I feel like shouting it from the mountaintops . . . TODAY IS THE DAY PEOPLE OF THE UNIVERSE! YES, TODAY COULD BE YOUR LUCKY DAY!
Okay. So that is a bit overly dramatic. But, this quilt give away contest has been a long time in the making. And so many of you have graciously helped me promote it by posting about it on your own blogs and telling everyone you know about it. Including your Great Aunt Lucinda's first cousin Corletta. And your Orkin man. And your gynecologist. So without any further ado, let's get this party started, shall we?
As you know, I am going to give away this quilt.
And I'm also going to give away TWO $35 gift certificate to my natural body care product company Old Red Barn Co. So, go take a look around and see what you may want if you are one of the lucky winners.
This quilt is made entirely with fabric from the Katie Jump Rope line designed by Denyse Schmidt for FreeSpirit fabrics.
The pattern is from Kari Ramsey of Fresh Cut Quilts. It is called "Wild At Heart". If your interested in checking out this pattern or other great patterns from her line just click on the highlighted words above. They will take you to her blog and/or her email. I may have to try her "Shortnin' Bread" pattern next. Hmmmmmm. Can you hear the wheels turning?
100% cotton top, back and batting. Machine wash and dry. Use it or put it in your closet . . . just please don't give it to the dog.
Worth playing for? (I feel like Jeff Probst of Survivor telling the castaways about the reward challenge!)
All you have to do to enter is leave a comment to this post. You still are free to promote it on your own blog. You earn FIVE extra entries into the drawing if you post an entry about it in your blog. You earn and ADDITIONAL FIVE entries if you put the quilt give away graphic into your sidebar. If you don't have a blog just tell everyone you know to enter and to leave a comment. If anyone mentions that you sent them then you'll get an extra entry (but that is for the blogless of the world). Yep, even your gynecologist counts. International bidders are totally welcome.
The contest will end Wednesday, March 19th at 7:00pm EDT. Get your comments in before then. I'll announce the winner Thursday, March 20th sometime in the morning hours. The winner will be selected by random draw.
Good luck!
Edited to add: Wowzers! I am overwhelmed by the response. I make it a practice to respond to comments that are left on my blog and to visit your blogs. However, I still have laundry to do, bathrooms to clean, errands to run, noses to wipe, bruises to kiss, groceries to gather, emails to answer . . . I think you get the idea . . . so I may not be replying to every comment or visiting every blog. (Rest assured though, if you posted about it and/or put it in your sidebar of your blog I'm giving you your extra entries. What a pain in the batootie. But I'm doing it!) After the contest is over and the dust settles, however, I'm hoping some of you stick around. It is at that point that I'll reply, visit and breathe. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you everyone! (I must admit this all makes me feel a bit rock starish. Well, minus the spandex pants, big hair, tour bus and groupies. But you know what I mean.)
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 1213 Newer› Newest»What an amazing giveaway! I posted about it on my blog, and added the button to my sidebar! YAY!!
The quilt is amazing! So if I say Perri sent me I get more chances? I never win anything but thought I'd give it a shot. I love quilts!
I found you through Dorothy at Morning Pages (vermontquilter).
Guess I will bookmark this, to see if I win!
Nice products, glad I found you!
just found your blog-what an amazing giveaway! i'll post the info on my blog. thanx for the chance!
Happy Blogiversary! Thanks for being so generous and good luck to everyone in the draw.
I found out about this on the Quilt Nut Creations blog. I will post it on mine too. I actually have two blogs so both will list it as they are different readers! thank you-maybe I will get ambitios and finish my tshirt quilt too.
Oh thats a nice quilt and hopefully the fortuna is on my side ;o)
Will put a link to you on my blog. Didn't know how to put in a logo into the sidebar....
hugs from switzerland
I'll surely mention your vibrant quilt on my blog........whether I can manage to add sidebar widget is in the laps of the gods
And Ann Halden of Moama sent me here!
Maureen in Queensland
Oh please pick me!! I would love to give this gorgeous quilt a home. It looks terrific. Now waiting patiently for the draw (5 nights to go!!).
I do hope I get picked. Wouldn't it be great to see your quilt travel across the big lake and live in the Netherlands (Holland).
