(Disclaimer: Let me just get this right out there. I'm no expert. Nor am I a pattern writer. I'm just a simple girl, living in the middle of no where, that likes to quilt. And I never follow a pattern. I always wing it. And I'm winging it here with you all. But, I've made enough quilts to know that this one will work and yours will too. If you have questions be sure to join the Flickr group as it is the best place to ask and answer any and all questions.)
Week 3. Doesn't seem possible does it?

Well it is. You've managed to cut your twelve 1/2 yard fabrics into 2.5 inch strips. That is an intimidating step if you've never made a quilt before.
Let's start sewing!

Lay out all of your strips according to like fabric. Then you will pick six different strips. Above is one grouping of six strips. Below is another. Make each six strip grouping different. Different in fabric selection and definitely different in fabric arrangement.

Now, each of these six strip groupings are going to be sewn together.
First, take two strips.

Put the right sides of the fabric together.

Like so.
Line the edges up together as exactly as you can.

If you are a brand new sewer then it is a good idea to pin these 44 inch length strips together so that you can keep them lined up nicely as you sew them together.
If you've sewn a thing or two before in the past you may opt not to pin them and work them through your machine slowly keeping the edges lined up.
One method is not better or worse then the other.
I'm not here to judge. Do what feels right.

Now you are ready to sew these long strips together. Use a 1/4 inch seam allowance (standard in quilt making). You'll see that from where the sewing machine needle comes down to the edge of the presser foot is 1/4 inch. So as I'm sewing I am sure to keep the edge of my fabric lined up with the edge of my presser foot.

Once you've sewn those two strips together you are ready to sew on the next strip.

Again, like sides of fabric together. Line up the edges. Pin along the length (or not). And sew.
Repeat this process until all six of your strip set are sewn together.

I want to take a minute and point out one of my most favoriest features of the Janome 6600.
See that button there with the scissors on it?
(Excuse me. I'm nearly hyperventilating just thinking about it. It is that good!)
When I'm done sewing and am ready to remove the fabric, I merely push that scissors button and it cuts the threads for me. Both the needle thread and the bobbin thread.

::deep cleansing breath::
Let's proceed.
Once you have all of your six strips sewn together it is time to press the seams.

In quilting, all seams are pressed to one side (unlike garment making wherein seams are pressed open). When my Mother-in-Law taught me how to quilt she explained it as a means of making a stronger, more secure quilt.
So press the entire length of your six strips.

Once you've pressed the whole piece, lay it out on your cutting mat. You'll see that it will measure 12.5 inches by the width of the fabric (generally 44 inches).

We are now ready to cut these into 12.5" x 12.5" blocks.

Remember when we were cutting the fabric into the strips in the first place? Remember we had to always square up the edge of the fabric before we made our 2.5 inch cut? Well, the same thing goes here. You will want to even up the edge of the fabric and be sure to cut off the selvage edges in the process.

Once that's done, you're ready to cut it into 12.5 inch blocks. Remember it is already 12.5 inches wide. Now all you have to do is cut it 12.5 inches long.
(**If yours isn't 12.5", who cares. All we are going for is square blocks. Square blocks that are all exactly the same. So, if yours came out to 12 inches then cut 12"x12" squares. 11.5 inches? Whoop-de-doo! Cut 11.5" x 11.5" squares. There is no right or wrong answer. You are going for square . . . so just measure.)

Like so.
You will be able to get three 12.5"x12.5" blocks from each set of six strip sets you sew.
You'll also notice you are left with an odd bit left over. Don't fret. And certainly don't spaz out with your rotary cutter and flail it all around. That thing is dangerous and you could lose a finger.
Cut that remaining bit into 12.5"x7". Really all you are doing is cutting it so that it is a seven inch cut here instead of the 12.5 inch you had done the previous two times. With me?
You will have the option to use these 12.5"x7" blocks later. You'll be able to use them to increase the size of your quilt or to make a table runner in order to practice your piecing and quilting skills.

