My Mom is in town. She's been here a week and I've really cracked the whip on that woman. I've totally made her earn her keep. There is no such thing as a free lunch.

Mostly gardening stuff. And I should say that she loves to garden. Maintains huge, beautiful gardens at her own home in fact.

But she has been planting.

And weeding. Oh, how she has been weeding.

And watering.

And building cute little fences around the herb garden.

And tending to the greenhouses.

And the gnome.

All the while I've been watching. Sitting on the sidelines. Eating bon bons.

Thanks so much Nana. You have been such a huge help this week. Whatever will I do when you go home?
Love the garden! I have Love in Bloom (last picture) in my garden; it is wonderful because it keeps reseeding itself year after year after year......
Hi to Gardening Mom too!
If she loves it so much...send her on a little trip to north Idaho! I can stay inside and sew and she can garden. :D
Wow thats a big help, beautiful garden.
Hi i just fall here, and i just love your quilts!!!
Im a begginer in patchwork and quilting but im learning fast, i have ready my first top =D Now i have to quilt it, scary scary
we like to make our parents earn their keep too. mike's dad helped with all the outdoor stuff last time and before that my did did about 4 indoor projects in one afternoon that i had only just MENTIONED that i wanted him to look at at some point.
mmmm... bon bons.
oh, and the stuff you showed looks GREAT. i need your mom to come here and help with all my outdoor junk ;-)
This is a beautifull post and such beautifull pictures.
Love the Nigella (Love in a Mist)! Mine is about to bloom this week. It's in front of my lace cap hydrangeas. How lucky you are to still have your Mum to play in the garden with!
I love the gnome! Check out what I did with what may be your gnome's brother last summer.
And oh how I wish my mom was still around cause I need some serious help with this garden thing.
My mom is visiting me too! And she's helping me with my flower garden. Well, what WILL be my flower garden. Hip hip hooray for moms!
She's also helping me stay sane while hubby is away. Oh yes, she loves your soap too!
Do you think Nana wants to come garden in Hawaii? I'm such a horrible gardener but really want one!
I just found out about your quilt along and want to join. I will get my fabric ready and cut. Is it too late to join?
Your garden is beautiful, wish I had one like that, and your gnome is adorable!
Beautiful Garden!
I have just discovered your blog and I just love it. Your pictures are so nice and your bloggin' style is just up my alley. I look forward to visiting again.
Would your mother like to visit Minnesota and do some gardening here? LOL!!! Question for you, if have a few minutes .......I am getting some feedback from friends that the green background floral that I have chosen for your quiltalong is tooooooooo dark with all the other pinks and such. You have "the big picture" on the quilt. What do you think? Sandi
Your garden is lovley Is your mum on loan I could use her in my garden LOL. Have a nice weekend.
Hugs Mary.
Such a beautiful yard/garden. The hard work is definately paying off!
Can your mama come to my house? I can't get out from under the weeds here! or the laundry... does she help with laundry? I've been looking for a laundry fairy for a very long time. Seriously, though. Blessings to your mom!
Mamas are so wonderful and they always know just what to do to help the most!
Can you show some more pics of the little twig fence it looks like around the herb garden, what a great idea. Maybe your mom could show us please? Thanks
Can your mom come to my house next? I need help and advice! ;) Now you are all set for summer and your garden will be beautiful!
Enjoy your visit with your Mama!
Love the gnome!
Ok your always share sewing tips, I'm asking for a gardening tip. I noticed in your garden a little arched stick fence. I'm sure its done how I think but if you'd share your knowledge we would love it. Thank you
Aren't moms the best? Mine does that with my garden and flowerbeds. In fact just the other day I had her check out one of my plants that I had been babying to make sure it wasn't a weed that I was giving all the attention to! My goal is to have a thumb as green as hers someday!
You have a wonderful garden... and a wonderful mom by the sound of it ! How about gardening in an English Country Garden ? Only kidding... the most I get round to these things is looking at other gardens ! although I do my best.. I am no Nana !! And have an excuse don't I.. have joined this sew-along thing... now where is that fabric ...
I just have to tell you how In love I am with your playist. I could listen to that all day and not care about housework, and probably get a million projects happily done. Might have to make a mix on itunes :)
she wants to come to my house next, right? seriously, what a sweet mamma and your gardens are gorgeous!
Your garden looks lovely. It looks natural, colorful and peaceful. PERFECTION!
Beautiful collection of garden photos, having your mom help is a bonus.
Your recent fabric collections are so vibrant and full of life. Thanks for sharing the fun new tunes on the play list.
Think she'll come stay a week at my house?
Oh my gosh, how wonderful to have help in garden. Just found your blog and am joining your quilt along, I have never done anything like this. I am sure it will be fun, hope to finish having all my strips cut out tonight.
How fun to have your mom there helping like that! My mom? Well, she's a shopper & a cleaner, but I can't say she'd help me outside. Love the pictures you shared, especially the gnome! I've got to get some of those little guys!
Your garden is just lovely! I especially like the little fences around your herb garden. I might have to do that too!
HA!My mom's coming the end of June, and I'm going to make sure to show her this post. In the winter she comes to paint my walls for me, in the summer.....I just found a job for her. Thanks! hehe
just a quick question about the quiltalong, if you cannot find 12 fabbies, would 6 be okay and use a full yard of each...........Happy Stitching
will you send her to my house next??? please?
i have to tell you, i LOVED your tip of folding the fabric in half again to make cutting those long strips easier! I LOVE that technique. thanks for the wonderful tip! it's so much easier!
Ok... Ok... Now I really feel a need to tackle My Weeds !!! Maybe My Mum would like to come for a Visit ??? Smiles :0)
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