Beginning Monday, I will be starting a 6 week quilt along. I am hoping that you'll join me because it will be lots of fun.
And cause I'll be using fabric from Paula Prass for Michael Miller Fabrics called Flights of Fancy.
And cause there will be lots of prizes along the way.
And cause at the end of it all I'm going to give away a Janome 6600.
And if I get lots and lots of comments then I'll give away my quilt too.
Won't you join the fun?

This sounds like a blast! I'll be back Monday to check it out. I have fabric for a quilt that I've been meaning to get to, this may help!
I have been patiently waiting!
And OH. MY. GOODNESS. I would love a chance to win a new sewing machine!
Sounds like tons of fun! I am in!! I posted it on my blog as well.
I'm in!!
Holy Smokes girl! Fabulous! Can't wait to join the fun. ooxx`jodi
sounds awesome! i'll be back on monday!
xo sas
Oh fun!
Oh wow! This sounds like motivation to get a quilt finished! I would love to win that machine. I am blogging about this at Winding Threads. Thanks so much.
This will be the answer to my unfinished quilt projects. Thank you!
Wow... I guess this is a bit of incentive to get my sewing room back in order and start up that old machine of mine!
I have no idea how to do this.
I hope when you tell us how I'll be able to participate.
Sounds like a lot of fun. The sewing machine looks incredible.
Oh sweetness...
I am intrigued to hear what this is all about.
Sounds like fun! I hope to be able to play along!
holy. mother-load. cow.
This sounds like fun. I will check back on Monday.
Wow! Didn't you test drive this machine awhile back? Sounds like fun to join a quilt-along.
This sounds like fun! I'll be back on Monday!
Okay crazy girl! LOL!
Can't wait to hear more!
Oh! I'm all about this!
Do we have to use the same fabric as you? Will there be more instructions?
I'm sure there will be. I'll calm down now.
Ooohh! Sounds exciting!
Wow..... Russ
A new sewing machine? My 30 year old Kenmore will be jealous! Can't wait to hear more about the quilt-along.
Wendy Fouche
This may be just the kick in the pants I need! I'm excited, thanks for doing this!
I've been 'following' your blog for awhile but never commented...until now. I am so in. This is just what I need to get going on my first quilt EVER! Yay!!!
I wanna win the machine. ;) It'll be a great way to "settle" into my new place. :)
I knew there was more to that machine! :) Sounds like fun!! I'll have to see if I can play on Monday when you have details! Go Dana!!
What?what? You are just too crazy! Of course you know I'm in :-)
Better go finish my last quilt-a-long quilt!
What fun!!! Can't wait for details.
Sounds like fun! I can't wait to see the quilts!
I don't know about quilt a long, but girl, would love to own that machine. I too own a 30 something yr old Kenmore. I will be watching the fun. I'm curious as to how your able to give that amazing machine away.
Tell me more!!
What do you do to be a part of a quilt along? I might want to give this a try....
Holy Smokes! I'm in!
I can't wait! Just the push I need to start the going away quilt for my niece.
What a fun idea!
Sounds like fun to join in, prizes or not! I need a quilt along!
Sounds really fun!
I am so in! It sounds like a lot of fun! I have some new fabrics that I have been wanting to do something with!
Okay, I'll just trust you and join the quilt-a-long even though I kind of don't even know what it is or how it's done.... but how can it not be fun right? I'll check back on Monday.
sounds great!
Sounds wonderful!
I've just been over to check out that fabric line .... LOVE it very much.
And the sewing machine too!!
Sounds like fun.
Let's see if I can make some time in my life to join in.
Andi :-)
Ah ha! I've been waiting for this!!Sounds like fun!! Libby
yup- i'm in
i'll join in. i'm a sucker for a quilt-a-long and boy do i need a new sewing machine.
I would like to try. I am working in three quilts right now.
Sounds awesome! I do love a good quilt-along! I'm in!
Sounds like fun!!
I've got my fabric and rotary cutter all ready!
I'm so excited!!!
I want to try. Ever since you menitoned the Janome 6600 - I have been checking out websites for it, I am wanting one so badly.
oh boy! it sounds fun!!
I'll be checking in on Monday! Sounds like fun!
See ya Monday!!
I can't wait!! Love that fabric.
