could use some more cutting supplies since my hubby has decided to take up quilting! I'm in! And I joined the flickr group too. So fun! Thank you for doing this! P.S. Loving your music so much.
I have joined the group on Flickr and can't wait to get started!
Hiya! I have posted your link to my blog, hopefully you will get lot's of hit's.
Very inspirational website makes me want to make a quilt.
I like the video on Carolina too.
Well this should be great fun, just finished my masters degree and suddenly have all the time in the world! This will be the second quilt I've ever worked on, can't wait!
Joined the Flickr group as well.
Sounds like fun...I'm going to give it a try. I'll have to check my stash and see what other fabrics are need. I'll stop by flickr to join the group.
Oh, yeah, hi! I'm the one who will pack the house in boxes and yet join a quilt-along. Crazy...yeah that's me.
Okay, I really shouldn't start another project, but this seems like so much fun. So please count me in. I'm off to join the flickr group and shop in my stash!
and i joined the flickr pool
Can't wait to get started!! have made a couple quilts but am excited to do this. I have joined flikr
But... but... I can't sew!! I don't even know how to thread my machine!
Next time, have a "Photo-along" okay? :) That, I can join.
What am I thinking! I've joined the group, added my picture and am questioning my sanity. I have a library to close down in the next three weeks! It just looks like so much fun.
OH MY I am EXCITED! I did join flicker and can't wait to go shopping! This is a first for me!
This is an awesome idea and I'm very excited to quilt-along! Just hope I can keep up.
i've joined the group and will be gathering my fabric this week! thanks for the awesome oppurtunity.
So So So excited! I just bought some more fabric today (because I really needed more fabric, didn't I?) Can't wait to join you, and I hope I can manage to add your graphic on my sidebar. Thank you for the inspiration!
Finally someone to share all that fills their mind and time! I am so ready to learn : )
okay. off to join the flickr group (my first ever!) and that quilt, dana, was how i found my way to your blog last year. someone else had linked to it. can't remember who, though!
I am so excited! I just joined your flicker group! THANKS.
i so wish i could join you in real time. i'll just have to do it once we move.
A QAL yay! I'm in and I love how flickr gives you all the others to share the experience. Now to the fabric shelves to find 12 I love.
A QAL yay! I'm in and I love how flickr gives you all the others to share the experience. Now to the fabric shelves to find 12 I love.
Wow, I don't care how busy I am, this is too great to pass up! Count me in!!
I'm in Dana! Just joined flicker (lucieboone) and I'm excited about picking out my fabrics. I love that quilt you gave away...gorgeous! This will be fun!
Ok, I am soooo in!! Cuz I should be able to squeeze in one more project, right?! LOL This is going to be so fun, watching everyone's progress! I am a very beginner quilter, but have sewn my whole life. Really looking forward to learning this step by step!! THANK YOU Dana for doing this!!! You rock girl! On my way to join flicker :) woohoooo... here we gooooo!!!!
How fun will this be? After debating with myself all afternoon, I decided to just go for first quilt-along. I am sooo excited! Thank you so much for doing this, Dana! I joined this group on flickr and posted the button on my blog, too. Cannot wait to get my fabric gathered!
I'm ready too.... My Supplies are all gathered, my Quilting space is cleaned and ready... I have join the Flickr group... I'm ready for the starting flag.... Ready, set, Go....
I'm in! Now to pick out fabric!
I have joined the flickr group and added your button to my blog. I am excited to join your group and look forward to the fun.
I'm so excited about this! I can't wait to see how it all comes out!
Yes, I've joined the flickr group and will be participating in the quilt along!! Can't wait to get started. :)
oh my first quilt a long!! and thanks for making such a great one! i have joined the flikr group too. please dont enter me for this contest as i am in australia...but feel free to put me into the international section!!
PS can we use fat quarters? gotta order my fabric
Oh I'm in for sure. Lookslike a lot of fun. I'm off to join the flicker group - not sure how to do it but will sure try!
Thanks - Annette in San Diego
Okay, I've joined the Flickr group, which was the easy part. Now to decide on fabrics! I'm hoping one of the two quilt shops in town will have some Flights of Fancy.
I just happened upon this - exciting stuff! I joined the Flickr group and I am going to check out my fabrics now and see if I can make this work without purchasing too much. I'm excited! Well kinda skeered about the quilting week but that is a ways off. PRIZES TOO?? WOWEEE!
count me in on this one. sounds like fun and i do like to try and win something. could use a new sewing machine if it is in the cards.
I cannot wait to get started! i joined the flickr group :]
OK. I'm in!
I've joined!
I've flickr'd!
I've uploaded!
I've added a button!
And I've blogged about it:
Andi :-)
This sounds wonderful. You are certainly generous!
Goodness that's a nice giveaway...such generosity! Are you giving away the machine? Or is a local venue handling that? Either way...great giveaway!
Hi, I am so excited about this event! I've also joined you over on Flickr--yea! Thanks for the entry--
This is unbelievable and soooo great! I can't wait to see the end result! Thanks for everything!
I joined Flicker and am anxious (as always) to absorb/envy/stalk everyone's creativity!!
I have always wanted to do a quilt along but always missed the deadline! This will be my 2nd quilt so I'm still a newbie and looking forward to learning a lot!
Joined the flickr group and will be posting this on my blog soon! Can't wait to pick out my fabrics for this!
whew. I think I'm going to try to fit this into my crazy busy. The boys need quilts for their new big boy beds - this is just the push I need to get at least one done.
I joined the flickr group and I posted the button on my blog:
Off to dig out some fabric. Anything to avoid scrubbing floors....
