Thursday, March 13, 2008

Giving away a quilt!

I feel like shouting it from the mountaintops . . . TODAY IS THE DAY PEOPLE OF THE UNIVERSE! YES, TODAY COULD BE YOUR LUCKY DAY!

Okay. So that is a bit overly dramatic. But, this quilt give away contest has been a long time in the making. And so many of you have graciously helped me promote it by posting about it on your own blogs and telling everyone you know about it. Including your Great Aunt Lucinda's first cousin Corletta. And your Orkin man. And your gynecologist. So without any further ado, let's get this party started, shall we?

As you know, I am going to give away this quilt.

And I'm also going to give away TWO $35 gift certificate to my natural body care product company Old Red Barn Co. So, go take a look around and see what you may want if you are one of the lucky winners.

This quilt is made entirely with fabric from the Katie Jump Rope line designed by Denyse Schmidt for FreeSpirit fabrics.

The pattern is from Kari Ramsey of Fresh Cut Quilts. It is called "Wild At Heart". If your interested in checking out this pattern or other great patterns from her line just click on the highlighted words above. They will take you to her blog and/or her email. I may have to try her "Shortnin' Bread" pattern next. Hmmmmmm. Can you hear the wheels turning?

100% cotton top, back and batting. Machine wash and dry. Use it or put it in your closet . . . just please don't give it to the dog.

Worth playing for? (I feel like Jeff Probst of Survivor telling the castaways about the reward challenge!)

All you have to do to enter is leave a comment to this post. You still are free to promote it on your own blog. You earn FIVE extra entries into the drawing if you post an entry about it in your blog. You earn and ADDITIONAL FIVE entries if you put the quilt give away graphic into your sidebar. If you don't have a blog just tell everyone you know to enter and to leave a comment. If anyone mentions that you sent them then you'll get an extra entry (but that is for the blogless of the world). Yep, even your gynecologist counts. International bidders are totally welcome.

The contest will end Wednesday, March 19th at 7:00pm EDT. Get your comments in before then. I'll announce the winner Thursday, March 20th sometime in the morning hours. The winner will be selected by random draw.

Good luck!

Edited to add: Wowzers! I am overwhelmed by the response. I make it a practice to respond to comments that are left on my blog and to visit your blogs. However, I still have laundry to do, bathrooms to clean, errands to run, noses to wipe, bruises to kiss, groceries to gather, emails to answer . . . I think you get the idea . . . so I may not be replying to every comment or visiting every blog. (Rest assured though, if you posted about it and/or put it in your sidebar of your blog I'm giving you your extra entries. What a pain in the batootie. But I'm doing it!) After the contest is over and the dust settles, however, I'm hoping some of you stick around. It is at that point that I'll reply, visit and breathe. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you everyone! (I must admit this all makes me feel a bit rock starish. Well, minus the spandex pants, big hair, tour bus and groupies. But you know what I mean.)



1 – 200 of 1213   Newer›   Newest»
Karrin Hurd said...

I just found out about your blog from Nadine's post about 15 minutes ago, and posted about your give away and put your logo in my sidebar.

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

I posted about your give-away but the logo didn't want to load. I found you through Jeanne at Luv2stitch.

First City Events said...

Can your brother play? How bout my gyno?

The Calico Cat said...

Put me in for 11. (Can I get an extra if I actually purchased the Katie Jump Rope fat quarter collection?)

Anonymous said...

YES!IT FINALLY LET ME POST! The quilt is even prettier up close. I want that quilt. So I guess I'll have to go post about it uh?

Loved the butter too. Just think if you keep getting the milk-you get the butter too!

Miss Crafty said...

This is one awesome quilt and I'd love to be counted in. I'll try and get a post up about it on my site later today. Is it open to International readers??

Betsy said...

oh this looks so beautiful. I love brown and orange together. I hope I win, I hope I win.

Anonymous said...

yes, that's the day
add your image also to my side-bar, so I think my name will be on 10 little papers

cross my fingers, maybe it helps

Sarah and Jack said...

Well, you know I am in. :-)

I finally broke down and bought a charm pack of Katie Jump rope, but I havent even touched it yet. Le sigh.

*~hj~* said...

Well Dana- you know I want to be in! I will refresh my post to show the giveaway is finally on! :)

Stacy said...

Those quilts are very gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Hello! Just found you today. Thanks for the opportunity to win part of your lovely crafting!

Anonymous said...