So there are my three 12.5"x12.5" quilt blocks and my one 12.5"x7" quilt block.

And here they are from another six strip set.

When you are all done sewing and trimming your six strip sets you will have anywhere from 36 to 42 12.5"x12.5" quilt blocks. Why the discrepancy? Remember when you were cutting the twelve 1/2 yards into strips. Sometimes you'd get six strips and sometimes you'd get seven strips. That all depended on how straight your 1/2 yard was cut off the original fabric bolt to begin with. The straighter it was cut to begin with, the less you had to cut when you were lining it all up and preparing to make your strips.
Plus, if you prewash your fabric or not makes a difference in how many strips you get from each 1/2 yard too.
These two reasons are why I could never and can never give you a real clear cut answer as to how big your quilt will be in the end. And precisely the reason we haven't discussed how much backing fabric you'll need yet.
It all depends on the number of quilt blocks your strips yield.
And if you decided to use fat quarters instead of 1/2 yards then you have a whole other set of questions and answers.
Again, go to the Old Red Barn Co. Quilt Along Flickr group to ask and help answer these questions for others. Please. Pretty please?
How about I give away some of the coolest new thread I've discovered? Then will you help answer questions over on the Flickr group?
I knew I could convince you.

Have you seen this Sulky Blendables cotton thread?

Amazingly beautiful.

Amazingly high quality. (100% Egyptian cotton baby!!)