Oh I'm in!!! This is exciting...anxiously awaiting Monday.
My first quilt along. I'll be back to see the excitement Monday. Fun fun fun.
That sounds fun and overwhelming both! I've been determined to finish my quilt that's been waiting a year before starting another but I think I'll make an exception and give this a try!
I'll join in too! Your quilts are always wonderful so it will be fun to be a part of it. The Janome is a great machine too and I would love to win it!
i can't wait...
looking forward to seeing the design and fabric requirements ... i am hoping i can use something i already have! like maybe my collection of "good folks" ... ? can't wait!
This will be a great motivator for keeping busy during summer vacation. Can't wait to see what you've got up your sleeve. :)
Well this sounds like fun and might actually keep me on track. Any rules or do we find that out later?
This is an awesome idea! I am definitely going to join in. Can't wait til Monday!
I have a Kenmore 10 stitch! I can't even imagine winning a current sewing machine! Oh the possibilities!
Thanks for the chance!
That's an awesome machine - I'll be back to check out the fun on Monday.
Wow, first time on a Friday morning that I've actually looked forward to Monday!!!!
Lisa M.
It is my first visit today, and I'll be back on Monday to see what this is all about!
I'm so in on this one, wait, am I disqualified? Oh well, even if I am it will still be fun to play along. SOOOOOO Excited about all of this.
Can't wait to hear the details!!!
And I'm excited to enter another contest you're putting together!
I very much want to, but will have to wait to see the details. We're going on vacation in 4 weeks and I won't be near a machine for a good while.
sounds fun! i'm in!
I'm already doing a quilt a long with crazy Mom Quilts, but I'll be observing with interest what you have in mind. We're heading rapidly into winter here in Australia, so the more quilts, the merrier!
I would love to join you on your 'Quilt Along'. Any excuse to sew is fine by me! Can't wait to see more!
Best wishes,
Oh me, Oh my! I don't know exactly what a quilt along is, but as I listen to Ryan Adams on your blog.... I just might be game. Loved what you had to say about daisies. Flowers, music, fabric, being outside, being with my kids... it gives me the juice I need. Thanks for your energy and enthusiasm... you add to the beauty of this world.
Love that fabric choice. I've been drooling over it lately.
HOLY MOLY, I will be back Monday. See ya then!
Have a great weekend.
I'm in! sounds like alot of fun!
My word! Does this sound like fun! Although I don't know the rules...I am willing to learn...will check back Monday....
Sounds like such fun! Laurez
I want to join too. I would like to know the details also. Of course winning a new machine to replace my 26 year old machine wouldn't be so bad either.
I don't want to miss out on all the fun! Count me in! And I am bloggin' about you too!
I've never done a quilt along but it sounds like fun!
Count me in!
Sounds like lots of fun!! Can't wait to see what we'll be making!!
Grace said:
sounds a lot of fun ... will definately join in ... :) ... see you all on monday. Grace
wow. i was going to say, sorry,i don't quilt, but i might have to start!
I have been planning on starting to quilt (I generally prefer the instant satisfaction of smaller sewing projects like toddler clothes!). I can't wait to hear more about it & join you!
Everything Your Mama Made & More!
That sounds like fantastic fun ! Will have a look what it is you are doing and maybe dive into my stash..
this sounds like fun. my first quilt a long. i will check back on monday
We're so excited about doing a quilt a long with you. It will be a first. A great motivator for our new quilting group!
I have been following your blog since January, and I love what you do, I hope I can follow along with you!
I barely have time to breathe lately but will try! Who wouldn't like to win a new sewing machine/!
This sounds like a good way to get me back to my sewing machine! I've bookmarked your site so I can come back tomorrow and see what's happening.
Sign me up :-)
Sounds really fun! I've been wanting to get back into quilting so this is the perfect project to get me back in the game! Thank you! Susan
Oh, I'm glad I happened upon your blog today! I'm in. I need a "me" project to piece since my kids' quilts are being worked through on the frame now and I'm done with the "for everyone else" quilt tops for hte moment. Woo-hoo!
Why is it that I'm always afraid to commit to quilt-alongs? Well this time maybe because I'll be moving in a couple of weeks and YET since I will be moving in a couple of weeks this would be my only chance at a new sewing machine for a while. So here I go!