Hi - Yes please put me in the draw - I found out from Donna - as www.sewmadblogspot.com - And I will put a call out on my blog www.jetcraftbooks.typepad.com - Cheers Tania
Oh please pick me!! I would love to give this gorgeous quilt a home. It looks terrific. Now waiting patiently for the draw (5 nights to go!!).
I do hope I get picked. Wouldn't it be great to see your quilt travel across the big lake and live in the Netherlands (Holland).
What a lovely idea....and what a gorgeous quilt!
(Ann in Moama) tipped me off to come visit,and I've blogged and linked to you and added the redbarn pic to my sidebar
ps. it will shortly show up on my http://maureenc@wordpress.com
Wow, so many comments all ready and well worth it to... I'll be mentioning you in my blog. Lovely just lovely.
Lisa x
OK, I love the quilt, and really want to see the whole thing. I added you to my blog, and added what I hope is the correct logo in my side bar. Also, I have a give-away (alas, "only" fat quarters, not a quilt) that ends March 24.
I hope you won't mind posting that quilt all the way over to the other side of the world when my name "comes out of the hat" LOL
btw, I have just posted about your giveaway, and I have also put the graphic (with a link to your site under it - couldn't work out how to make the picture itself into a link with those silly "add a page element" thingys)
btw - been reading a few of your other recent blog entries - cute cow! ... and that cream and butter both look yummy!
- Andrea,
disorganised "downunder" (in Australia)
What a great giveaway! The quilt is so cute. I love it.
Deleted my last comment 'cause I gave you bad info! Quilt Nut (http://quiltnutcreations.blogspot) had a link to this post. I posted a link on my blog along with a photo! Congrats on 200 posts!!
Count me in. Lissa Jane sent me. Thanks for the give-away! The quilt is lovely!
well who would'nt want too be in the rnning to win this quilt..and no way it's too good for a dog's bed(gawd)..I hope this post appears am having problems with blogger---grrr...have added your quilt give away logo/link.. on my blog.cheers Vickie
a beautiful quilt.
LG Ingrid
Such a beautiful quilt! Thanks so much for the giveaway!
How could anyone resist?? A gorgeous quilt!!
WoohOo! Congrats on your 200th post!
11 entries for me! :) Blogged and posted graphic on sidebar here!
Your Blog is lovly,
Margit from Bavarian
Lissa just sent me here. I just love your quilt. I am an embroiderer and so admire the quilts you ladies make. I don't have a blogg yet but will certainly tell all my friends about yours. Love the idea of your products too. You must be one talented and very busy lady! Cheers Shirley
Great idea, and sure I will leave a comment. Good to have heart from your blog, i will visit you now regulary!
Greetings from Germany
Momo (who will be in holidays when you announce the winner (-: )
oh my goodness I am seeing this giveaway all over blogland
can I have an entry please
congrats on your 200th post yay
hugs Beth
wow, what a generous giveaway. I found this through the dsq group on flickr. thanks!
Beautiful quilt. I hope I win!
Hi! What a beautiful quilt. I love that range of fabric!
What a beautiful quilt. The fabrics you used are wonderful!
I absolutely love your quilt, I love it even more because I actually dream about Katie Jump Rope quilting fabric day in and day out. I am new to the blogging world, but I came across a link to your page through a comment on mine and realized it was my lucky day! I'm going to post your link right now! I hope hope hope I'm the lucky winner, it would be the perfect wedding gift for... ME!
Love it! Your quilts are so gorgeous. I posted a blurb about your contest over on my blog,
found your site at http://maureenc.wordpress.com/. Love the quilt and would love to be put in the draw. Will try and put your graphic on my blog.
Count me in please - I've already blogged about this and wil do another post liking to this exact post. I will put your logo on my side bar too. Can I do anything else to ensure a victory???
I LOVE this quilt!
(ps came via Jackie at Canton Village)
I love all the soaps! They all look wonderful. I found you thru Perri. I love your site
I also posted a link at my blog to yours
I really want one of these quilts! I just received my first award on my blog and I was so excited. I cannot even imagine winning this quilt. The whole world would probably hear me yelling! I can't wait! I will be happy for whoever wins but will be happier if I win it! ha!
