I'm giving away these books. This set is a collection called One World, One Planet and includes books, music and activities.
Cause it is Thanksgiving. And almost Christmas. And I love them. And because, like I have said a thousand times before, if you want our children to save the world you have to teach them to love the earth.

And, Rebecca of Barefoot Books is offering Old Red Barn Co. readers 10% off if you use code SCSTHE at checkout. So really, everyone is a winner!!
Leave a comment to this post to enter. I will use the random number generator thingy-ma-bob to choose a winner next Tuesday, December 2, 2008.
Good luck peeps!
Happy Thanksgiving.
1 – 200 of 217 Newer› Newest»Happy Thanksgiving!!! What a cool collection for kids! Amy
Love your blog. So fresh and inspiring. These are books that I have never seen before. They look lovely. -Karen
Wow. I thought you were giving away one book. But a whole bag!? Fun stuff. Thanks you two for the giveaway.
oooohhh...my daughter would LOVE to read those at night...got my fingers crossed...
Count me in! My Punkie Pie LOOOOOVES books.
Jen :)
Love your blog and your stuff!! These would be a great gift for my grandkids. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
What wonderful books - we are working hard on teaching our little one how to "live gently on this earth" - it's great to have resources like these to support that!
Wow what a sweet giveaway! Very exciting!
Happy Thanksgiving to you!
Looks like a great collection! My two littles would definitely have fun reading and learning!
My daughter is just now getting into having books read to her, I would love to add a few new ones into the mix!
We love books around here too! What a great way to celebrate Thanksgiving!
Let's see: we love the earth, books, and Old Red Barn Co.
I think we'll throw our names in the hat.
Happy Thanksgiving, Dana!
Those books look great. I dub you give away queen!
I Love books. I love the earth. I love kids. send em my way! :)
I have great grandchildren that would love the books. Nice give away.
They're all readers at my place. What a great giveaway idea.
my 4 little sweeties would love these!! (not as much as they would love a quilt, but oh well....)
Nice books! I love the concept as well.
How did you know I need books. All the books. :)
Hope you guys have a great Thanksgiving! Great craft last night.
Great idea for a giveaway.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Great giveaway... books are a great idea!
Blessings, Kimberly
"so random number generator thingy won't you pick my number for me?"
maybe this time...
hmmm....count me in please!!! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
How fun, my kids would love those!
You are always thinking Dana :) Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
What a great giveaway for Thanksgiving. My girls would love these too. We have been reading like crazy around here recently.
Awesome giveaway! I have never seen these books before, we love books at our house!
Dana you're awesome!!
We love the Earth and we love books so it's perfect :o)
oh please! i love your giveaways and well I do have 3 kids under 4 and another on the way! i want them to save the world!! great giveaway!
What a great giveaway! Count me in!
I'd LOVE to give these to my nephew, Sammy, for Christmas. Great books and I love your BLOG! You inspire me! ~ @my
love your blog,and this great giveaway.
Have a happy thanksgiving.
Lorraine uk
I would love these books for my Grandson. I'm trying to save his planet and dragging my daughter into the plan. Happy Thanksgiving
These are wonderful! I am trying to build a library for my niece.
O these look awesome! What a cool giveaway!!!!
Oh, Jack and his non stop questioning would love these.
I would so love these books for my daughter! You're wonderful for having such a nice give-away!
We love books and would love to win this! Thanks!
What a great giveaway! I've checked out a few "barefoot books" from our library, but we don't any yet :)
Yes, I want those books! Thanks, Dana. And I love your blog Thanksgiving banner -- adorable.
Books, books, I love books. Especially children's books. Thanks for the opportunity for your contest.
I would love these books. They would be put to such good use in our house. Thanks!
Wow! Great giveaway! My boys would love these books:)
Oh, my niece and nephew loooove books! Thanks for this!
I love your blog. I know a new teacher who would just love the giveaway for her classroom. Happy Holidays!
what a wonderful gift!
we're crossing our fingers AND toes.
Nice Giveway - Thanks for the chance :)
I'm a lover of books but these are new to me. Thanks for telling about them.
Love the look of those books, thanks for this chance to win them :)!
Good Morning Sweet Dana!
My children would love these books! My 6 year old son is so in to saving this planet by little things he does! So we would be so happy to have these in our collection!
You and your lovely family have a beautiful Thanksgiving!