I wanna play!
Sounds like fun, let me know what I need to do to participate.
I am a new quilter so as long as it is not too complicated I would love to join in. :)
Looking forward to a Flight of Fancy with you for the next six weeks!
AWESOME giveaway!
This looks like it could be a lot of fun. Kind of like a mystery quilt!!
Please count me in. Love your quilts. Looks like next six weeks will be a lot of fun!
So I assume Janome is sponsoring this? Are you being paid? Are you being paid by Michael Miller?
Have you considered being transparent about this?
I need some kind of help... especially with kiddos underfoot now that school's out... Count me in.
Oooh, fun! I've been looking for a new quilt project, and I'll have to make up for being late! :)
Here's my encouragement for everyone to join in: I have a janome 6600p and I LOOOOOOOVE it (and I won it in a contest, too!) Let's get stitching!
Well, imagine all the sewing I would accomplish on a new machine!! Bliss. I am trying to finish a quilt right now so this is going to help, I just need to find the time :).
Ohh, I just found this quilt along. I'm totaly in! I just need to catch up :-)
Sounds like a fun project---can I join in??? (hope so!!!)
Feverishing working to get set up in flickr to participate. Drats! Missed another opportunity for a great prize! Maybe next week...
Just found out about this..I am going to try and catch up over the weekend....this looks like fun.
I just found out about this today and will hurry to catch up. Count me in!
I just found this today too. I'll catch up this weekend. Count me in too! I'm already set up on flicker, I'll join the group right away.
I just came across your blog and want to say "Thank You". I have always wanted to learn how to make a quilt, a real quilt that I may one day pass down to my grandchildren.
As the mother of a disabled young adult, crafting is my therapy. I look forward to your weekly instructions =)
I think I am ready for my first real quilt-along. And this one sounds fabulous!
Sounds like fun. Can't wait, have fabric that's waiting to be used!
Getting a bit of a late start, but very excited about joining in! Thanks so much.
This is my first quilt-along EVER. I know I'm getting a late start, but I'm going upstairs to cut my strips right now!
I found this a little late, but am excited to make my first big quilt. The flights of fancy fabrics you choose are beautiful.
I would love to join in. Of course, I have many projects in the works already, but I have a wonderful kit of fabrics just waiting to be used.
I am interested in joining. What do I need to do?
Please, count me to the SAL and of course for the Sewing Machine give away, maybe I have a lucky girl and I can enjoy my first quilt machine and keep my domestic.
This is my first quilt along also. I'm late but I'm in. Please sign me up!!
Okay, I think I am caught up. All my strips are cut. Tomorrow I sew.
I used fat 1/4s from my stash. All black and whites with a splash of red!
I'm definitely joining in. Already got some pics up on Flickr. :)
I'm in! Just got home from vacation and I see I have a lot of catching up to do! This looks like fun, thanks so much, Dana.
I'm in! just catching up, hoping to have the strips sewn by Monday, we shall see if I can get them done! Posting about it today!
I am excited about doing my first quiltalong. I may start sewing the blocks together this weekend as I am all caught up, for a change. Thanks so much for doing this.
This sounds like great fun. I've got 3 WIPs, but what the heck, I want to learn how to make a quilt! I'm already a bit behind (like 3 weeks)in this, so I bought a couple jelly rolls to get me started. Here we go!
Excited not to be too late to join the quilt a long and have the chance at winning a sewing machine...wish I had known earlier to have an extra 100 chances with the right fabric...but am trying to use only fabric from my stash and I have done it so far.
Hope it is okay to only do a lap one...mine will be about 140cm as i did not have enough of some fabrics to do more than eight blocks of each and mainly because my arthritis makes it impossible for me to sew large quilts
Thanks so much for organising this
I would soooo love to win this!! I am new to quilting and this machine looks wonderful!!! Thank you for sharing your great talent and for all the fun give aways!! Jeannette M
Oh, sign me up! I love Janome machines!
Oooooh!! I would love a fancy machine. Mine is a freebie hand-me-down and it's the most basic of basics. Though it quilts, and tha's what counts! Check out my progress if you get a chance, I'm updating new photos tonight! Thanks for the inspriation. Wish me luck!!
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