I love the quilt!!! I am getting married in 6 weeks and that quilt would look great in our bedroom! I will post your contest on my blog and I'm not completely blog illiterate, but I will try to post a graphic on the side. I learned about your contest from Peri at http://lottakids1961.blogspot.com/. I can't wait to shop for soap, I'm going to check them out now. Thanks!
I'm in awe that you would give away such a beautiful quilt. You rock! :)
Please check my blog to see my promotion of your give-away.
Beautiful quilt! I found out about this through Rhonda, aka Quiltnut.
Janet B
yay! free quilt! that's awesome! great idea!
*gasp* What a beautiful quilt! I have never visited your blog before but it's now in my favorites. Your music? Is wonderful! I'm dashing off to work but later tonight I am coming back to look at the soaps and other goodies, oh I am ex-cit-ed!!!! Thank you for such a lovely offering, someone is going to be quite blessed!
By the way I found your blog via http://www.buraellen.blogspot.com/ I don't know how to do the sidebar thing but if I figure it out I'll put ya in there!
I should start a blog today to get extra entries into this :) But thanks for keeping it an option for the "blogless" :) Draw Me!
The quilt looks great, this is a great giveaway and I would to participate. I will put up your banner and mention you on my blog:
My friend Kelly (probably Craftyblah to you) sent me and I think I'll be back to check out your stuff again!! Sounds really nice!!
Rhonda Morrison (Quiltnut Creations) sent me over! Wow, what an amazing give away. Your quilt just beautiful!!
I'm going to do a post on my blog and will put it in the side bar as well.
-Cindy Keery
Wow, what a great quilt! I'm commentor #250~ could that be lucky? :-)
Thanks for making such a generous offer!
I'll try to put a link on my blog, but I'm still learning how to do these things. ;-)
I tried to leave a comment a few minutes ago, but got an email saying "Delivery Status Notification Failure"... hopefully it will work this time.
I've just posted about your give away on my blog and also put it in the side bar.
imagine. dream. create.
Thanks for doing such an awesome give away!
-Cindy Keery
The quilt is absolutely beautiful! I would love to win it :-)
lovely quilt. Thanks for a chance to win :) I found out about the giveaway from Cindy Keery.
What an amazing dose of generosity! There is so much time and work put into making a quilt and that's a gorgeous quilt.
I'm new to blogging so I haven't yet filled mine with stuff so it wouldn't do much good to post the link there. Maybe next time. Please do include this one entry for me. I could get lucky!
I love the quilt. I want the quilt. I'm posting about the quilt. I think I'm obssessed about the quilt.
I heard about the give away from Marci at www.amazinggrazefarm.blogspot.com so be sure to enter her extra!
I'm already blessed with my grandmother's quilts so IF I were to win I will donate the quilt to the Galilean Children's Home quilt auction. You can read about them at http://www.galileanhome.org/
But if I win the gift certificates for soaps, I will probably enjoy those myself...tee, hee!
Many blessing to you for blessing others with your work.
Teresa in KY
How generous of you! I Love the quilt and will definately mention the drawing in my blog! YIPEEE!
Love the quilt! What a great contest. I found out about it at "Sew Me Something Good". I think I shall have to check out some more of your blog. Thank you for sharing you talents.
Congratulations on 200 posts! And what a gorgeous quilt!
enter me, bloggy momma told me :)
Your quilt is gorgeous!! Please put me in the drawing for 6 entries. I just posted about it on my blog.
Hi - what a wonderful blog you have!! I just found it - and would love to win the quilt you're giving away (or those fabulous gift certificates!!). I also put your quilt give away graphic in my side bar (gotta get my name in there as many times as possible LOL!!) Thanks!
Hi - what a wonderful blog you have!! I just found it - and would love to win the quilt you're giving away (or those fabulous gift certificates!!). I also put your quilt give away graphic in my side bar (gotta get my name in there as many times as possible LOL!!) Thanks!
Loooove it. Maybe It will be my lucky day. Thanks for being generous someone is going to be very lucky.
ooohh, Katie Jump Rope is one of my favorites! Congrats on your 200th post!
