Thursday, July 13, 2017

On the design wall lately

I've shared the projects that I've been working on over on Instagram often lately. Instagram is so good for that. Soooo good. As I work on a quilt and move pieces and parts around, I like the instant reaction, suggestion and support that I get there. And the snippets of works in progress seem so appropriate for that platform.

Anyway. I've got several quilts in progress right now. The X + quilt blocks above are fun to make because there isn't a lot of concentration required. I can sort of zone out while I make them. Know what I mean? And then the variety of blocks with the black background take constant attention and concentration. It's nice having both projects going at the same time so that I can choose the level of attention I feel like giving at any moment.

I recently went through all the quilts in the entire house and made a stack of 10-12 that I've kept separate. I wanted to see if my family even noticed they were gone. They haven't because even with those out of the mix, we still have 30+ quilts on hand. Many of them are quilts from my book, from magazine contributions, and ones that have been stored in cabinets for far too long. I hope to photograph them and hold a "sample sale" of them soon. Maybe if I post a few a week it won't seem so overwhelming.  Fingers crossed that goes well. . . mama's gotta sell some quilts if she wants to keep making them. And I really want to keep making them. Ha!



  1. i LOVE your x+ blocks so perdy!

  2. I hear you on the sample sale. We've got about 30 quilts on rotation in the house now too. I just love all your projects.

  3. You really don't know how much I would love to own one of your quilts!