My two boys would L.O.V.E. these books - great giveaway. Happy Thanksgiving.
My hubby thinks I'm a tree hugger, but I agree, kids gotta' learn to hug more, litter less!
Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Kelly O.
What a great giveaway! I would love these for my 3 y.o. girl...gotta teach them early! :)
Thanks for sharing and Happy Thanksgiving.
Great, socially responsible giveaway - thanks for hosting!
Great, socially responsible giveaway - thanks for hosting!
If I win I'll give the books to a cute kid!
Happy Thanksgivin! I am thankful for great blogs like yours that make my days a little easier.
My daugher teaches in an inner city school....all books are a blessing to her classroom. So I will keep fingers crossed and thanks for your generous give away. Happy Thanksgiving..... Annelies
Dana, Sweet Pea,
You always top yourself, how do you do it....and with music to match. I'm having such a fun life being your blog friend. If you give away what you love you benefit more than if you keep it to yourself. How does this work? Magic, I think.
Hugs....don't eat too much.
What a generous offer! I'm such a book lover, especially when it comes to kids books and story time!
Happy Thanksgiving Dana. Have a great time with your family. And thanks for the opportunity to win these awesome books!
Lil Man loves him some books. You can ask him who his special is and he will say 'ead it, book, pease.' He would love these.
We always love new books! Although, if you draw my name I will be in Africa until the 14th, so will check back when I get home. Thanks for all of the great give-aways.
hooray for books! count me in!
PS. loving amos lee on your playlist.... might have to be a copycat and throw that one on mine ;-)
My grandchildren love and appreciate all books. These look especially wonderful. count us in the giveaway try! Thanks.
I love reading and love to encourage my niece and nephew to read so I'd love to win these!!!
Those look like great books! We love to find fun new books.
what a great idea. I would love to win theses!
What a wonderful collection of books for me to have at Grandmas house....my 5 grandkids would love these...
They look lovely!
Yes please. They are gorgeous!
these look like great books - I have never seen them before.
cant wait to see all these VQB quilts when they are finished :)
my boys would LOVE the books. they "read" anything they can get their hands on. happy thanksgiving!
What a wonderful give-away. I would love to win them. Thank you for the time you spend posting and sharing with us. Take care and God bless, Cory
My DD is just learning to read and this would be a great gift for her!
Thanks for a great blog. Love reading it.
My mom would love those books for her Kindergarten class! So I'm entering for a chance to win them for her. :)
I would love to share them with my class of second graders... I hope you pick me!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Meghan Hein (meghan.hein@mac.com)
Please pick me - what a wonderful prize...
Books, books....are wonderful things. The more you read, the more you sing.
Ok, lame attempt at rhyming....but I want those books for my daughter!!!
What a great giveaway - my little ones would LOVE these!
Fun stuff Dana!
What a great idea! BTW I love your quilts! Do you have any for sell???
love your blog. Linda gerig
I love your blog and I'd love to win these books for my Grandson!
I am one of those anonymous followers of your blog. I stop by each time you post, but don't always comment. I will comment today because this is such a wonderful giveaway, I would be honored to win it. Happy Thanksgiving!
Oh! My grandkids would love these books!! What a great blog giveaway!! Happy Thanksgiving!!
We love books even more than we love quilts...at least my kids do! Happy Thanksgiving!
What an awesome giveaway! That is so sweet! I hope I win so I can read them to my first gran'baby;) Peace!
These would be a lovely addition to my library! I sure hope you pick me!
Thank you so much for entering me in this generous giveaway!
nicholsfamily1994 at verizon dot net
What a great giveaway! My son just turned 4 this month and it would be great to read this with him!
This is so great! My kiddos love to read :0) Hopefully this giveaway I don't end up a be LOSER!!
wow! my kiddos would love these! thanks for such a great giveaway!
You're just too generous. I'd love to win. Can I sign up?
Cool giveaway! Thanks!
ooh! we love books over here--and those look like good ones!
Looks like a great collection! My DS would love those. Thanks for the very generous giveaway. :)
Wishing you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving!
Looks fabulous! Have a blessed Thanksgiving :)
Ooooh - can I put my name in? Though I don't have kidlets, I've a trillion (only a slight exaggeration) nieces, nephews and godbabies, and I'm thinking Christmas presents. Only if it's open to overseas, of course!!
Count me in, and Happy Thanksgiving1
My Grandsons would love a bag of books under the tree!