Hello! Just found you today. Thanks for the opportunity to win part of your lovely crafting!

Anonymous said...

I'll jump in with both feet, am about to do a post, so will mention it in my post and add the graphics to my sidebar.

sarah, rsm said...

Please count me in among the chosen!

Note to self: "Think positive"

:) sarah

zizzybob said...

Please pick me, pick me.
I'll be adding a note on my blog.

JemJam said...

I love the Katie jump rope line, a online retailer has it on sale, I bought a lot of it! love the quilt!

Molly said...

Me and my quilt rack really want your quilt! It is so beautiful! I love just looking at the pictures if I don't win. You can enter my measly pin cushion giveaway on my blog if you would like.

Patti said...

I don't know how you have the courage to give this quilt away - I'd surely want to keep it for myself. But then I want it for myself LOL! Please pull my name!

Susan said...

Seems as though your brother has a great sense of humor too....

Here's hoping the quilt makes it to Cape Cod.

country mouse said...

Happy 200th post!! Please enter me in the drawing. I have already posted about you in my sidebar to let everyone know about your gernerous give away :cD Thanks!!

BitnByAQuiltingBug said...

Beautiful quilt. I would love to win it. I found your site thru Jeanne at Thanks for including me in the drawing....

Suwannee Mama said...

What an incredible quilt and incredible generosity!

It looks like the lovely, snuggly quilts my grandmother had when I was small. I would love to have it, since I don't have one of hers!

Julia said...

I LOVE this quilt!!!(Katie Jump Rope is currently my favorite line) I have no dog or cat and would use this quilt every day!!! so lovely!

Linda said...

Happy 200th! I've already put you on my blog and sidebar last week. Just wanted to say congrats and thank you....Good luck to everyone! Hugs, Linda

Leah said...

So the big day has finally come!!

I'd be glad to receive this wonderful quilt.

Through the wonders of modern technology - or just sheer plain luck!! - I've added the Giveaway Logo to my sidebar and linked to you blog entry on my blog.

Shepherd Family ACALPM said...

Wow that is a beautiful quilt, we don't have a dog so no worries there! I Love it! I put the link on my blog and in my side bar! Thanks for this great giveaway and congratulations on your 200th!~

Shelina said...

Gorgeous! Gorgeous! Absolutely count me in. I'll go and tell everyone else, etc.

Katie said...

Wow! Gorgeous Quilt. I love it and would love even more to own it!

I wrote a post on my blog about this fabulous giveaway:

Unknown said...

Ohh, I want that quilt! So beautiful! Please sign me up!

I am also going to write up a small post on my blog about it!

Lisa D. said...

Wow, what a great giveaway! I would love to win the quilt or some products!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful quilt and I love your blog!

Dorothy said...

oooh, pick me! Pick ME!! It's been a looooong, c-c-c-cold winter, I deserve this waaaay more than anybody else. (grin) I'll post on my blog as well, and put up a button if I can get my foggy brain around it.

Maritta said...

Lovely colours on you give-away-quilt!
Hope You continue blogging after 200th post :)

Meg said...

Please enter me in the contest, I promise it would go to a loving home! I also posted about the quilt contest on my blog.

Sarah Pead said...

Oh how I would love to have this quilt! It is absolutely beautiful. I will definitely post this on my blog, xanga, and facebook! :)

This site was recommended by Stacy Quesbarth's Facebook.

Jilly said...

Comment, comment, comment!
Also, I did mention you in my last post, and I think I already told you I got referred here by Betty Ninja (just making sure she gets her extra credit).

Anonymous said...

oh, oh, oh! count me in please!!! I'm adding the graphic and will include it in a blog post, too! Thanks a lot! It's a lovely, lovely work.

Jen said...


Just an FYI, I also posted the giveaway on my flickr group for Denyse Schmidt:

(Do I get five MORE entries??)

- Jen

Anonymous said...

WOW!! Extremely gorgeous and generous of you. I would LOVE this quilt and never would a dog hair touch it!



Very Mary said...

Good Lord Girl, sign me up for this! Adding it to my blog RIGHT NOW.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gawd, that is seriously one of the prettiest quilts! I m so glad I found your site. I can't wait to browse through. Serously talented, you are- Congratulations on 200 posts!

jacquie said...

You know I'm in. I'm going to try again to put the graphic on my sidebar. I want those extra entries.
Win or not...the quilt is did a great job!

Stacy said...