What a generous, beautiful quilt you are GIVING away! I will certainly post another entry about your giveaway in my blog. Pick me, pick me, pick me! I would be honored to give this quilt a front & center display spot in my home.
CONGRATS on 200 :)
I found your blog from blueflower treasures. I am totally going to post about this on my blog now. And I am sure I'll enjoy visiting your blog.
It is so pretty. I've never been able to sew, and I am so impressed by people who can make these masterpieces! I read about this on Nicole's website "Little House in the Big City." I hope that I win!!
I was just at my neice Mary's blog
(Cat's Fiber Adventures) and she has posted about your quilt giveaway. Being a new quilter & blogger I am very much interested in new quilt designs & helpful tips, quilting & blogging. Your quilt is absolutely awesome & the Katie Jump Rope fabric great. I am looking forward to reviewing your site & blog more extensively. Hope I win.
You know I'll play! I've got your link on my side bar!!! LOL
Whether or not I win anything, you have reached a super milestone-now get ready for the NEXT 200!!!
Anna Walker
Pick me! Pick me!
Happy 200th!!
I will put the button on my blog right now.
after reading some of the comments, it appears the quilt contest is going to be a roaring success. you're great boo!! always thinkin' aren't ya?
thanks for giving this away. I would love to win it.
WOW gorgeous quilt, and your soaps and scrubs look good enough to eat - especially those sugar scrubs - yummy! My fingers are crossed!
I LOVE the quilt! I heard about it from Marci at Amazing Graze Farm. Thankyou for letting me try.
That quilt is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!
Great idea - and what a beautiful quilt. I will try to get a post together on my blog -but then again, you only need one entry to win!!!
Beautiful, BEAUTIFUL quilt! How can you part with it?
Hello. Nancy from 'With Thread in Hand' referred me to your blog giveaway. the quilts are georgeous. Hope I win!
Seems like word is really getting around! Ann Margret from Piece of Mind, had your giveaway posted and I came right over. Quilt looks absolutely beautiful! And I may leave your website open because I am really loving your play list. That doesn't happen very often!
Yesterday's "slicker than snot" is still cracking me up...
Re: drawing for a quilt. Count me in! No active blog I'm afraid (minimizing distractions as I write-up my PhD). All the same, will do my best to drum up some new traffic to your site.
Congrats on 200. Onward!
Lori (in Cambridge, England)
I just found your blog via another blog, and jsut wanted to say your blog is lovely and the quilt is beautiful. great photographs.
Love the quilt, count me in the draw please. i saw this on Maureen's blog!
Oh I just stumbled upon your blog. I love it and have posted about the giveaway as well as put the logo in my side bar. Beautiful quilt. I will be back.
Hi! I love the quilt and the Old Red Barn Co certificates would be wonderful!! Lissajane sent me!!!
Thanks for sharing!
SOOOO beautiful - what image should I use for the sidebar? I'll do it, I swear!
Such a lovely piece of art! I left a post on my blog:
Wow there have been a ton of comments since I posted, almost 100 comments ago. I figured out how to post the graphic so I'll follow with 9 other posts. Thanks for all of the extra chances! 1 of 10
Pick me! 2 of 10
I hope that today is my lucky day!! 3 of 10
I hope that today is my lucky day!! 4 of 10
Beautifull quilt, hope it wants to be mine :)
Read mention of your drawing on ---> A Latte Quilts - Lattes and a Lota Quilts.
Now to go check out your store--- thank you for offering the quilt, you are a good person.
Wow! How exciting! I love the Katie Jump Rope line of fabrics, too. I love quilting and soaping, so I'll definitely be adding your blog to my list o' favorites :)
Please enter me in your contest.
I will post about it on my blog, and put it on my sidebar.
I am excited, and I am putting it in my blog too. Good luck and have fun! Good luck to me too.
Please enter me!
Wow! What a gorgeous quilt! I'd love to be put in the running for a chance to win! : )
Wowee!!! What a giveaway!! Please enter me!
What fun!! The quilt is beautiful, and love reading your blog and the comments. I posted in my blog about you and inserted a link, but couldn't do the logo-darn! Good Luck--love your music too!
