. . . since the day I first saw your big brown eyes.
I'll never forget that day seven whole years ago. I started having contractions on November 21st but they were sporadic and totally manageable. I knew you were coming but I didn't tell anybody yet.
After the sun set I told Daddy that I was going for a walk. Our neighborhood was full of extra people in for the holiday. The houses were lit and I could hear laughter and joy in many that I passed.
On that walk I talked to you. I told you how much I loved you. I told you how anxious I was to meet you. I told you to be patient with us as we made the transition of having you -- a new baby; a new person; a new sister -- in our family. I told you that it was Thanksgiving and what that meant. I told you that I was ready for you when you were ready to join us. And, I told you that this Thanksgiving I was extra grateful for you.
Seven whole years ago I went back home after that walk and told Daddy that you were coming. We started timing the contractions and called Nana to tell her that we would probably be going to the hospital sometime in the night. Nana came to stay with your sister.

Seven whole years have passed since we arrived at the hospital in the wee hours of the morning on Thanksgiving.
Seven whole years since the doctor asked if your Daddy wanted to deliver you.
Seven whole years since he did.

Seven whole years have passed in the blink of an eye.
And I'm just as grateful for you today as I was seven whole years ago.
Happy Birthday Licious.
Thank you for sharing your inexplicable joy and contagious giggle with us everyday. Thank you for your spontaneous dance performances and wide eyed beautiful grins. Thank you for your thirst for knowledge, appetite for competition and zest for life. Thank you for your newly contrived yoga poses (can you say downward facing dog while brushing your hair?). Thank you for reminding us about simple things we sometimes forget . . . like how the wind feels on your cheek and how little bubbles float up your body when you jump into a swimming pool.
And, thank you for being my daughter.
Beautiful post!
That was lovely - thank you for sharing it with all of us!
That was sweet. Happy birthday to your little seven year old.
That was so beautiful Dana!
Happy Birthday sweet girl!
Your Licious looks like she has a wonderful giggle. Happy Birthday
So sweet! Happy birthday cutie!
What a sweet tribute. Congratulations to you for producing such a treasure. And congratulations to Licious for birthday number 8 (because surely her birth was birthday number 1).
Oh, so much to be thankful for and I can tell you are. I love how your teaching them your talents and letting them express theirs. They grow up sooooooo very fast. They are simply priceless.
What a beautiful seven years and many more before you.
Happy birthday to Licious!
Dana - Daughters . . . what an absolute gift from God. Thank you for expressing it all so well.
Much Love
Dana - Such a beautiful post, for a beautiful girl. May she be blessed in the years to come :)
Aaaaaw! You are making me all misty-eyed here! She is such a beautiful girl.
Delivered by her Dad?! Wow! I am impressed :) By both of you!
Congratulations on such a special day...
Happy birthday to your 7 year old. She is going to grow up very strong willed, knowing exactly what she wants. She will be outspoken and fight till the end in what she believes in....I know all this because it was my birthday yesterday and we were born under the same sign. Have fun...and hang on for the ride..lol (oh and she will be super caring and loving) xxxRobby
AWWWWW! Just so sweet! It is amazing how fast the time passes.
Happy Birthday beautiful girl!
Awe how beautiful.
Wow. What a lucky girl you are to have such a special mommy! Happy Birthday!
Sniff, so sweet. Happy 7 dear! I have a 7 year old daughter too - I thoroughly enjoyed reading this post.
happy birthday to your beautiful seven year old!
I have lots of tears after reading that, what a beautiful gift of words for your little girl. My little boy turned 5 last week and I agree, it happens in the blink of an eye.... thanks for sharing.
You made me cry. Beautiful tribute to your daughter.
Jen :)
Aw, what a sweet post. You wrote it so genuinely and sweetly....nice prose! :)
Dana, you should know better than to make an already upset hormonal woman cry! lol That was so beautiful... I'm taking notes.
Lovely post
That made me all teary-eyed. :) I hope you let her read that!
what beautiful memories.
happy birthday t0 your adorable daughter.
What a beautiful testament to your daughter! Happy Birthday from one brown-eyed girl to another!
Kim and Katiebug
So sweet! Happy Birthday to a good little clogger-who happens to be adorable too!
This goes way too quickly. My baby will be six in a few days. Happy Birthday, little Licious--you were born at a special time of year!
Such a lovely post - brought a tear to my eye x
That was the most beautiful post I have ever read.
You MUST save that for her. She'll appreciate it like you can't imagine when she's older : )
too lovely - such special wee creatures are daughters. Thank you for making me smile
too lovely - such special wee creatures are daughters. Thank you for making me smile
Wonderfully intimate love. Thank you for sharing. Happy Belated Birthday, Licious!
OK I'm crying
I am moved to tears reading your beautiful letter to your daughter. She is one lucky little girl!! I too am celebrating for on the night before this Thanksgiving my daughter presented us with our first granddaughter anmed Eme Louise. Life is good!! Happy Birthday Licious!!
I just found you today. This is such a sweet post. Such beautiful children! You are very talented.
What a beautiful post! Belated congratulations to your little girl!
My daughter is born the same day as yours - just ten years earlier!
Dagmar from Germany
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