Thursday, June 23, 2016

Father daughter adventure racing

I've spoken about Adventure Racing as a sport for years in this space. It's an endurance sport combining navigation, running, paddling, mountain biking, and climbing or repelling. Expedition races can last days or weeks while sprint races average six to twelve hours.  It's something my husband, Razor, has done since our youngest daughter was two years old. 

You see where I'm going with this right? 

She's fourteen now and recently completed her first adventure race with Razor. Adventure racing is largely an adult sport and it's uncommon for teenagers to race. But she biked, ran, repelled, and paddled for over six hours in the hot sun with her dad.  This is the two of them at the finish. She was hot, tired, sore, thirsty, sweaty and hungry.

And it's in her blood. She was ready to do it all again as soon as she flopped down in the shade at the finish.

They came in third place in the co-ed division.

Third place ya'll! She's fourteen!



kclily said...

Your baby is growing up. I feel like I'm her blogger Grandma because you have allowed me to watch her grow up. I'm so proud of her and of your husband. They are making good memories. 💖🏆

Paige said...

Woohoo! Good for her!

Jo said...

Congratulations to them! It's so lovely to see them bonding over a common interest x

Jennifer said...

Awesome! What great memories they are making.

Karen @runsewfun said...

She finished SMILING!!! And THIRD PLACE...AMAZING!!!

Kar said...

Big cheers for her for even attempting that kind of race at her age! And to participate with her Dad is super awesome! What an awesome team. : )

Mcm said...

Fantastic! What an experience to share together and a lifetime treasured memory for both of them. Congrats to the father/daughter team.

Susie Q said...

Well after just seeing your pictures from March Yellowstone trip I would say she gets adventuring from both parents. So happy that they have this memory, it is a great one!

Kelly O. said...

so wonderful to see them do this together! the father-daughter bond is so important especially at her age. My dad was forever my hero and I always knew where my life was grounded because he was my biggest cheerleader.