Get in car. Drive to first thrift store. Stroll around looking for pretties. Buy them if you see them. Get back in car and drive to next thrift store.
Now there are variations on this general game. I mean I rarely pass up a yard sale and I have been know to frequent live auctions and estate sales. And, if there is a flea market within a decent distance you can bet I'll be there.
I'm a seasoned veteran. I've been obsessed with this sport for at least 10-15 years. You wouldn't believe the amazing things that I have found for my home doing this.
So, I figure I will fairly regularly post pictures of some of my cool thrift finds. These pics are what I found yesterday.

Paid $1 for all three of the wall art. They look beautiful in my aqua bathroom. :)

3 pairs of old wooden shutters. Mark calls them dirty. I say they have a nice patina. It is all in how you look at it. At $1 each I just couldn't say no. At least 2 will probably end up a part of my booth when I do art shows. Maybe a shelf of sorts. Or, they would be super cute on the playhouse Mark is planning for the girls. Or, they would be nice as an office organizer system thingy. I even thought about bringing them to the 4th graders and challenging them to make something useful for their classroom. We'll just have to see.

3 old Ball canning jars. Love these things and have bunches around. I have button collections in them. Old wooden spools of thread. They make the greatest flower vases. I'm fairly certain that these are newer rather than antique because of the eagle on one side. I'm thinking they were made in the 1970s. Who knows. I just love the color.
Well, I know some of you were looking forward to the clogging video but I still haven't been able to get the darn thing downloaded. I'll keep trying. I love technology when it works but when it doesn't I get as mad as a hornet. I'm a bit like my mother.
Finally, just two more pictures from today. New flowers are blooming everyday and I love to go out on my posie patrol and check them all out.

What a gorgeous and delicate flower. It's called a "Bleeding Heart". Too bad it blooms for such a short period of time.

Can you see the spider on the tulip? I'm not a big fan of bugs but I thought this was a neat shot with the spider in it.
Speaking of not being a big fan of bugs, did I tell you about our encounter with a snake over the weekend? Mark wonders why I'm afraid of snakes and always tells me one thing or another about why we are not going to see any. His reason this past weekend was because it is still just a bit too cold at night and mornings for the snakes to be out yet. Well, there we were as a family planting blueberry bushes when a little snake comes slithering right between the girls and I! Aaacckkk! Good thing we had shovels! This will not be the last time you hear about me and snakes. Nearly every time I'm in the yard it seems I see one. So far I think they have always been the non-poisonous ones but we do have timber rattlers and copperheads in this part of the country so I'm always on the lookout. Mark calls me "snake charmer". Ha- ha. Very funny honey.
Tootle doo,
Thanks Kim! Looking forward to seeing you soon. I have some plants to bring you!
Thanks Kim! Looking forward to seeing you soon. I have some plants to bring you!
your getting pretty good w/ photoshop. i like the pinstripe in the border that matches the color of the flowers.
I love the name of your blog, so I just had to stop in for a visit. I, too, am a fan of thrifting. You found some real treasures!
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