How generous!

Count me in on the drawing!


Seeking Him said...

Count me in, that's beautiful!

Great work!

Sarah H.

Bloggy Mama said...

Wow!! Amazing quilt. I'll be posting... and getting the graphic into my sidebar. I'm at
Wow, again.

Kelly said...

I love the colors and the way you put it together

Sheri said...

Beautiful quilt! Here's crossing my fingers.

Anonymous said...

I love all of your quilts!

The Katie Jump Rope fabric is so soft I just know this one will be wonderful to cuddle under.

added a post here:

Pearl said...

Wow! This is a beautiful give away.

Rian said...

Please add my name to the list and I hope this is my lucky day! Hope, hope, hope...

Sew Spoiled said...

Count me in I just found out from sew and sox, I love the fabrics and would of course love to win. I am going to make a post about it on my blog too. Thanks!! For the opportunity.By the way I love the music too.

Katherine said...

Oh. My. Goodness. You're giving away a quilt???! What an amazingly generous giveaway you're having Dana. I would love to have a chance to win. Thanks!
I will be posting your link on my blog (the link on Friendship Threads sent me here - thanks for that, Nadine!).

jacquie said...

Hey add some entries...I finally got the linked pic on my sidebar. Yeah!

Mary said...

Ooooohhh! Count me in! I posted about the contest and I put the graphic in my sidebar. Thank you for such a generous give-away!

Nancy said...

Oh no, I can't remember which blogger sent me here....
I will be announcing you on my blog and sending others here.

Love the quilt and I promise to NOT give it to the dog....

Nancy said...

Oh no, I can't remember which blogger sent me here....
I will be announcing you on my blog and sending others here.

Love the quilt and I promise to NOT give it to the dog....

bettyninja said...

Wow look at all the comments already! Wouldn't it be cool if you got over 200? If I win I promise to love it always and never give it to the dog!

Jessica said...

I love Katie Jump Rope. I found your link on Sew and Sox.

Karen said...

I found you through "Just a little Zizzy"...and did you say FREE? I didn't think that word existed anymore!

Laura said...

Pretty quilt!

dee said...

Love that quilt, please enter me. I put a link up on my blog and I found you through Dorothy of Morning Pages. Can't wait to have a chance to spend some time and check our your products as well.

Anonymous said...

Tipper sent me here, I don't know why because I am totally going to win that quilt and she'll be sad, (I know how much she wants it) and I love your blog it is so peaceful and homey, I may have to stay for awhile..Thanks for the tip Tipper and sorry about winning your quilt. *grin*

SandyQuilts said...

Pretty fabrics and an adorable quilt. I'm off to check out that fabric line.

Shar said...

I'll jump in for a chance to win a lovely quilt! Crossing my fingers and making a wish that my comment is the one you pick....LOL

Happy Stitching!

Jennifer said...

Happy 200th blog! Today is my 30th birthday...I will post a blog soon and get you on there. Yay!


WetherburnResident said...

I love, love, love the quilt!!! Congratulations on your 200th blog!

Anonymous said...

Wow! 200 blogs! Love reading it!! Hope I win the quilt!

maggiegracecreates said...

Add me Add me - I came over here from MaryAnn at A Very Mary Design and now I am off to post about is at my house.

Robin C said...

Wow, giving away a wonderful quilt and the soaps look great too! I'd love to win,

but whoever does is very lucky!

I'll try to put the link on my blog if I can figure out how...

Liana said...

lol. love how SUSPENSEful you made this post!

Anonymous said...

Love the quilt - colors and pattern!

m e l said...

I'm definitely crossing my fingers on this one. That quilt is beautiful. I found you through Molly at Village Quilts. I'll be sure and post the giveaway on my blog.

Floss said...

What wonderful prizes, the quilt is lovely. congrats on 200 post.

Marci said...

Please enter me in your giveaway. I will put a blog entry up about it on my blog and I will put you in my sidebar as well. Give Kim credit for sending me over here. Her blog is

Drewe Llyn said...

I love the quilt! Please enter me in the drawing. I've posted it on my blog....


Sue Cahill said...

Yipee! I have so looked foward to throwing my name in the hat. What a lovely quilt. I promise the dog won't get it (he has 3 of his own I've made for him already).

erica said...

this is the first give-away i've tried for. perhaps a little beginner's luck will set in? that quilt is wonderful. (i was directed here via amy at

Jenny Young said...