And amazingly fun to play with!
One lucky winner will win the above 17 spools of Sulky Blendables Cotton thread with the uber-cool storage case.
Leave a comment to this post by 7:00pm ESDT US on Wednesday, June 3, 2009. I'll pick a winner by random draw soon thereafter. Only one entry per person. International entries welcome.
Go forth and conquer.
ETA: My original post said that it would end today. However, that was an error as it will end Wednesday . . . just like the giveaway each week with this quilt along. Sorry!
1 – 200 of 669 Newer› Newest»I can't wait to get home today and start putting my strips together. Count me in for this giveaway, you can never have enough spools of thread. Thanks
What beautiful thread! This quilt-a-long has been so fun. Thanks for hosting it and thanks for the chance to win such wonderful thread.:)
I only got 6 strips from each fabric, so I think I will have a small quilt...which is perfect!
I LOVE sulky thread. I always use it for machine embroidery and try to use it for other projects when I can.
My machine has the scissor button too - so fun :)
I may be crazy, but my math keeps coming back to 12.5 in blocks.
What beautiful thread! Thanks again for a great "group project"!
I would love to win that thread, I have never used anything but wal mart thread. I guess it's time to branch out. but my math gets 12.5 too.
WOW!! Super cool prize! I LOVE Blendables... they work so well in my GrandQuilter machine!
Not to be a pain, but using six 2.5" strips means the block should come out to 12.5", if you have an accurate 1/4" seam allowance.
I'm off to sew!
Thanks for being so generous!
Well I just found this quilt along and love the idea! I have had fabric that I had no idea how to quilt it and it would be perfect! (off to join flickr group....)
Your instructions and pictures are perfect for a newbie like me. Thanks! The thread looks beautiful.
I hope to get sewing soon!!
Pretty threads!
This is such a great project and I'm so happy I decided to be a part of it. I can't wait to start putting my strips together:) Thanks for the wonderful giveaway, I have never used this thread before and hope to be the winner:)
I've used the variegated thread before and really like the way it looks for the quilting. Thanks for the quilt along--I'm joining in.
thanks for this quilt along. it is so fun.
I can't wait to see how the quilt turns out :-)
Sanity quilter
Everyone is finally out of the house at the same time...I'm off to sew my strips together!!!! What fun! I don't have much experience with threads. I usually buy the Coats and Clark that's what is available locally. Would love to try something new; and variegated??? OHHH! Nice.
I am new to sewing and this is my first quilt so I am anxious to see how it turns out. So far your instructions have been so easy to follow. Thanks for sharing! DET
Yay! I finally got my strips cut last night! I'm so excited to start sewing!
I see you got your ironing board cover done and now we have twin ironing boards! Isn't it happy to iron while staring at that?
And yes, chocolate really helps things along doesn't it?
I've used Sulky Blendables thread before...it truly is awesome! :)
What beautiful thread! Thanks for the tutorial. :)
I can't wait to start sewing today. Thanks for helping me along with my first quilt.
Would love to win some this prize! I've been using up a lot of old supplies, but it's time for some pretty fresh threads! Thanks for this fun q-along!
A wonderful tutorial, thank you Dana! and what beautiful thread. and best of all 'international entries welcome' I can play !! yoepee... I am really upset now that my fabric hasn't come yet... I want to catch up....
I can't wait to get started sewing the strips together! Now I just have to decide how to put the strips together-- decisions, decisions, decisions- haha. Count me in the thread give away-- It is beautiful! The quilt along has been so much fun -- thanks for hosting!
I love thread and am enjoying this quilt a long!
Nice instructions and explanations!
I am so excited to join this quilt along! I know I am late, but I think that I will have time to catch up this week. This will be my first quilt and I am excited to be guided through the process with a forum to ask questions!
I can't to start quilting, I still have not received my fabric! Oh well, I will have a super quilting day. Now what will I do with the kids?:) Love the thread!
Fun! I have one spool of that thread and it's awesome. Love your ironing board cover with the apples and pears fabric. I really should cover my ugly ironing board sometime. And what's that cool handle grip thing that you have on your ruler? It's tres cool.
Dana, this tutorial is like butter. You have just unlocked the mysteries of the universe for me!
I am starting this quilt along a little late. Bought the fabric yesterday and will start ironing and cutting today. This thread is gorgeous!