Sounds like fun! And with great giveaways too! I'm in need of a new rotary cutter...
A chance to play with fabric AND win stuff? Oh yeah. I'm in.
Oh how fun, I needed something to kick me creatively in the butt. Off to find some fabrics :)
Oh and I joined the flickr group and posted the button on my blog
I am VERY excited to join this quilt along. Now I will try and figure out how to grab your button. Can't wait!
I love your blogs and read regularly. This sounds like so much fun. I could really use a new mat and rotary cutter. Thanks for your inspiration!
WoW what fun I'm excited to follow along with your project.
I hope you have a great day. :o}
okie dokie...I'm all signed up...let's go!
Please enter me for the giveaway. I'm thinking about joining the quilt along. sounds like tons of fun! great giveaway!!!
I'm so excited to be doing this quilt-along!! It will be fun to make this quilt and learn something new. I joined the FLICKR group too.
I'm in! Sounds like fun. On my way to flicker and telling my friends about it also. This is great!
Sounds like fun...count me in. I have a sewing machine, now I just need the fabric and all the fun olfa products. Maybe I'll win some. ;-) This is the perfect project to get me started, thanks!!!
I really want to make this quilt. I have never tried before but with you teaching how could I go wrong. I'll post your button on Carolina Crafting. I think this is way cool.
I have never done this before but it sounds like fun and I am going to give it a try. I've joined up and did the FLICKR thing. I am going to email my girlfriend and tell her about this too. I would love to have that sewing machine!!!
Im in!!! Heres to hoping that I finally finish a quilt... Im headed over to flickr now :)
I'm hoping to join this QAL asap. I just need to get to payday! Thanks for the contest.
How cool! Love the fabrics you choose. I have a collection that will be perfect for the quilt-a-long. Thanks for hosting!
Crazy, I can not remember if I already posted a comment or not, I am crazy, too much going on. I love this idea and thank you so much for sharing your time and talent with us.
I have to sit this one out...really...I'm behind several projects right now and I need to get them done before I "play" anymore! But I plan to enjoy the quiltalong vicariously. :)
Hi! I am so excited to be quilting right along with you! Thanks so much for the tutorial. I kinda taught myself to quilt, and I always run into the same problems when I am quilting, because I never actually learned the right way. It will be so great to see your strategies! I am going to make a Ireland inspired quilt for my Irish grandma's 80th birthday. Hope I win one of your giveaways! Love your blog by the way, have you linked in my sidebar, and read everytime you post something new! Thanks for the inspiration!
Oh my! How fabulous! Thanks for the supply list!
What a fun project! The best part will be seeing the fabrics that each participant chooses for their quilt. Please enter me in your Olfa giveaway.
I didn't think I would be able to join in the quilt along but my machine is finally fixed and I am picking it up today! Thanks for another fun giveaway.
how exciting!! my mat is all warped from getting it wet- this would be very helpful! thanks for all you are doing!
Fab give away. Thank-you. Your post reminded me I need some new blades.
Did anyone ask about smaller quilt sizing? That is alot of fabric. Is it a queen?
Very exciting stuff!!
joined the flickr, now to pick out some fabric.
on a side note, i know i already commented once, but how big is the final quilt going to be?
All my tools and supplies are ready and I've figured out how to sign on to the Flickr group so that's done. I've picked out pink fabrics from my stash,lots and lots of pink! Like you, I need a new ironing board cover and had every good intention of buying one this past weekend when I was out shopping and totally forgot!! And like you, I'll get one soon. LOL!
I'll give it a go!
Hi Dana,
You're going to be busy just keeping up to all the quilty questions and emailing going on!
I have a U.S. address and could use a smaller mat and straight edge. This is soooo exciting!
I joined flickr too!
Thank you for doing this!
I'm a more experienced quilter, but I think I'll join in, too. I like this pattern and have been itching to try something new. Thanks for all the work you are putting into this!
wow such great stuff...I'd love to be as talented as you are!
This quilt along is just in time! I have been fretting for the last couple of weeks over how I am going to learn to get further than just sewing up a (very) simple quilt top and someday actually have a fully finished quilt in my hands.
And those thread colors are making me drool too.
I've joined the flickr group, and I'll be quilting along as well. I'm a pretty big beginner, but it'll be fun. :)
I would love a new rotary cutter. Mine keeps falling apart!
I think I'm going to join the quilt along but need to go look at my stash first...
I am new to quilting and I have a lot of qeestions so I am looking forward to this quilt along. The rotary cutter scares me, I have heard horror stories about nipped fingers so I think I will stick to my siccors and chalk lines for now until I become more familiar to it. Thanks for doing this for all us newbies.
I'm looking forward to working on a new project...this is just what I need to get inspired. Thank you! How generous of you to be running this....thank you thank you!!
supplies: check
flickr: check
I'm in. thank so much for a great quilt along.
I can't wait to get started!
Would love to try this new rotary cutter! Thanks for hosting the Quiltalong:)
This came along just in time for summer! Thanks for hosting and I am looking forward to it. I love quilt a longs.
I am totally between projects and I'd love to sew-along :) Count me in, snagging the button now! xoxo melzie
here. {with my hand raised}
Okay, I'm going to try! This will be my first 'real' quilt....and it might take me until December to finish it....but I'm going to try! :)
count me in!
This sounds like a great project. I need all the help I can get.
Would love to win the Olfa stuff, just starting to quilt and have no supplies, other than a sewing machine. I have fallen in love with all the pretty fabric and BEAUTIFUL quilts I have seen.
I'm all joined up! This is going to be fun!
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