Believe me. If I had something other than gardening stuff to share I totally would. At this time every year I'm kinda over making batch after batch of salsa and spaghetti sauce. And canning. And freezing. And weeding and picking. But we are almost there. One more batch of spaghetti sauce to go (well, maybe two). Several runs of grape jelly to make. Pickling some jalapenos. And several batches of apple sauce and we should be done.
Don't get me wrong. I love the final product. And savor it all winter long. But by now I'm tired of doing it. Every. Darned. Day.
It is a lot of work but nothing taste as good as your own sauce or jam. I bet your kitchen smells are wonderful. And I can nearly smell that home grown cantaloupe.....mmmmmmm
the ground hogs have been feasting in my garden and haven't left much for us!
Happy Sewing, when you can back to it :0)
yeah. that's the part that would get me.
I'm not but I can tell you are :) My garden is not big enough to really can from it - BUT I'm planning to get a bushel or two of tomatoes and make my own sauce - they are just starting to ripen here though, so I'm just reading about it so far. I wish I could come help, hanging out in the kitchen/garden is more fun with friends :)
Jealous, not bored. :) I wish I had all that fresh fruit and veg. Don't envy you the work, though.
Not bored, but yeah, a touch jealous :-) I know it's a lot of work now....but just think how wonderful it's going to be when January rolls around!
No, not bored, a tad jealous as I can't get into my own garden to do the same! But loving what you are doing, and the spoils of your labour are sooooo worth it :o)
Great produce Farmer Dana!:)
Just an FYI...you can freeze whole tomatoes if you are tired of making sauce!:) We didn't put our ACs in this year so though it is fine to live it isn't fine to can!:) So this year I decided to just pop them into freezer bags and into your freezer...I have done it many times, you just take them out and cut them up and blend them...throw them in a pot with your favorite herbs, etc and there you go...a nice fresh tasting sauce. Don't forget to add a little water at the bottom of the blender, and no worries about seeds nor the skin....
garden harvests make me so happy. the kid and I harvested the garbage pail potatos that papa planted with them. oh, they had fun and now we have lots of little russets to enjoy. love your squash and berries best!
Mmm...I bet that spaghetti sauce is amazing!
I love the pictures of your garden treats. You should enlarge them, and sell them. I think they would look great framed in my kitchen.
If your produce didn't look so appetizing I might be bored! It only makes me wish I had the same success in my little garden!
Those blueberries.... oh yummmmmm
It IS a lot of work and during the hottest time of the year to boot. I make two batches of raspberry jam in the summer and then freeze the rest of the berries to pull out in the winter and make the rest of my jam. I do kind of miss the days of canning like you are doing but we don't have a garden anymore.
I am in love with every picture in this post....makes me very sad that I am not living back in Montreal with my garden this year....while my offerings were never abundant as yours, it was such a satisfying feeling knowing that you did this...:) looks lovely, and it will be over soon....in another 2 weeks you will have forgotten about it and be in the middle of another mess (I mean project)
I know your garden is hard work and I know you are tired, but for those of us stuck in a time of life without a garden, yours is something for us to envy. In a totally nice and supportive way. I'd help you if I weren't so far away.....
I've never learned how to do that or even seen anyone do it. To me it sounds fun and so cool!
I know about that, the same story here, but you still make nice pictures of all that....
At least I managed to finish my picnic quilt!
I hear you! Although our garden got a really late start. Too much rain! And then a really cool season. It is starting to ripen. But last year I was not working and the hubby kept dragging it in and I kept canning beans, relish, pickles and of coarse the salsa. He cares not if anything else gets canned just bring on the salsa. Hopefully that will happen. We have a few tomatoes each day but not enough yet. Tons of pepper hot and bells. No beans to can though. Just eating what we get. But I still feel for you, last year is still fresh in my mind. lol!
are those blueberries? I will take a nice dish of blueberry cobbler please!
You crack me up with your non-stop canning and freezing and weeding. I am sick of weeding too, and our yard shows it. I haven't gotten sick of canning tomatoes yet but soon, I'm sure. Hang in there!
I'm jealous too! Having my own vegie patch would be fantastic! Instead I have a patio that is too shaded to grow anything other than mint and of all things beans :-\
But I can see that it would get tedious.
Definitely not bored, but just a little jealous. I wish I had a garden to grow veggies and trees with fruit. Our backyard is just grass...and I so want to change that!
wish I lived near you to buy your produce :-)
bored? perish the thought! haven't you noticed me with my nose pressed up against the glass? would love to be helping you make salsa...
hang in there!
Nice melons!
Dana, you make me want to cry over my sad little garden,I got one zucchini this year and some pumpkins :( sniff.
Hey you won the earrings! I'll send an e-mail
wow, I really want a garden. maybe next year; we've been putting on a deck this summer.
I know... I was thinking about you. I got some things to take care of garden wise and I really should start canning, but by the end of August... I just lose my oomph.
Gorgeous bounty, Dana! Lucky-*you*! Love those unique tomatoes from a few posts ago, and your quilts are fantastic! Sew on . . .
your grape picture reminded me of the grape pies we used to get when we lived in the Finger Lakes ( NY State)!
Grape jam is great but grape pie is something else.
Those of you who want to try it can google it... there are several varieties .. try them all!
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