What a great prize and fun quilt along! Thanks for sharing!
Oh man, I just discovered your blog and I HAVE to do this quilt along. I want to leave work and go buy fabric!! RIGHT NOW! Please put my name in the drawing for that gorgeous thread!
Wow, that thread is gorgeous! I am starting a little late as well, but hopefully will catch up soon!
Yes, it is beautiful thread!
I am loving the randomness of this quilt and the layed back nature of it. That is how I always quilt! I have used this thread too and it is great :)
I can't wait to start sewing strips together. Yours are beautiful! Oh, and I really want that thread!!
I'm a ather new quilter, so I'm not really one to answer questions (on or off Flickr)about technique... but I'll lurk. Good tutorial for a first quilt, Dana, thanks for helping to "bust stash". I have a couple of spools of the Sulky varigated, and I'd love some more!
Have been debating on which fabrics to use for this. Finally thought - hey! I can always do more that one quilt this way, right? Love the threads - awesome!
YAY for week 3! Thanks for the really clear instructions! You make it look so easy! Can't wait to start sewing and seeing some fun blocks! Thanks again for the great quilt-along! :)
Okay - joined flickr, blogged about this, added the button (ah that reminds me I need to attach a link!!), buying fabric tomorrow. Sounds like SEW much fun. Thanks for organizing this. I remember the outpouring of love for that quilt you made last summer!!! Looking forward to having one my own :)
The only problem about reading this blog in the morning before work is done is I have to wait to sew till later. Ugh. I am so looking forward to seeing my quilt com together, you make it sound so easy. thanks again.
Throwing my name in the hat... I am enjoying this quilt along. What a great motivator...
Dear Dana
Please enter me in your giveaway. You are so generous. Thank you!
The thread is beautiful, I have enver used the variegated kind and and am just learning to machine quilt. This quilt is going to be one of the first that I practice on. Thanks for posting it.
I can't wait to go home and start sewing together. Thanks for this giveaway!
I just love your "Quilt-Along" style. Makes me feel so relaxed and at the same time, energized to make this quilt. I would love a chance to win the thread so please add me to the drawing! Thanks so much!!
I'm so excited!! I'm new to the group and a little behind, but very eager to catch up! Happy sewing!!!
Thank you for the giveaway! I'd love to win :D
Wow,look at all that thread. Sigh. My machine has the cutting button too. Revolutionary. Thanks again!!
I adore Sulky Blendables thread! It would be a dream to win a box of thread like that!
Just finished cutting my strips, so I will begin sewing soon. Mine will be a stash quilt.
I love the thread!! And can't wait to get sewing.
That looks like beautiful thread!
Thanks Dana! I'd love a chance at the thread. You are like uber woman - where do you find the time for all this?
This thread box looks divine! Like a little piece of heaven.
I hope I can make it through the day - all I can think about now is all the pretty strips of fabric I have at home waiting to be sewn together!
Arghhhhh....I'm waiting for my fabric to arrive so I can start cutting (did you hear that post office....hmmmm?)! Never used Sulky threads...delicious colors! We're talking quilting, not piecing thread usage, right? Thanks!
Oooohhh, I want to win! Having such great variety of threads would be fabulous!
Thanks for the fun give-away.
I have more than 12 fabrics, and different amounts of each of them, so I think I am going to play around with different ways of putting together sets of strips. I like this! I've never used anything other than Coats and Clarke or Gutterman thread, always purchased on sale! thanks for the chance at the giveaway.
Getting a late start, but I have some fabric coming in tomorrow and ordering the rest today. Can't wait to get started! Thank you so much for the great instructions and inspiration!
Beautiful thread...and ALL COTTON, how lovely is that! What fun it owuld be to quilt with! Thanks for the fun project!
I am joining this quilt along late, just ordered my fabric over the weekend. I hope to learn a lot, as this will be my first quilt ever. The thread is beautiful, I never knew such wonderful stuff was ou there!
I have never tried that thread before. Looks like fun. Thanks for the giveaway and your instructions for week 3 are great. Thanks, I can't wait to get sewing now!
Great giveaway, super thread and a great teacher and host of this quilt a long...gonna start sewing my strips together right away.
I am drooling!!!! Pick me you handsome, all powerful number generator!!!!
