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Charlie Riedel/AP Photo |
Joplin sits in the far southwestern tip of Missouri. My husband grew up in Joplin. His mother, father, sister, brother-in-law, two nieces and many of his extended family live in and around Joplin. From birth until he left for college he lived in the same house, on the same street in Joplin. That neighborhood is destroyed. As is his high school. And nearly every bit of his old childhood stomping ground.
Luckily his family is unharmed and their homes were untouched.
I wish this were true for so many others.
I'm going to give away this quilt to my blog readers. But unlike other quilt giveaways I've done here, you don't need to leave a comment or make a silly video. Instead, for every dollar you donate using the button below you will get one chance at winning the quilt.
100% of the donations will be given directly to The American Red Cross that is so faithfully providing food, shelter and emotional support in Missouri, Minnesota and other parts of the Midwest struck by horrendous tornadoes this spring.
I'm hoping together we can raise a small sum to donate. Cause every little bit helps.
The only way I know to accurately keep track of entries is to have you click the donate button below which will send your donation to my Old Red Barn Co. PayPal account. At the conclusion of the giveaway, I will then forward 100% of all donations received to the American Red Cross.
And if that makes you nervous, cause you don't know me from Adam and you think I might be scamming you please consider other ways you can help. Here are a few suggestions:
To make a donation to the American Red Cross' Disaster Relief, visit its online donation page. Once there you can enter the zip code for Joplin, 64801, to make sure that the money will be directed to their local Joplin chapter.
You can also call 1-800-RED-CROSS or text "REDCROSS" to 90999 to make a $10 donation. Contributions may also be sent to your local Red Cross chapter or to the American Red Cross, P.O. Box 37243, Washington, D.C. 20013.
To donate $10, text the word "TORNADO" to 20222 or call 888-56-CHILD.
To donate to the The Salvation Army's efforts, visit www.salvationarmyusa.org and click on the donation page.
You can call 1-800-SAL-ARMY and donors can text "JOPLIN" to 80888 to make a $10 donation. And you can mail a donation to Joplin Tornado Relief, The Salvation Army, 3637 Broadway, Kansas City, Mo. 64111
To Help and Find Relatives
Every little bit helps and I'm hoping to raise $250 to send on to the American Red Cross. That would mean you'd have a 1 in 250 chance at winning the quilt.
Usually I now tell you how long the giveaway contest will run and who's eligible and yada, yada, yada. Anyone who donates is eligible. I'll run the contest at least until my goal is reached.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
****UPDATE**** Friday, May 27, 2011 10:45am. Right now the donation total is $3271. I'm so amazed and grateful. And, actually, kind of speechless. I'll keep this giveaway open until the donations start to drop off -- probably sometime over the weekend. I'm posting updates and there is some discussion over on facebook if you want to keep up with how we are doing. Thank you so very, very much.
Please do not stop there! Please do not put a top on what you can raise. Thank you for another way to help our neighbor.
Disasters are horrible. It is the immediate help that helps sanity, safety, and can keep helplessness a little further away.
Rest assured I won't put a top on anything! 100% of any money raised here will go directly to the American Red Cross and I'm hoping to far, far, far exceed $250!
This is a wonderful way to help! I shared this post with my facebook friends and on my business facebook page.
Beautiful quilt! Love the colors!
I just donated..retweeted and posted this to my facebook! I encourage everyone to do so!! Blessings to you Dana for helping your Husbands hometown!
I shared on my facebook and donated too. Thanks Dana - beautiful quilt too. If any quilters in KC are reading, I heard you can drop off completed quilts at Harper's. Project Linus will be sending them to Joplin.
Dana: I think that it is wonderful that you are doing this. Joplin is where I grew up too (though I went to school in Webb City all but two years)and I'm just overwhelmed by the situation there. I will try to spread the word about your quilt raffle around the blog world and amongst my friends here in the Springfield area. Thank you for doing this. I am so glad to hear that your husband's family is okay. Take care...Tricia Sandridge-Hicks
we've heard from our friends, all are safe. one's office building is gone, another lost their home but every member of the family is physical unharmed. so very grateful.
Dana: Do you mind if I put a picture of the quilt on my blog? I don't have very many followers, but I would like to spread the word in any way I can...
donated and shared via facebook. good luck! can't wait to hear how much you have raised!
Donated and will share via Facebook...
I live in Missouri but no where near the devastation..
Thanks for helping...
Just made a donation! What a beautiful quilt and a great cause!
Just made a donation under trippywords(at)hotmail(dot)com...
I was born and raised in Missouri and have friends from school who reside in Joplin- it is such a wonderful thing you are doing to help out!
I just made my donation. Thanks for doing this for my fellow Missourians. They have lost so much- but they WILL come back, better than ever.
So sad - thanks for doing this Dana - just donated!
I donated and shared on Facebook. Thank you for doing this!
Donated and blogged. Thanks, Dana, you're a peach.
My heart went out to those folks... It's just amazing that anyone survived. I'm glad that Razors family is okay...Sending hugs and prayers your way!
Just donated too, hope it helps!
Just donated and am about to share on facebook. The people of Joplin are in our thoughts.
Thanks Dana! I donated and will put a link on facebook.
Dana what a wonderful way to raise money to help all the people in Joplin, I just donated thanks for your generosity.
done! you rule.
I just donated under hub's paypal acct. J.welsh hope this little bit helps. I also reposted on my blog. Good luck with the fund raising and i hope you are able to donate a ton more than your original goal! :)
I want the quilt.. I want you to exceed your goal times three!!
Mommymae said you are legit.. so I'm sure that you are.
I've never been more proud to be a Missourian than now.. seeing everyone rally.. Thanks for what you are doing.
We were wondering if Razor had family there....so, so glad they are ok.