OOH la la...you are always so generous. I would love to be the recipient of that generousity.
I would love to win these books, my daughter is almost finished college and will be an elementary teacher and I have been collecting books for her classroom next year.
What a wonderful collection of books.
I would love to win these - know just who would enjoy them.
Betty B
My grandkids would love to have me read them these books, thanks for the chance to win such a lovely gift.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
My boys would also love to have these books, My 5 yr old is very into how we can save the planet and do the right things to keep it pretty the way it is! What a wonderful giveaway!
ooooooh....sending good vibes to the number generator. My Rebekah would love those books! :)
I would love to have these books for my kids!! Good luck to me!
Please add us to the list.
With having just moved to a new state and having to make all new friends, my kiddos could use some sunshiney book love, lol.
What a beautiful blog you have.
Happy Thanksgiving :)
What a fun collection of books! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
I'd love to win these wonderful books for my 'lil ones.
Happy Thanksgiving!!
How awesome...my girlies LOVE to read!! Thanks so much and Happy Thanksgiving!!
Cool giveaway!! Happy Thanksgiving! That is one seriously awesome package of books.
What a wonderful giveaway! WOW! I would love to be entered! Thanks!
I love Barefoot Books - a great giveaway. Thanks!
Awesome, What a great treat for my little granddaughters this holiday season! Fingers crossed, you pick ME!
Here's hoping!!!!
Yes! Yes! Yes! I want these books! I have four grandchildren who would love them!
They look like wonderful books!!
My daughter is a teacher and would love these books for her class.
What a great giveaway!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Another great giveaway. You are very generous! My daughters would love these books.
I love what you do here. Thank you!
What a super collection. I would love reading them to my little grandgirls. What a generous offer. Many blessings to you too!! xo
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Dana, love the spirit of your blog ~ free, generous, in harmony with the planet. It is how we need to raise our next generations. I would love to donate these books to my granddaughter's school, so all the kids could benefit.
Fantastic giveaway - gotta love books - me.. I'm a little obsessed with them and would love to add more to my collection.
2 great words into one great day; thanks and giving. Wish you a memorable and happy Thanksgiving Day:)
And being a book worm, I'd like to enter (hopefully win) this ones.
Anyway, I'm thankFULL for your generous giveaway and an opportunity to enter.
Oh what a great set of books. I have 3 little grandboys who I would love to read these books to. Love your blog and I visit often.
These books look amazing! What a generous give away!
What aweseome books!! I've got 4 kids, and they would LOVE these!
I have two little ones who would love this!
Laurel M.
omg! my grand kids would love these. i am getting stuff ready for victoria's visit...i am so stoked!!!!!!
My 2 youngest girls would love these books. thanks for your generosity.
Anything to help make our world a better place! Thanks for the chance! These look like wonderful books! Book...Books, books...I love books!
The Jenerator
These would be great! thank you
ashlomb at yahoo dot com
LOVE the Juno soundtrack you have on your music player!!! :) also GREAT BOOKS!
Oh my, I would love these! Thanks for a such a great give away!
Hey - what a fun idea! I would love these books. Fingers crossed!
Happy Thanksgiving to you too! I am thankful for inspiring blogs to follow.....
This is a fun prize! I've been hearing about Barefoot Books all over the blogosphere!
Love the books and the bags...what a joy to have new books to read to the children.
I too love books & am all about saving the world & teaching my kids to save it too.
My family would love this!! What a great prize. Thank you! :)
These books look awesome! Count me in.
The books are great! Would make a great Christmas gift!!
This would be so wonderful a teaching tool for my grandchildren! How generous of you to share....Pick me, pick me Laurel
Kennedy, Macey, and Rebecca would love these! And so would the baby that will be here in May!! I'm their grandma and books are our favorites to share!
Happy Thanksgiving!!! My kids love books.
Oooohhhh, I would love to share those at bedtime! How awesome!!!
I can always use more kids books! how generouse of you!
My boys would love to add these to their collection! Thanks for being so generous!
wow! for a crunchy teacher who homeschools and collects children's books, this giveaway is the best! THANKS!!
blessings, Patricia
(a quiet folower who uses your playlist as the soundtrack for her days =)
Wow! How generous!! They look like they'd be a great addition to our home school library!
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
I LOVE barefoot books! I have even contemplated becoming a stallholder! I would love to win them... Such a sweet giveaway!