OK - so I'm a bit behind schedule but I'm hitting the ground running today =D =) Have supply list in hand. Sooooooooooo EXCITED!!!!! The thought of all those pretty threads is keeping me motivated. Off to face the outside world.
So excited to do this quilt. I joined the group a few days ago, but am waiting on fabric that should be here today. Oh, waht beautiful thread, somebody is really going to be lucky to win this set of beauties. Thanks for being so generous with your time and goodies.
thanks for ahring this projekt. I've some problems with language. But I hope it will walk :-)
Thanks also for the possibilitiy to get the nice threads of Sulky.
have a nice day
I am so envious of your scissor button!!!
Please enter me for the thread giveaway - that thread looks amazing!!!
Right, let's get SEWING!!!!!
I am so envious of your scissor button!!!
Please enter me for the thread giveaway - that thread looks amazing!!!
Right, let's get SEWING!!!!!
how lovely. can't wait to start sewing!
I've never followed a quilt along before so this is an exciting adventure for me! Love, love, love the easy to follow directions and I actually cut into a favorite collection of fabric that's been on my shelf for some time. It would be wonderful to have that thread to finish this quilt with . . .
Found you through Amber at One Shabby Chick.
Excellent tutorial!
What beautiful thread! Hope I'm a winner.
Can hardly wait to get home and start playing with my strips! Luckily I've got a quilting retreat day coming up so I may actually get them sewn together!
I can't wait to get sewing my strips together too! such fun. thanks so much for doing this!
hooray!!!! today I'll stack my piles and tomorrow I'll sew! Thank again for the sharing and the motivation - so much fun!!
Yay! Onto the sewing :) And that thread looks awesome - I could always use some more. Thanks again for fearless leadership thru this process Dana!
Yeah! I've been checking for today's post since 8am. I just got home and already over 70 comments :) I'm so ready to sew and have been chomping at the bit since Saturday. Let the sewing begin!
I am trying to decided if I should take the plunge and try making the quilt. You are making it look so doable! So incredibly tempting...
I L*O*V*E your scissors button and am hyperventilating along with you, even tho' I don't have that AWESOME machine!!
I'm really glad I decided to use the same fabric as you! Not only do I get 100 extra chances but I LOVE how your strips look!!
Can't wait to get started sewing!
I love the thread! So many great colors to play with...and a case too!!
Can it be that you are actually making me look forward to Mondays? :) I can't wait to start sewing. Fun. and I LOVE that thread. Pick me. Choose me. Love me! LOL :)
I'm going to hop into the quilt-along today. I'm making a different top pattern, but it looks like you just got to about where I am now, so it works out perfectly! Knowing me, though, I'll end up behind soon enough.
This sulky stuff is my favourite thread. My machines love it and I have no threadbreaking, when I use it. Love the colours too.
Hmm, I haven't yet tried Sulky thread. This would be a good way to do it. Now, I'm off to arrange my strips. WOOT!
It's going to have to wait until tomorrow here - but I'm so ready to sew :)
Love your patten choices! Beautifully done. Can't wait to get started on mine. Joining at week 3 isn't too far behind.
What gorgeous thread! I have never used Sulky before, but I'd love to win and try it out. Crossing my fingers!
This quilt is so much fun I can't wait to see it finished!
Love to win the thread!! I am working on the sewing for this quilt.
Oh, I can't wait to sew my strips together! I have another project to finish by Tuesday, so no strip sewing for me until Wednesday!
I sewed my fat quarters together with a quarter inch seam, so I'm hoping I won't have to do anything any differently!
Well, I will try and start sewing strips together tonight or this week, but with the sunshine and warm weather that we are suppose to get all this week--it maybe hard for me to be sitting at a sewing machine. We really don't get this nice of weather up here in Juneau. I think this quilt along will be fun. Love the thread!Who could not use more thread?!
I am looking forward to sewing my strips together. This thread looks beautiful.
I jumpes into this sew along only two days ago!
But I'm finished with cutting and completely ready to start sewing today.
Will show you pics later - have to register on flickr first.
Would like to have this sullky stuff - looks like sewing-fun.
Beautiful! Thanks for your time!
I hope I'm the lucky winner. I'm just joining your quilt along and I'm SO darn excited to get moving on this project!
OMG, I need that feature on my sewing machine, lol. Seriously, I was freaking out right there with you. :)
The thread is awesome! I'd love to win. Who wouldn't? Okay... off to sew.