What a cool idea!! I would love to have this quilt. :)
I also posted a link over on my blog!
Well, the comments are adding up fast but it's better odds than the Lotto! I think I did it all right, banner on left, posted on my blog and posted comment. Put me in for 11! Now to go check out the Barn! :o)
What a wonderful blog you have here and an awesome, generous giveaway. I found you through Amanda at Busy Little Quilts. My name is Heather and I live in Ontario Canada. Have a beautiful day! Heather
I am crazy in love with this quilt! Count me in!
Do want! So pretty! I posted about it on my blog!
Oh please count me in!!!! I will be linking you from my blog too. I need all the help I can get. I love the quilt. Katie Jump Rope is one of my favorites!!!!!!!! You rock and Congrats on the 200th post. That is a wonderful acomplishment!!!!
How can I NOT sign up for this drawing! What a wonderful quilt!
It's a beauty!
Yummy quilt! Oh so generous quilt maker :)
Maureen from Kenmaurs Corner in Oz sent me here. I don't have a blog, but my dd does, I'll tell her the news too.
Oh wow! What an amazing give away!
What a beautiful quilt! I'd love to be entered in the drawing. Thanks.
Oh boy, Dana! Look at you! You've lost your mind. ;) Kidding, what incerdibly generosity! I'll do my bestest to get a post up this weeknd. :)
That's fantastic! Thanks for this opportunity!
I found you through Cindy Keery "Imagine, Dream, Create".
ooh - kelly at my own little area on the web told me about this contest!
give it to the dog? no way !!! i want it i want it !!!
i found out about the quilt giveaway from sewtobed's blog.
keeping my fingers crossed here x
I love quilts!!! Please enter me in the giveaway. Thanks.
This quilt is so beautiful! I would love to have this quilt in my home! I heard about this from Bonny Steele. I also posted a link to your site on my blog. tried to put up a picture but blogger wasn't working properly. hope I win! thanks !
Oooh, what a lovely prize, I'm so glad I got around to commenting before the time was up!
This is a beautiful quilt and I'd love to win it. I'm glad I found your blog. Take care and God bless, Cory
Hi Dana -
Please add my name to the list for the quilt give away. It is adorable. Hope I win :) I found out about this from Amanda at www.busylittlequilter.blogspot.com.If I can figure out how, I'll add your graphic on my blog.
Enjoyed visiting, I'll come back! Fun post!
OOhhhh Lovely quilt. What a great prize.
What a lovely quilt...please enter me in :-) I found you via Debra at My Vintage Home.
Your soaps and such look wonderful also.
I forgot to say, I found your blog through: http://blueflowertreasures.wordpress.com/
And I added your graphic in my sidebar. Maybe someday I'll get it to link properly :)
I would love to get my name tossed into the hat for a chance. Being more than a little bit 'sidebar challenged' I'll just leave it at this. It sure has been fun seeing a little reminder just about everywhere I go. Congrats on 200 posts!
I love that quilt, you are so sweet to have such an awesome give-a-way....the homemade soap products would be a nice win, too. Pick me, I will really use either.
Wow! Look at the comments! Thank you for doing this and p-l-e-a-s-e count me in! I will be posting this along with the banner too!
xo Cat
Your quilt is georgous. I just found your site thru Busy Little Quilter blog.
Would love to be in the drawing.
I LOVE this quilt!! Pick me! Pick me! Oh Puhleese!
It is truly beautiful.
Count me in.
Umm hello! Yes, I would love to be entered! It's a gorgeous quilt and uses my favorite fabrics!!! Thanks for the chance!
I got the link from MintBasil's blog (LeeAnn)
That quilt is so pretty, I hope I win it to keep me warm in the cold Canadian winters:) I have put your contest on my blog.
Oh my. Really lovely. Quite amazing! What a wonderful thing to do! I think I came to this from Katie at Sew Mama Sew! Have a GREAT drawing!
hi. i found your blog from Jackie at canton quilt works. I have blogged about your contest on my blog too and I am trying to load the graphic! Lovely quilt, i hope i win. love your site!!
Gorgeous quilt!! I would love to win! Please enter me, thank you for the giveaway! I will post it on my blog.
