Monday, July 7, 2014

Checking 'em off

I'm happy to report that we've been checking things off our summer to-do list.

Two weekends ago we traveled to Mammoth Caves National Park in Kentucky and went on two separate caves tours.  And road bikes.  And hiked.  And talked with good friends and generally solved all the world's problems.

And this past weekend, we hiked to the top of a local mountain and watched fireworks from all the surrounding communities. I think we counted 20 different displays at different times.

So, ya.  We are waking, eating, drinking, splashing, breathing, hiking, and soaking up summer.

Hope you are too.



  1. Well, at least I can with you via your blog. :)

  2. Dana...sounds as if all is good in your little world. Congrats on living life as you do!

  3. Sounds like a lovely summer.

  4. Nice. Looks like a great summer so far!

  5. Sounds fun! We've been trying to do the same. Hanging Rock, NC Zoo, beach, etc.

  6. Picked tomatoes yet? We have picked one little cherry tomato!:)

  7. Fabulous items to be checking off the Summer list! Caves are awesome to explore. :)

  8. I'd like to be in your family. You guts really know how to enjoy life