that thread does indeed look yummy! I haven't actually used Sulky before... so I hope you pick my name.
I know we're already in week 3, but I really want to join this quilt-along! I just bought a jelly roll, and I have all the other supplies (except a blendable thread). I can do this!
I'm so behind, still cutting, but I'm trying my best! THe thread is amazing, I love using it.
Thank you so much for this!
I'm so glad I finally convinced my husband to let me participate. I would love the thread, and can't wait to get my blocks sewn together.
love the thread! Would be so fun to win such a nice selection!
I love your machine! I have a basic singer...maybe I'll be lucky enough to get the grand prize machine ;) But for now I would be happy to get the wonderful thread. Thanks once again for the generous giveaways and putting this wonderful quilt along together. I am learning so much!
I just joined your group today and I'm playing catch-up by ordering my fabric online today! I've made a few quilts, but have not done a quilt-a-long yet. Choosing fabric/colors is my biggest challenge, so look for my swatch photo later this week. Hopefully between working full time and taking my DD to soccer three nights a week I can fit this in. thanks
I'm anxious to start arranging my strips and sew 'em together! I've never used Sulky, but those look beautiful! {crossing my fingers!}
Oh, I love that thread!!! Hopefully 105 will be a lucky number!
Whoa...am I 105 or 111? Lots of comments coming in!!
I am so excited about participating in your quilt-a-long! I saw it over at Flickr and started cutting strips yesterday! I just shared about it on my blog and will post photos in the Flickr group when I get caught up. Thank you so much for doing this! It's just the incentive I needed to try something large. I usually make doll quilts and journal covers and this will be the perfect beginner's project. Thank you sew much! I would love to be included in your drawing too.
Thank you,
calamity kim
This sew along is just the best! I love your instructions and fabrics and I happily received my Flights of Fancy in the mail so I'll be cuttin and sewin! I do so love your scissors button. I think it is the best thing ever!! Your thread giveaway is amazing!! Could this be more fun???? No way.
Ok so I'm a little behind on the cutting but after seeing it come together, I will go straight home and get this thing going! I love the way the Paula Prass fabric looks...maybe next time!
OMG!! So awesome! Keeping my fingers crossed that my number comes up!
I'm already to start piecing today! The thread is great! I've never used this kind before.
Mmmm... Pretty thread! I can't wait to get sewing my strips.
Thank you Dana! Can you believe how many participants you have?!? I have to go to a silly meeting tonight so I won't be able to start sewing until tomorrow after work, groan! The threads look divine, I was just starting to think about what I would use for the actual quilting....
Woot! Woot! the thread great and can't wait to get started sewing my blocks together.
I love the sulky thread!
It will be fun to see how the blocks all turn out. Can't wait to get my strips put together, and that thread is really pretty.
yayyy yayyy yayyy!!!
it's week 3!!!
can't wait to get started.
and ummm...i'm SUPER jealous over that scissor button you got there.
I can't wait to get home this evening and start sewing strips...my only problem is that I know I'll finish the strips and get the blocks cut and then I'll drive myself crazy waiting for the next step...LOL...it's a disease! :)
BEAUTIFUL THREAD...I think it needs to come to my house! :)
I am so excited!!! I'm nearly done cutting all my fabric, and then it's off to sewing! Woohoo!
Wow, if I'm not careful I am going to start on another quilt here. Not quite ready for another one right now. That thread is beautiful!!
Thanks for the week 3 instructions. This is going to be such fun, colorful quilt.
I'm so excited to participate in your quilt-a-long! What fun!
I broke down and ordered fabric this weekend ... the new lizzy house red letter day ... can't wait to get it and post to flickr!
I think I will getting some of these threads! Too cool
(PS -- on the off chance I win -- I'm jeniferorama AT gmail :)
I am following along with your quilt along...I can't wait to see how it turns out!
Sure hope I win...I could use a stash of that great thread.
Your blog inspires me. While waiting for your new posts on the Quilt-a-long, I have been reading archives.
I love that you are so amazing.
The Quilt-a-long ROCKS.
Hope I win this thread, it would be used up in a months time, promise.
-Jamie Brockbank
Oh this is exciting! I love that dotted fabric with the butterflies...may just have to find some :)
Great giveaway too, I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