I want that quilt sooo bad! I make quilts too. Not as pretty as that I am sure. But I also give away every quilt i make. i would love to win a quilt just for me! I am posting this link into my blog very next thing.
Please enter me. I have put a post on my blog about the giveaway also.
I would love to put button on my side bare but I am not seeing what I should be putting on there. Let me know and I will do that to for 5more entries. :-)
what a very generous giveaway!
i'm linking your giveaway to my giveaways blog right here:
i hope i win!
Oh please enter me in the contest!! I would love to win that quilt. Its great.
How wonderful for someone to win the beautiful quilt or the other products. I hope it's me!!
Thank you, BarbaraG
Lovely lovely quilt. What a wonderful giveaway! Please sign me up and I made a post on my blog.
Thank you and congratulations!
Zizzybob sent me. She also has the graphic on her blog - so I don't mind at all if she wins because I know I can talk her out of it.
Thanks for a chance - Ann
I got here for the drawing via http://rainylakechick.blogspot.com. Thanks rainylakechick for the hookup. And thanks for another new and funky blog to add to my bloglines. Bring on the goodies!
Reading quilt blogs is almost as fun as quilting. This one is great!
Uh, wow, wow, wow. On the quilt, the number of comments, and your generosity. Wow.
Holy moly, that quilt is gorgeous! I did find a 4 leaf clover today...
Hi, congratulations on your 200th post. A beautiful quilt that you are giving away, I would love to win.
I found my way to your blog via Nadine at Friendship Threads. I don't as yet have a blog but I really enjoy reading other peoples.
I hope that this quilt gets to travel across the Pacific Ocean and then to the middle of New South Wales, Australia.
I noticed a few fellow Aussies in the draw.
Cheers from the hot, dry, dusty, beautiful spot that I call home
What an amazing thing to do, I hope whoever wins it will care for it as though they had made it themselves. Enjoy it to the full. My friend Di told me of this through her Blog Stop by with DI, hope I have got that right for her to have more chances. Also if I can work out how to do it I will put you on my Blog also. Good luck everyone.
I have no idea how to post the graphic!! but I'd so so love to win the quilt. It looks amazing. congratulations on 200 posts. deb in New Zealand
WOW! I'll bet you never thought you'd get so many comments! Please count me in - adding you to my blog and sidebar now. I found you through Anita at rileysramblings.blogspot.com/
cheers, Kate in Australia
I have no idea how to post the graphic!! but I'd so so love to win the quilt. It looks amazing. congratulations on 200 posts. deb in New Zealand
There is only one thing better than giving a quilt away and that is receiving one. Could you please enter me in your draw. You do beautiful work!
Mattie - British Columbia
Beautiful quilt, what a great prize.
OMG, that is one very cute quilt...If you want to give it a good home I promise here in NJ it will be loved!!!
I found your blog via Jackie @ canton village quiltworks. I have posted about your giveaway on my blog. I am trying to put your giveaway in my sidebar...so working on that....hope I win!!! heehee
What a sweet deal! I'm posting my comment to enter and I'll add a post on my blog about your giveaway. thanks!
Beautiful quilt!
Baeutiful! I will definitely mention it on my blog. However, I feel I should mention that it doesn't get read.
What a beautiful quilt and a wonderful opportunity!! Thanks you!!
Oh, it's beautiful! My family would love to snuggle under it.
What a beautiful quilt. I found out about your contest from Mrs. Cat's blog. I hope I win!! :) Thanks for including me.
Oh, this is BEAUTIFUL!!! It would look so fabulous in my girls' room... too bad I never win anything ;)
I really want this quilt. If I win I will love it and hug it and not even let the dog sniff it!
That quilt is beautiful! I heard about your giveaway from Nicole. I am posting about it on my blog as we speak! :) And I am putting the pic/link in my sidebar. It is so generous of you to do something like this!
Oh my goodness 371 comments!!! Wow. This is such an amazing giveaway. You are so generous!
I thought I already left a comment, but I don't see it. I love the colors in this quilt. If I win I willl hug it and love it and not let the dog near it.
I posted about the contest on my blog. I copied a picture for the post. I hope that is okay. I don't know how to do the sidebar things. If you want me to take down the pic let me know.
