#245 is Sooz!
Congratulations. I know that you'll love this iron. I love mine! Email me at dana@oldredbarnco.com so I can get your shipping address.
Next Monday will be Week 3 of the quilt along. . . and feature another great giveaway. Of course all leading up to the mac daddy of giveaways. A Janome 6600.

Oh, by the way. Have I mentioned that I'll probably end up giving away the quilt I make too. I will if there are 4,972 entries for the sewing machine giveaway. Seems like a nice round number don't you think? I like things nice and orderly and predictable. Yep, that's me.
I'm dying to participate in a quilt a long, but my 25yr old Singer just croaked. I'm not even sure if I CAN quilt. I'm trying to learn through osmosis online, and hoping I can remember it all. I love all the pictures of quilts though.
Congratulations to Sooz! I'm sure she will love the Rowenta. I love mine.
Gotta get those strips cut. That's a lot of strips for me to do. Maybe on Saturday.
I would like to add that Janome to my studio (read ... spare bedroom).
CONGRATULATIONS SOOZ!!! Lucky!! I have cut some of my strips, I recon Im gonna have to wait to finish when my lil ones goes to bed tonight. Shes 2 and a naughty meddler. LOL
Your blog, quilts, and giveaways are amazing! Thanks for continuing to share with us!
You crack me up! I hope all your wildest dreams come true :)
I was thinking the exact same thing as Amy - you are too funny!
Oh, so close. Congratulations to Sooz. I was 248 and I was "wishin' and hopin'" my number was lucky. Maybe this means I still have some luck left and might win the "mac daddy of giveaways". I love how you write. What a treat!! I am going to post photos of my fabric choices. I am making this quilt because it is "sooooo outside my comfort zone"! I love all the fabrics I have chosen so know that I will love the end result, too. Thanks for doing this!!!
I don't get it. How are you so stinking kind and generous??? Make a quilt and give it away. Total insanity. Just saying. Not complaining though.
Congratulations Sooz ! So pleased for you ! Isn't it great ? Thanks Dana for organising it all and your commentary (and instruction). I'm so enjoying it all !
Congrats Sooz-you lucky duck! Thanks Dana for such a fun Quilt Along--I am really enjoying checking in and seeing everyone's pics over on flickr!
Woo-Hoo Sooz!!!!
Yeah, I'm down with that - I too adore round numbers and orderliness.
Gre8 number!:) Congrats Sooz....I have one of those irons but I dropped it and it leaks but it still works...just get a few drips here and there!:) Really love checking the Flickr site everyday to see everyones progress. I feel like I have a lot of new friends. Thanks for doing this and thanks to Jodi at "This That and The Other" for turning us on to your Quilt-Along!:)
Hooray, Sooz! :)
I'll be cutting fabric this weekend, but my sewing machine is complaining a bit, so we'll have to see if that can be corrected before I start sewing. :(
Congrats Sooz on the iron. Hope you love it.
Congrats to Sooz!!! I've gotten all of my fabrics cut out now... will blog about it later today!
Congrats Sooz! Enjoy!
This just keeps getting better!! Congrats to the rowenta winner, they are fabulous irons. I have had mine 8 years and it's still a dream!
I am sooooo about to join... late! LOL I know I have 12 half yards in my stash (snort!) ... I will post a pic of my stacks on my blog later today!
Is it too late to join? If not, count me in! I'm off to get my fabrics washed and cut! :)
Oooh, ooh, me too, is it too late? I wanna play too! Count me in, I promise I will hustle.
Wow! I just found this... and if I can get caught up, I'm joining you!!! Thank you so much!
I'm joining! I'm so excited! This will be my very first completed quilt :D I began a quilt with Wee Play in February, and I intend to work on that this summer, too, but I decided to play along with you guys. I have the perfect fabrics just waiting - Heather Bailey's Freshcut! I'm going to gather my stuff, press, cut and be all caught up by Monday. With your help, I can do this!
all right then ..round numbers have IT. maybe the grand daddy sewing machine will be mine ...or..the play along will produce ( with my sew sew help) a quilt ! yea!
Can I still enter your sew along, my daughter just told me about it. My computer crashed and I had to get a new one so I have not been keeping up on things
hello, I've a question about the barn quilt. Is it possible to take 12 stripes and 6 fabrics? Or is it neccessary to take 12 fabrics and cut 6 stripes of each. I would be happy for an answer cause I'd like to share this too :-)
Many thanks and have a nice day!
Hi I am joining the quilt along and have posted about it on my blog
Sew along sounds like fun. I'll have to get my 12 fabrics together and cut my strips.
Oh, Oh, Oh, I want to join too!!!
Am I to late? :(
Or can I catch up?
This is so much fun! I will post my strips on the flicker group. Thanks for hosting such a great quilt along!
What a great give away. I am going to join am I surpose to let you know I'm doing the quilt or can I just start. This sounds like fun.
I am so excited to make this quilt. I am a novice sewer(really a novice) but have purchased my material, ironed it, cut it and am ready for the next step! Awesome!
I am such the novice at sewing as well and quilting seems to have eluded me (she confesses as she is curled up under a 40-year old quilt made by her grandmother)... but really, I should attempt this!
I'm in the quilt along but I can't remember if I signed up to win the machine. PLease count me in.
Oh to be like the other sewing enthusiasts and own more than one machine! Then I can teach my friend to sew and we can quilt away! What fun!
Enjoy your day!
Martha Mom
Count me in on the quilt and the machine. Off to go, lot of work to do.
I just started with the contest and I know that I really am behind but I have never done a quilt and thought this looked like something I might be able to do and learn at the same time.
Thank you for doing this
I love quilting. I'm starting really late but i know I can catch up, if I can fight my 2 girls for a turn on my sewing machine. Never fails they only want to sew when I start a new project.
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