That's a pretty cute quilt and it would be really nice to have it at my house and it would inspire me to quilt more . . .

Peggy said...

beautiful quilt! love your bath products also

Peggy said...

beautiful quilt! love your bath products also

Peggy said...

beautiful quilt! love your bath products also

PurlingPirate said...

I would love that quilt and it would love me!! Thanks for sharing your talent with us!

G'G'ma said...

I'd love to be included in your drawing. Don't dogs will be on that quilt!!
Enjoyed the reminder about making butter. Made it with the kids many years ago. Lois

JUST A MOM said...

OH MAN AM I TOO LATE??? NOT sure what I have to do but can I get in?

Perri said...

Marci from Down on the Farm sent me over to enter for this beautiful quilt!

What a great prize.

Kathy said...

Love your blog. Would love to win the quilt too. Suze has enough quilts. Hope I win it!!!

Perri said...

I posted it about your great quilt, too :)

Elizabeth said...

Marci( told me about this great giveaway! What a beautiful quilt! :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful quilt! I can't believe you are giving it away! (Please pick me ;) !!!) I've posted this on my blog.

Anonymous said...

I would love a chance to win that quilt. I posted about it on my blog and put the graphic in my side bar..

Andrea said...

I too would love the chance to put my name in the draw! It's a beautiful quilt!!

Cath Ü said...

OK I am in along with the rest of the universe by the look of things... Love Jeff's comment...LOL

I will add you to my blog as well...

I am about to also start a typepad blog so I will also put you on that one too......

Cath Ü

Sewbaby said... beautiful the quilt is. I love my dog but even she can't have this if I!!
Love the soap also....I love candles and soaps as much as I love quilts.

Hugs and Thanks for this contest!


Marit Johanne said...

The quilt is beautiful! What a wonderful give away.

Vivian Love said...

The quilt is cute! Count me in!

Andy said...

WHAT a beautiful quilt!

sewkalico said...

Congratulations on 200 posts. This is the first one I've read :O), but I'll definitely have to read some more. Found out about your awesome giveaway on Jeanne's Luv2Stitch.
ps I don't have a dog LOL
pps and even if I did, he wouldn't even get a sniff of this great quilt!

Jodi said...

Perri sent me! Sign me up. I love quilts. Triple love them!

Unknown said...

As promised, I am back and will once again promote the quilt give away!! Good luck to everyone!!Happy 200th post!!

Carin said...

Great quilt! I would love to win it.

chrisanne said...

What a lovely quilt and a fantastic giveaway

sarah said...

Lovely quilt! Sign me up. I posted it to my blog as well. I came here via Perri's blog.

Sarah M said...

pick me, pick me!! oh please, pick me!

Mandy said...

Wow! This is awesome! I'm going to put this in my sidebar and do a little post about it!

Fingers crossed... it would make a great b-day present for me... my bday is the 22 so it's close enough!

Merideth said...

Came by way of Perri. Beautiful quilt.

LadySnow said...

how generous! Please add my name :)

Sequana said...

Karin's Crazy World sent me over. I don't have a blog, so I'll just have to take my single chance.

Lolly said...

Count me in! I put your quilt giveaway in my sidebar. What a generous and amazing giveaway! Wow!

Anonymous said...

What a generous giveaway, thanks for the opportunity to win.

Ginger Patches said...

Wow what a great give-away, no wonder you feel like shouting it from the mountain top :) I just posted and blogger was giving me trouble but I will try and add your button later!

Anonymous said...

Wish I had a blog so I could post this on it. The quilt looks beautiful, and I would love it. I would love the care products almost as much. I know that who ever wins the quilt will love it reading a few of the messages on the board.

Bea said...

How fun! And how cute this lovely quilt. I think I haven´t any chance but I will go in.. with hope!!! Happy quilting!

rachel joy said...

The quilt is gorgeous! I would give it a happy home. With no dogs. I wrote a post about your contest and stole your picture and Old Red Barn Co. logo. Didn't really know how else to do that. I heard about your contest from Elizabeth @ My Bloggy Life and I enter everything she tells me to. My blog is private so I'm not sure if this link will work or not, but here goes ...

Lissa Jane said...

I 'borrowed' your old red barn logo and I put a post on my blog!
*fingers crossed*

Lissa/Lissajane Australia!

Tracey in CT said...

The quilt is beautiful! I just LOVE those fabrics!
Congratulations on your 200th post!!