Beautiful. I love quilts and I would love to be considered for this drawing. Thanks and have a great week.
I'm so excited!! And look how many comments--word is definitely out! Congrats!!!
oh i would love a new quilt:)
I just think quilts are so cool.that some one could spend the time to make it just right and put the extra love into it .....I cannt belive you can part with it:)
Dana - Just thought you might get a kick out of this -- go to Google and put in "quilt giveaway" - YOU are all over the 'net :) Just goes to show you what a little community the Internet can be!
I would like to enter...
Prairie Lady
I will also be putting it on my blog.
I found you on bunnymoney9.blogspot. I would love to be entered
What a beauty that quilt is. I would love to have it for my daughters hope chest!
Thank you for the chance to try for it :o)
Fabulous site!!!!
Enter me and I'm pluggin ya on my site!
Great products!!!
Oh I love quilts!!
Forgot to say Cat sent me from http://www.xanga.com/MrsCatherine
384 is my lucky number! beautiful quilt...I found you through the sew, mama, sew blog....quilts are my newest thing to dream about...thanks for sharing!
oh, and this is michelle (although I'll tell brandon about it too..)
Wow this would be GREAT to win. That is just beautiful.
Thank you..
Terri E
Ventura Ca
Congratulations on your anniversay! The quilt is beautiful. I quilt and what quilter wouldn't want to win a quilt they didn't have to quilt?
By the way, I'll mention this in my sidebar and I heard about you from Dandelion Quilts.
What an incredible quilt, I can hardly contain my excitement and anticipation for when you draw the winner! I'm in love with your blog and definitely will be going to blog about you and adding your banner to my sidebar for you giveaway. My very best to you! WOW!
Here's the link to my personal blog that I'm sharing this on:
It is a beautiful quilt.
388 coments wow that is alot I can not find the post to comment on though so I hope this will work when it the drawering I wonder oh well good luck with all those enteries....
Wow this is so exciting, saw this on a friends blog ... De.... and here I am, very pretty quilt, I will go now and put a link on my blog as I'm not sure how to put a graphic in but I surely will try.
Please enter me. It will have a good home with me.... Thanks
Hi Dana,
Love the quilt and would love to give it a home here in Melbourne Australia. Lissajane sent me on over and I am now going to do my best to put the logo on my blog
Wow what a lovely idea I'm sure everyone would like to win this lovely quilt... including me of course lol. I was visiting a friends blog .. De... saw the link to her. Have put a link and piccie of the quilt on my sidebar so fingers crossed for the draw.
Thank you for the chance Dana.
Please pick me!!! Your soap looks beautiful!!!
Off to tell everyone I know! I love Katie Jump Rope, beautiful quilt.
So many entries...but there's no reason to not throw my name into the hat for such a lovely quilt. I saw a reference to your blog on Cindy Keery's blog.
I can't pass up an offer like that. So very generous, it's beautiful! And wow... look at all the comments.
What a lovely giveaway, your quilt and products look gorgeous. I have posted about your giveaway and added a link to sidebar. Thanks !
I can't believe you are giving this away!! - it is absolutely gorgeous!
Ilove it and count me in!
what a wonderful blog and a wonderful quilt.
I will post in my blog and maybe I'll hope to win...
This is fun. I love the music on your blog. Thanks!!!!
LOVELY QUILT - how nice of you to be giving one away !! I saw you on BLUEBERRY LANE DESIGNS and love your adorable quilt - please count me in! thanks from Caz
wow how great are you!!!! I would love to win your gorgeous quilt. How lucky would I be???
I will post your blog on mine.
Regards Felicity
Hi, and happy 200! Linda from All stitched up sent me over here, and I could not resist taking part in this! Can't believe you are giving away your quilt! You have a HUGE amount of comments, but I will give it a try anyway! I have made an entry on my own blog, and added the graphics to my sidebar, hoping to increase my chances!! LOL!
Wow what a beautiful lovely quilt.
Please Enter me I have posted about this lovely contest on my blog.
God Bless,
Wow, as soon as I discovered this I am leaving a comment - fingers and toes crossed - I would LOVE to win this!!! Jan (Aust)
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