Thursday, April 9, 2009


I've been working in the greenhouses alot lately.

Starting seeds. Repotting plants. Cleaning up and hauling out.

The other day as I was tending to the kale and lettuce, Boo and Licious were busy over by the potting shed. I didn't know just what they were up to but I was peppered with requests for things every few minutes.

"Mom can we use some potting soil?"

"Mom, do you have any string that we could use?"

"Hey Mom? Do you think if we planted this stick it would grow into a tree?"

"Mom, do you have anything that would work as a small swimming pool?"

"Mom? Do you think that fairies dry their clothes on a laundry line?"

So then I ask, "Where do you suppose the fairies hide? Under the thicket of spring plants?"

And they say, "No. We are pretty sure they dance among the tulips."

They could very well be right. But, I think a few must live in the greenhouses. How else can I explain this bloom?



  1. fairies...victoria is into fairies. they do grow fast, i really love the area they built for their fairy friends. i love your greenhouse, i want one so bad, seems the only way to be able to get anything to grow around here. it is barely 30 still and the ground is frozen solid and it is almost mid april!

  2. You just made my day with this post. Thanks...

  3. Lovely!

    I love spring for this very reason - all the blooms and fresh sprouting seeds.

    And I love little girls imaginations. I want to live in that little fairy land!

  4. These are the things that life is all about. Love this post.

  5. Love this post... love what the girls made... for the faries..

  6. I think our girls would get along well, they build lovely fairy lands too, it's way too cute! Have you seen the Fairy Houses books by Barry and Tracy Kane? Here's a link to it

  7. Oh, I remember when I was young and believed in fairies enough to make little "homes" for them. I'm glad that innocence is still alive and well in little girls.

  8. I love your blog, it's such a breath of fresh air.

    Where can I get a list of your playlist? I love it so much I just log onto your blog and let it run while I go about my day. But I'd love to put them on my Ipod for when I'm out.

  9. Oh, just adorable . . .
    I absolutely love the tiny twig swing and clothes line - precious! If I were a fairy, I would definitely like to live there!

  10. I am so so jealous of all your green....can not wait till Spring....well, real Spring that is :)

  11. And they say, "No. We are pretty sure they dance among the tulips."....I just love it. Thank you for this little post. It makes me want to go plant my own fairy garden.

  12. Your girls are too cute. I bet they had so much fun making that together. So fun Dana.

  13. I love your greenhouse! Fairies are too cool!

  14. Playing in the dirt, again. I loved it as a young girl, my imagination was on full time with rocks and twigs making great paths for the horses around the tree trunks.
    Thanks for sharing, just darling!!

  15. A greenhouse! Oh man. I am officially jealous. :-) And fairies are near and dear to my heart, I collect them. I was amazed at all the detail those beautiful girls thought of. Can't wait to hear about Spring Break! -Tonya

  16. Sweet girls! I love imaginations at work - thanks for sharing :)

  17. I remember the days when I used to "play" fairyland with my girls. Brings back great memories.

  18. Sweet conversation, tiny swings and clotheslines, and made me smile and think happy thoughts. Thank you!