Anonymous said...

sign me up!

Michelle Payne said...

Wow, what a wonderful giveaway. Such a beautiful quilt to part with.

I'd like to thank Lissa for sending me to link to your site.

Blue Yonder said...

Oh my lordy! I am SO in! I'm gonna have to figure out how to get that banner an my side bar, but I will do it.. I WILL! So fun!

Dandelion Quilts said...

Congratulations, again! I was tickled that you visited my blog...I need visitors! :) I think the quilt is so cheerful and bright. Closet...are you kidding me????? I would be snuggling under it every night, what a treasure! I also wanted to tell you that I did go back and add a picture of your giveway on my sidebar, along with my original post.

Have a sunny day!

Dandelion Quilts said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Holy moly- what a beautiful quilt! I'm in.

Karen Mallory said...

Hi! What a generous person giving away a quilt! A great idea! I linked from Vickie's Crafting! Happy 200th!
hugs Karen M

Karen Mallory said...

Hi! What a generous person giving away a quilt! A great idea! I linked from Vickie's Crafting! Happy 200th!
hugs Karen M

Anonymous said...

Ooops, I forgot to say that Mommiemarzie told me about this giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous quilt! I saw the link about this on several blogs so I came over to see what all the talk was about and that quilt is worth all the buzz and more!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous quilt! I saw the link about this on several blogs so I came over to see what all the talk was about and that quilt is worth all the buzz and more!

Deborah in Atlanta said...

Read about your giveaway at 'With Thread in Hand' - Nancy sent me here. Your quilt is beautiful and I would be honored to win it. Love your blog.


Richelle said...

I would love to be included in your drawing. :*)

Steph said...

Quilts! My favorite things. Can't wait to find out who the winner is.

Anonymous said...

Just love the bright cheery quilt you are giving away will be looking out for the Katie Jump Rope line. Will certianly let all my friends know about the web site.
Ann in Moama

Eileen said...

Woo-hoo!! I am so excited.

Dana, will I get ten MORE extra chances if I put your banner in my blog and a clickable link in my banner a second time? Guess I should read all the comments, somebody probably already asked.

Andrea said...

How fabulous! Thanks for the opportunity.

Eileen said...

P.S. I would be more than thrilled with the saop too!

Jeanne said...

I've blogged about your quilt giveaway and will add the graphic to my sidebar now. Congratulations on your 200th post!

Moobear said...

Hi Dana,
The quilt is AWESOME! I got my fingers crossed, but whoever wins it, will have a treasure. Marci referred me here and her website address is so be sure and give her an extra entry. May you have a great evening and God Bless!


Anonymous said...

The quilt is wonderful! Very cool blog!

fourkid said...

Thak you for your generosity - to whomever wins :)
I heard from about this from here:

Anonymous said...

Hi! i love the quilt and must have a go at making butter one day in the future, I don't have a blog, Lissa Jane emailed me to let me know about your blog and the quilt giveaway I run a yahoo qroup for Australian and New Zealand ladies we do patchwork, and redwork swaps, I think we are up to over 100 separate swaps now Australia Post just loves me for all the money they get from posting of the swaps. I frequently get told thanks if it wasn't for your swap I wouldn't met my friend this happens a lot as I organize swaps so that ladies can post or even hand deliver swaps to ladies who live close to them, and ladies have made friends with other ladies in other states of Australia and now when arranging holidays make sure they met up with their new friends in another state.
I will advertise your blog on my yahoo group of over 260 ladies.

regards Patricia Quinnell.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely quilt (and a talented quilter!).

Anonymous said...

I would like a chance to win the quilt. I am referred by Tipper at the Blind Pig and the Acorn.
I'm the one who helped her to name her site. That picture is not really me, Tipper got it by mistake. That's my brother, he's a Poland China.
Thanks----Great site you have here!

Kristen Good said...

YAY! I would like this's gorgeous! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi I love the quilt, count me in. I tried to post earlier but it did not seem to work.
I found about the quilt from Tipper at the Blind Pig and the Acorn.

Christina said...

I would love this quilt as I make quilts and give them to terminally ill children and I could add this to the stash we have almost ready to deliver in April. I will post about it on my blog just give me an hour or too here is my blog address check later today. You can also read about some of the quilts we have made to give to the children.

Rosi said...

I'd love to win. The quilt has such fresh colors. Got the hint from Bea.