Donated some of my birthday money....would have donated more but I spent some of it at the shop today.
Bless you kiddo!
Just made a donation, Dana. What a great way to help! Weather is just crazy everywhere. In my province in Canada, we are experiencing record flooding, and we keep getting more rain. In Alberta, almost an entire town was burned to the ground last week. Wish we could have sent them our water. Tornadoes everywhere, hurricanes...what is happening??
At least, there are people helping people :-) Good for you for initiating this!
Kristie at OCD
I have been making blankets to send but I am so glad to be able to do more. Thank-you. I bought 20 tickets. I hope you pull my name, my block is in there!
it is so sad to see the destruction of a natural disaster. I'm sorry to hear your in-laws were affected, but glad to hear they and their homes are okay.
you are an incredible woman, dana!
Donated and posted on my fb. God Bless!
Awesome idea! Just donated! And will re-blog!
this is great! maybe as quilters we can make quilts and donate to families in need. since it takes time to make quilts, maybe they will be ready when these families have somewhere to stay....so scarry!
Donated and will re-blog about this as well.
Jenny Matlock
Thank you!!! You often have interesting posts! They put me in good spirits )
I was less than 2 miles away from the Minneapolis tornado (holding one of my grandchildren)! I'm happy to contribute and thank you for doing this.
I have just donated through your paypal account. So pleased to be able to help from across the ocean in Australia.
Dana, thank you so much for doing this...if for some lucky reason, I am the winner...would like to donate the quilt to a family your husband knows who needs it...
Thank you...
You go girl! LOVE the quilt. ;o)
What a great thing on your part. If I win, I plan to pay it forward.
Hi Dana, I blogged about this today:
What a great way to help and what a pretty quilt! I just donated under brushpopperranches. It's so nice to see people pull together to help others. Thank you! My prayers are with all those who have been affected by these devastating storms.
donated. thank you for helping.
Having recently tried to do the same on my blog for the relief effort in Japan and had a less than stellar success, I know what it feel like to put yourself out there on your lonesome ownsome.
I've donated!
Good luck.
PS I'd like to reply to the email you just sent me but you are a 'no reply blogger'...did you know that!!!
What a gorgeous quilt. Every little bit helps and you are doing a wonderful thing. I donated, thank you for helping the community and allowing us to have another avenue in which to send aid.
What a gorgeous quilt. What an amazing person to put this together. I donated, and though it's a small part, it's people like you that make the difference. Thank you!
I donated! glad I'm able to help out.
Done; just donated. Thank you for doing this, it makes it easy for us to help. We've driven through Joplin on a few of our cross-country trips. Unbelievable what has happened, there and other places. My heart aches.
so glad to hear family is safe. a happy spot in the midst of much unhappy. I will try to link up on my blog space 1st chance i get to help spread the word around....
can't wait to hear how much you raise!
Hope you meet your goal over night! Gorgeous quilt you are offering and love your heart to reach out to others this way. I shared a link to this on my blog and facebook. Blessings!
That is such a lovely gesture! (And a lovely quilt that you are willing to part with to help others.) I am sure you are honest, but I just couldn't bring myslef to send money to your personal PP acct., but I did txt World Vision as per your suggestion, and wanted you to know that even if it doesn't show up in your numbers, you are contributing to even more giving! Thank you for the reminder and the links to other places to donate.
Weeeellllll, if you a friend of that scalawag, Jodi, of the Pleasant Home blog, then I bet you are trying to scam us. I mean, What a great idea! Thanks so much for doing this. Yeah, that's what I meant to say. ;) heehee
Your quilt is beautiful!
Mind if I blog about what you are up to? I mean, doing?
Yes, happy to help this great cause Dana. I'll spread the word as well.
Glad to hear that family is safe and we will be praying for everyone.
The quilt is beautiful. I love your idea of giving it away through the charity! I'm going to compile a list of ways people can help to post on my blog this weekend.
I will be sure to include this!
Oh Dana aren't you good!
The quilt is lovely, I've made a donation and even blogged about it with a link to your site.
Good luck with your goal......I admire you and your giving spirit.
Big Hugs and Happy Sewing
I love you! This is awesome!
This is wonderful! I will share your link as well. Keep up the great work!
I donated as well thanks to Kristie at OCD's blog pointing the way. I live in New England and while I dont know anyone in MO, it does make me realize how lucky I am to live where I do. We might get hurricanes and Nor' easters but they are nothing compared to the devastation the Joplin is facing. I hope we can make a difference.
Please stay open for another week (June 3 or 4)!
I am working on a post for my blog with your info included, but it won't be ready to go up until Sunday. :)
I can't believe how horrible this is for Joplin. Such devestation on such a hug scale. Here in Christchurch we understand life changing in an instant (or two) and it's hard, hard, hard. Our thoughts and prayers for your families and friends.
Sent in my small donation. :)
I cannot get this town out of my mind. The quilt is beautiful. How generous! I am a 2nd grade teacher. Do you know if any of the elementary schools need supplies? I have the summer to put together lesson plans and supplies for Sept. Please let me know.
Thank you,
:) So glad you are getting so many donations- your quilt is beautiful. Wish I could give more but Joplin and its families are in my prayers. Thank you for your generosity!
Donated in the memory of Jennifer Jones and the honor of Garrett Jones, victims of the Alabama tornados 1 month ago today.
Congratulations of exceeding your goal! I donated, and was so happy to have a painless way to do so! I'm bowl-over by your generosity - and so happy to help. We used to live in St. Louis and drove through Joplin often, such a beautiful little city! Thanks for this opportunity! xo, Nan
where oh where... are you tonight???
...and other days too..
miss you..
Thanks for your generosity! I had been planning on donating and here was the perfect opportunity.
Oh hooray! It looks like this is going swell.
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