Very beautiful thread, I would love to win. And that thread cutting thin your machine does... I wish mine could do that!!
love that thread & would love to win!!! Thanks:)
Those threads look beautiful! I hope they want to come live with me!
Thanks for all your doing.
This is my first quilt-a-long, and I am so excited!! Would love the thread!
the quilt blocks, on it.
Lovely thread. count me in please.
I'm drooling over those threads -- and hoping it's my lucky day!
Oh the things I could do with that beautiful thread! Please count me in!
Such detailed directions! Thank you so much. I would go nuts to win these threads. Just love them.
i'm waiting for my fabrics to arrive and then i will officially join in the fun! thanks so much for doing this.
Pretty thread! I could have some fun with those!
What beautiful thread. I would love to win them.
I really like your fabric choices for your quilt. Dang adorable.
pebandpop at yahoo.com
Fun sew along! And the thread looks yummy!
Oh that thread is beautiful. I love your explanations for the quilt a long - so great! And that button on your machine is sooo cool!
I've used the Sulky Blendables thread and it IS wonderful! I would love to win it and the case! What a terrific giveaway...as are ALL of yours!
Such a great little tutorial you have going! I have the page marked so that when I'm ready for my next project I can come back and make this quilt! And great threads too!!
I've never tried Sulky but it looks beautiful.
On a side note I press my seams open in quilting, I was taught it's more a matter of person preference than skill unless you are quilting in the ditch.
Wow. Just found your website. This quilt looks like so much fun. Can't wait to start working on mine. And the thread is beautiful!
What beautiful thread I would love to win that.
(wipeing the lil drool from my mouth) such colors, and 100% egyptian cotton. Yummmmmm! I am so jealous of the little siccor button. OMG how much time that must save, seriously! Who knows how much time is spent trimming threads, and how mush thread is wasted.
wow...nice threads!
can't wait to get my fabric so I can start my quilt :)
Ok, I have been lurking about and ooohing and ahhhing over this quilt along. I have decided to jump in and give it a try! I am very new to quilting but find your photos and instructions so easy to follow. You have done an outstanding in translating "quilt speak" into a language I can understand...off to do some cutting now! Thanks so much.
Your fabric choices are great! And the thread is beautiful! I'm finishing a baby quilt and could certainly use some variegated colors like that.
Can't wait to see your finished quilt!!
A heart can only stand so much! The scissor-cutter button, the beautiful blocks with great instructions and the luscious thread! Oh, it all looks so good. I've never used that thread before and it does look great!
I have cut my strips and will get them on flickr soon. They'll start their journey toward block-happiness today.
Plan to blog this whole thing tomorrow. I'll be sure and let you know when it's done. : )
I haven't started this quilt yet, though I am watching closely. I want to use fat quarters that I have in my stash...so off to the flicker group I go to ask/see. Thank you so much for taking the time to do this, and the giveaways! Awesome!
love the colors and always love new stuff!
Too cool!
don't worry about not being a pattern maker. You're a country girl like me and your sharing with us exactly what you do. I for one am very appreciative of that fact.
I'm really excited about this step, I haven't done a lot of quilting and this looks nice and easy to begin with.
I love thread almost as much as I love fabric!
I still need to post my fabric picture.
Can't wait to get sewing! And those threads are oh so pretty.
I'm still waiting for the last few half yards of my FOF to arrive, I really dislike being behind but I'll use the time to decide which strips should be placed next to which-- that'll take me 6 of the next 7 days to decide! Thanks for the chance to win the pretty thread!
This looks like fun! I better see what's in my stash. I haven't tried blendables yet - they look like they'd add so much character to a quilt, and the case, that's a bonus! Thanks for the giveaway! :0)
I'd sure like to win that thread for my mom!!!
Your quilt is looking very fun and colorful!
Guide Dog for the Color Blind
I'm so excited to have found your blog because I just started my first quilt last week without even knowing you were hosting this quilt-along. This is so helpful!
I love reading quilting blogs. I'm still working on my first quilt ever but I can't help checking back to read more of your quilt along. Maybe someday I'll be able to appreciate the finer qualities of different threads!
Can't wait to start stitching!!