Anonymous said...

love the quilt - great fabrics! please count me in.. found your blog from kate i design.

Auntie Jappa said...

I think that quilt really needs a home in Australia - even tho it is going to be 110*F today...again...
Lissajane pointed this blog at me.

Jasmine in Oz

picklesticks said...

Who could resist such a beautiful quilt? I know I couldn't. I just discovered you by accident today!

Donna said...

OOOhhhh!!! This lovely quilt needs a flight to Australia. I've posted a link and logo. Found you via Fabricologist Anon. Thanks for entering me.

Princess in Galoshes said...

Hi! I came here from Slice of Life's blog. What a fun idea, I'd love to be in the drawing for your beautiful quilt!

Anonymous said...

I would love to be entered in your drawing for the quilt. I read about this contest from Marci at Amazing Graze Farm. Thank you.

Amy said...

Ohhh, March 19th is my daughter's birthday! She will be 3 and we are doing her new big girl bedroom and I am using the Katie Jump Rope fabric in the re-do! This is meant to be! Pick me pick me pick me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anita said...

Gorgeous quilt! I will attempt to put the logo on my blog and I was sent here by Vickies Crafting.
Congrats on the 200th post!!

Whitney said...

Thanks for the chance to enter, the quilt looks amazing! I found this through Mary Ann's blog.

I posted about your giveaway on my blog :)

KarenC. said...

Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, dance like you do when nobody's watching, and quilt like there is a fabric shortage! ;-) I Love the quilt. I am posting about it on my blog. I am also adding your logo to my sidebar.

Anonymous said...

Lovely quilt and colors that are different to my usual selections, so a random win would be delightful.
Enjoy the quilting and the Red Barn goodies.
Lissa sent me.

Lynette Anderson said...

Wow, a quilt as a prize...I will keep my fingers and toes crossed...OUCH! Maybe just my fingers... thank you for being so generous. I love the name of your business, its just brilliant.

Patricia said...

I've wanted to learn to quilt forever and yours is beautiful. Perri sent me and I'm happy to "meet" you. :)

I'll be adding a blurb to my blog tomorrow.

Julie said...

What a fabulous idea! Thanks for the opportunity! I will be sure to tell all the friends I know about this generous offer. Oh and by the way Lissa sent me

Kim said...

Jackie at Canton Village Quilt Works sent me over to check out the celebration taking place here at the Old Red Barn Co. Will add a post at Stillmeadow Quilting and give the sidebar a whirl, too. Thanks for the fun post!

Bonny said...

Wow! What an awesome quilt! I want to snuggle up in it right now.

I'm about to do a post about you and a side bar link!

Needled Mom said... cool. Count me in.

Torrie said...

I would love this, great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dana,

Adrienne said...

okey doke. not only am I lusting after that quilt, I am jonesing over your playlist. iTunes here I come. I will have a post 3/14 about your quilt and have added a link in my sidebar. If the picture I have used in my post and sidebar is not ok - just let me know - I know I did not have your official "okay" and wans't sure what link you were referring to in your post (sorry, I can be a little slow to the draw at times ;-} )I will be happy to delete or edit. Thank you for your generosity.

Shane said...

i was sent here by kim at

this would be a great prize to win

MamaZ said...

I love quilts because they all tell a story and they make a room feel "homey". My daughter-in-law, Rachel Joy, encouraged me to enter. Her blog is "Little Moments Make Life Big" at (I don't have a blog).

FENICLE said...

How cool!!! Perri sent me over here & I'm glad she did.


Leslie said...

Quilts..I love quilts and what they represent. Every stitch sewn with love.

Magpie said...

Holy moly! That's beautiful!

julie (jane's apron) said...

I can't even begin to tell you how beautiful I think your color combinations, so, very "me". We are heading out of town early tomorrow but I am going to try to get your giveaway on my blog sidebar. This is such a cool giveaway Dana!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win your beautiful quilt but i think my friend Lissa Jane should win she needs cheering up at the moment and this beautiful quilt would help with that. Lissa Jayne told me about your blog I love the music on your blog.
Sue K Australia

Jen said...

Congrats on the 200th post. The quilt is just gorgeous and I love this line of fabrics.

I saw your giveaway on Sew and Sox!

calicodaisy said...

What a great giveaway! I did as instructed and blogged and posted the button to the sidebar. Please, add up my entries and put them in the jar. I would love to cozy up in that quilt. Thanks for having such a nice giveaway.
-- Michele

calicodaisy said...