Oh my word! What an awesome win this would be...with 4 munchkins and Christmas just around the corner! Pick me number generator, you know you want to!
Books are a huge part of our life and a big part of the Holidays. My kiddos and their cousins always know they can count on books or a bookstore giftcard from me!
What a great giveaway!
Wow! These books look great. Thanks for the give away. LOVE your blog.
Wow, how cool! First grandbaby on the way, so gotta get prepared!
What a wonderful collection of books you are giving away...please count me in as this would be an absolutely amazing gift for my girls this year under the tree!!!!
What a beautiful gift you're offering. Thank you! And Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
WOW! Would love to WIN as Granchildren love for grannie to read to them. Happy holidays
Love the idea of books for kids and I have three beautilful granddaughts one an avid reader and the two younger one will have mom's help
I sure would love to win these for my grandkids. Count me in! I just discovered your blog and love it! valiegal@ www.blueberriesforever.blogspot.com
Great idea! Books are the best gift for kids. Being a teacher, I always buy the kiddos in my family books!
I hope you and yours had a very happy turkey day! ;)
Wow, those would be totally cool!
I would love to be entered. Thanks for the news on these awesome books.
My daughter would love these! You have a great blog, btw! :)
OUr kids would adore these books . . .what an adorable collection! Count me in!
What a great giveaway! I'd love to win! Thanks!
ooh cool I want these. I missed out on the last giveaway & came here to see if you were giving away another quilt *hint* *hint*.
Hi, just wanted to say how much i love your blog and have just started quilting and have been checking out the blog, but i love it. and the fact that you make quilts and give them away. My daughters grew up reading and now we are teaching my grandson how important it is to read. thank you so much. jeanie
Day- it's Marrrr. Count me in! They look like awesome reads sister! Love, Mar
What a beautiful and wonderful giveaway. You are very gracious.
Ooooh. A librarian (especially one with two wee ones) can never pass up a chance to get FREE BOOKS, not to mention CD's and games. :)
From one bibliophile to another... count me in!!
oh how beautiful!
i love they way you say if you want our children to save the world you have to teach them to love the earth.
mwah X
Oh, Shades of my Youth! I'm absolutely tickled to find y'all turning once again to Earth care-taking - I'd almost given up hope!
I LOVE these books, and while I'm just about to go purchase a set, I do have 3 sets of grandsquirts to educate... pick me! pick me!
Love your blog and your stuff!! These would be a great gift for my grandkids. Thanks for the great giveaway. Happy Holidays...hugs, Linda
I just found your blog and love it!!
Happy Holidays!
What a great blog! My tots love books and this is so generous of you! Merry Christmas! Blessings to you and your family!
passionate about books. Love your blog and the giveaways. Have a fabulous holiday season
Happy Thanksgiving! would love a chance to win some books! we read daily hear and love it!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Those books look wonderful.
Perfect for my little eco warriors.
Thanks for the competition.
What a fun giveaway Dana. This would be a perfect gift for any kiddo. Hope you and the family had a great Thanksgiving.
So thoughtful - thank you both for your generosity! Thank you also for information on great green reading for kids. I appreciate seeing "brands" I know and love (like Putumayo) along side something new.
By the way, I loved the b-day post and the beautiful quits.
We are very into saving the planet around here. My 7-year-old walks around saying, "Reduce, reuse, recycle." Even my 2-year-old likes to take the recyclables to the bin in the garage. Thanks for the chance to win!
Enter me for that is a nice present for an angel tree gift. Nice books for male or female. I'd love to win.
It would also be in keeping with the spirit of giving.
Very awesome of you! what a great gift!
My niece and nephew would love these books. Fingers crossed that I win! ;)
These books are great. I have a grandson who would absolute love these.
I hope you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
The books are wonderful for children. Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving.
What a great collection of books! We had random fun on Thanksgiving too.
Looks like a great collection...count me in.
I love reading your blog and my three little girls would love reading these books! Thanks for the chance to win!
Ohhh, I love books but not more than my middle child bookworm daughter that would LOVE these.. fingers crossed :)
What another WONDERFULLY GENEROUS give away! My neice and nephew (even my daughter) would LOVE these!
Add me in!
Lala :o)
These would be wonderful Christmas gifts!! Oh and I love the sweet pea song ... makes me laugh and dance ... there is nothing better!!
We adore books! Thanks!
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