My Mother-in-Law made the wonderful applique blocks. I merely assembled the quilt top. I also did the free motion quilting on them. I tell ya, that Janome 6600 is amazing!

This used to be a $1 rusty old stool from the flea market. If you look real close you can still see some rusty spots but I think it adds to the charm. Who knew spray paint came in pumpkin orange?

Or in ocean breeze blue??
The girls abandoned the wagon ages ago. The interior had become rusty so I cleaned it up, sanded it down and spray painted it. Now I plan on stacking quilts inside of it.

And for those who've asked, Razor's team finished the race just after 8am this morning. It looks like they came in 3rd!!! Amazing!
your stitching looks good
That is the cutest wagon EVER!!! Waiting on Monday, Libby
Love the Radio Flyer for quilts! My 31 year old son has his aquarium in his!
I love that red sashing with the bees and spiders on that quilt. Very cool fabric!
What a nice quilt - and great quilting on it! I recognise the blocks .... they're from a Block of the Month which Joann's fabrics did in about 1998. I did all 12 and completed the quilt - it was a great way for a beginner to learn about quilting/applique.
Oh - I LOVE the wagon - and the quilt and stool look great too! I love the look of the wagon especially though, I've seen so many that have been trashed because of rust! So cool to see it fixed up like that!
Oh, man! I'm lusting after that chair... it's perfect! Go Razor! I get the adventure racing thing, but I'm not that motivated... someone needs to cover our slack bottoms and do these kind of things.
1. Love the quilt!
2. Love the stool! (and the dresser behind it)
3. Wagon: Adorable.
4. Can't wait for the quiltalong!!
Way to go to Razor and team!
What a great kitchen stool!!!!
And i love the quilt, well done.
I've waited a long time to ask . . . where the heck did you get all your creativeness??
YEAH Razor & Team !
Love the idea for the wagon. I have one just like it going the same way as yours. Now I know what to do with it when my littles are done playing with it!
That wagon is fantastic! You should post it in the 'Red + Aqua' photo pool at Flickr (or perhaps you already have...). And I love that Ocean Breeze Blue spray paint - I redid 2 rusty old metal yard chairs with it, and they're like gleaming 50's flashbacks now!
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