I read about the giveaway at

Sharri said...

Hi! Marci sent me here-her blog is
Enter me-I posted about this contest on my blog AND added the graphic to my sidebar!
My blog is:

The quilt is lovely!

julie (jane's apron) said...

so sorry to double-post...just wanted to let you know that I've got the banner in my sidebar and it links to this post.

Anonymous said...

pick me! pick me! I hope. And I've blogrolled and posted about your contest. I hope the word spreads like fire!

Lindah said...

Hello! I just found your blog. The Log Cabin Quilter sent me over. Your blog looks very interesting. I'll be looking around some more. In the meantime, please add my name to your drawing. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

YAy for us! i can't wait to see the new owner! i hope it is meeeeee!!!! i will try to get the graphic loaded on my blog. i need all the extras i can get!! love it by the way...and i don't have a dog! :)

Anonymous said...

That's a beautiful quilt. Everything that can be crossed is. :)

Lissa ( sent me. I will post about this and add you to my sidebar.

PamelaJ said...

Hi What a lovely quilt, will try and put a link on my blog.!! Oh and Lissa sent me. Lissajane Australia.!!
The Red Barn Goodies look great too !!

Ashley said...

That quilt is beautiful! This contest is a fabulous idear - did you see how many comments you have?!!! Also, I'm a new reader today thanks to Rachel Joy - so Hi! I'm Ashley.

The Stitching Surgeon said...

You are going to be so overwhelmed with comments as everyone will be longing for this quilt! :)
Good luck and I'm sure this quilt will find a wonderful home!

The Stitching Surgeon said...

You are going to be so overwhelmed with comments as everyone will be longing for this quilt! :)
Good luck and I'm sure this quilt will find a wonderful home!

Anonymous said...

Here is my entry. :)
Here is my blog post:
and I've stuck the graphic on my sidebar.

Thanks!!!! This is my current favorite set of fabrics. :)

loopylulu said...

Scrumptious looking quilt! Great blog and great give away!

Unknown said...

Hi! Please enter me in the contest! :)

I saw this linked at

Anonymous said...

crossing my fingers (and toes) that you will pick my name ! :>)
Your logo is on my blog page + sidebar.....
WOW, sooo many people in the fun !
Good luck everyone.....
((HUGS)) & smiles to you !

Heidi said...

Wow, that's awfully generous of you. I heard about this from A Very Mary Design.

Jess said...

OMG I want this quilt! I'm moving into a bunkhouse this month and it would look perfect there. The walls are yellow and blue! I am posting about your beautiful quilt and putting you in my sidebar... and I came from averymarydesign... and I agree with her, you blow me away!

Anonymous said...

It is a beautiful quilt. You are very generous.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful quilt! And such a generous giveaway. You are a very talented woman! I would be so happy to have that quilt in my home!
Jacqueline in Kelowna, B.C.

Anonymous said...

Oops, I forgot to tell you that Katherine from Sew Me Something Good sent me here!
Jacqueline in Kelowna, B.C.

Anonymous said...

Oops, I forgot to tell you that Katherine from Sew Me Something Good sent me here!
Jacqueline in Kelowna, B.C.

Phyl said...

Putting your info in a post and the graphic in my side bar:).

Congrats on making it to 200~

The quilt is absolutely gorgeous.

I found you via Sew Prim Khris' blog.

I have added you to my Rss Feed and appreciate the chance to win your quilt.

My post is here: . If I can figure out how to do so, I will make it a sticky-post.


Anonymous said...

Please enter me in the quilt drawing....I'm a huge fan of quilts and quilting! I heard about the giveaway from Marci at
I can't wait to shop your soaps and other goodies, I'm heading there now. Thanks! Lisa in NM,

Jenn said...

I'm blog illiterate so if I find out how to post a graphic I will but I plan to post about it. I like how you haven't posted a picture of the whole thing but I love the use of the black print. I'll make my next comment when I've posted about it.

Anonymous said...

Wow....lovely quilt. I posted about your giveaway and put a pic in the post, but I'm not sure what you wanted in the sidebar. Guess I'll have to call that good.
Congrats on making it to 200.

Helen said...

Oh please pick me!! I would love to give this gorgeous quilt a home. It looks terrific. Now waiting patiently for the draw (5 nights to go!!). I do hope I get picked. Wouldn't it be great to see your quilt travel across the big lake and live in the Netherlands (Holland).

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