It seems to take me longer to unravel the technicalities of the blogging than to sew the strips. I appreciate the comments on Flicker regarding the size of the blocks - if they are to be square, I'll measure after sewing. I used the Sulky thread on a memory bag using my late niece's jeans - great embellishment and a great tactile memory. Thanks for the opportunity to quilt as a community through cyberspace.
I am really enjoying this quilt-a-long, thanks for all you are putting into it! I love Sulky thread!
oh - the threads are gorgeous. i knew they had a couple colors, but had no idea there were that many!
love the colors you're using on the quilt too. red is always a great choice.
Dang it, if my darn fabric would ARRIVE SOON, I'd be all over this. Fingers crossed for today's mail...
But please count me in for the giveaway! Great tutorial.
I'm excited to get sewing! And it was surprisingly satisfying to cut up that much of my stash. I had to keep reminding myself that the fabrics I chose would be GONE FOREVER! :-) Now I have an excuse to buy more.
I just decided last minute to do this quilt along...got my fabrics late last week and hope to post pics of them in the next day or two....I have my work cut out for me to get caught up!! Love the trhread, too!!
Beautiful Thread! Love your quilt so far!
I have always wanted to try this thread so please enter me.
Love the threads. Never used them before, but can't wait to try. Hope I win. Great quilt-along.
What beautiful thread! I would love the chance to win it and try something different.
I would love to win this thread! It is so beautiful...thanks for the giveaway!
I have to agree with you...that little scissors button is amazing. I am having so much fun with this - Thanks !
I LOVE THIS THREAD!!!!!!!!!! EEEEKKKKK! And cool button on your machine... I would never be lucky enough to win ANYTHING though.... I'm gonna watch this quilt along this time and jump in on the next-I'm a petty new quilter (beings I have only finished baby quilts). Looks great thought!!
What gorgeous thread! And I'm totally jealous of the scissor button! I'm still catching up from the problems I had with IE, for days and days, so I'm still on week one.
What gorgeous thread! And I'm totally jealous of the scissor button! I'm still catching up from the problems I had with IE, for days and days, so I'm still on week one.
I always love trying out new threads! The only thread my machine hasn't played nicely with is Robison-Anton thread.
I have all my strips cut, just need to steal my sewing chair back. ;) And to catch up on blogging! My strips are in the colors of the rainbow and have me almost drooling.
I'm almost tempted to use the end of the blocks for binding, instead of a 11.5x7 block. Will have to ponder on it a bit more. :)
Oh, I am so excited to get started, but I'm still waiting for my fabric. Argh...but I would love some of that thread!
This is exactly how I would write patterns (if I were to do such a thing). I just bought a spool of sulky for my most recent (read: FIRST) quilt and I am IN LOVE!
I just started the quilt-along this weekend. I got my fabric cut, and I'm excited to get sewing. I was sad to miss the iron give-away, but maybe I'll get lucky on thread. Those look awesome!
That thread is beautiful! Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway.
What beautiful thread! Thanks for all you are doing for the quilt along. I can't wait to get home and start sewing. :-)
The thread look absolutely lovely! I hope I'm the winner so please enter me in the drawing.
I can't wait to get started sewing! I have never tried that thread before. It Looks nice!
Oh, I love the sulky thread. It gives the quilting such a lucious look.
I think I found my fabric, but won't have it until Thursday...
Will catch up then...
This is great! I really do need thread. And that is some lovely looking thread.
Week 3 of 6, well I'm 50% behind :). My fabric should arrive tomorrow and I plan to get it all cut and *might* just even get it sewn to be all caught up by Week 4 ... either way I'm very excited to be jumping in.
Thanks so much for sharing your creativity and inspiring us with this quilt-a-long.
Happy day!
LOL - I've not got all of my material yet! Just as well I have plenty of time on my hands cos I'll be playing catch up this week.
Pretty thread! Cotton too! I like cotton thread.
I can't wait to sew together my strips tonight. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE this thread. I am enjoying the quilt-a-long so far. Thank you so much for taking the time to do this. Did I mention I love the thread.
I am so excited to do this with you! And the best part is that I was able to use fabric from my stash... I probably won't be so lucky with the backing fabric but hey so far so good. I am in need of thread so this would be an awesome win! Thanks for the effort you are putting into this!
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