My scrappy nine patch quilt as part of Amanda Jean's quilt along. I really, really love this one.

Two of my favorite blocks. Though I could easily say that all 70 are my favorites.

This is Boo's quilt! She turns 10 in a few weeks and to think she is already quilting . . . well . . . it makes me a little emotional really. She is working on a badge for Girl Scouts and is going to make a couple of quilts to give to children at the hospital. Be still my heart. You don't know how bad I want to keep this one for myself!

And finally my zig zag quilt for my continuing quilt along. This one was fun to put together and I love the graphic result. If you're not part of the quilt along it is never too late to join. The instructions are always there . . . as well as the helpful and supportive community. After the zig zag quilt I think we will move on to wonky log cabin quilts.

Hard to believe that we whipped all of these up in July. Where did we find the time?
Oooh, Boo's quilt is adorable! I've also begun making some quilts for a children's hospital. Also, I am sending a few to an orphanage in China!
Dana, those are gorgeous! I love Boo's quilt, kudos to her for getting such an early start in life! And, your nine patch... well, that's one of my all time favorite blocks to see. And, your combination of the fabrics and the white border is just lovely! Those gnomes are adorable... I can see why that would be a favorite block of yours!!!
Love the quilts! That nine patch is fabulous!
your 9 patch quilt top is gorgeous! i really love how all of these tops are turning out!
You should get your girl involved in a quiltalong! ;) Her work is great, she has good taste in fabric like her mama.
Way cool quilts! Give her a big thumbs up from Canada for me!!
oh that 9 patch.
Love the 9 patch.
I have two Munchkins who are sewing, so I understand the pride.
Boo should be proud of herself.
Your nine patch with that border is truly lovely.
Now, your daughter's quilt just about knocked my socks off. it is so sweet! Can I ask what size quilts you are making to donate. I contacted my local nicu and although they accept quilts, they are fuzzy on size requirements. Thanks!
I love your nine patch quilt! I love the gnome block too, I kick myself for not buying any of that fabric! I still need to finish my nine patch quilt :) And Boo's quilt is so cute! She did a great job!
Love the zig zag quilt too, I love all your quilts!
I LOVE your nine-patch, and I saw your zigzag quilt on flickr this morning...I love it too! :) I'm so glad to hear there is another quiltalong after the zig-zag...yay! :)
I am so inspired by all your quiltiness! Really wonderful that you have been able to do all of these in one month! And I love the one that your little one made too--just gorgeous, and great use of color! Thanks so much for all the inspiration--I feel almost ready to start another one!
So So happy to hear that there will be another quilt along. I am such a procrastinator that I have been putting this off....but we are moving into a new house so I am wanting to add a little cheerful "Were Home" feeling and think that a quilt is just the trick :)
Thank you for taking the time to help us all out....mucho appreciated
Maybe you could buy your daughter's first quilt from her, and then she could donate that money to the hospital...and you could keep the quilt to pass on to her someday!!!
Dana, your nine patch is so pretty and your daughter's quilt is magnificent.
Love the nine patch - it looks huge!!! Boo's quilt is too cute - I wouldn't want to part with it either. I am still finishing the first quilt a long - so I have yet to start the zig zag, although it is on my ever growing list of quilts to make.
Your daughter's quilt is beautiful! I hope someone does a log cabin quilt along. I'd love to try one!
I hope my nine patches (I've got 3 on the go) turn out as nice as yours, it's gorgeous. In fact all three quilts you're showing are an optical delight.
Boo can't give her very first quilt away, not the first one - you'll regret it (even if it is for a great cause). Why not offer to swap it with her? You'll make a replacement to give away, as long as you get to keep hers. Just think of how much she'll want to show her kids in years to come!!! (or you'll want to show them, maybe - along with the baby pictures, and the drawings, and the little tiny baby clothes and shoes!)
Loving both the 9-patch and the zig zag. I'm still kicking myself for not playing along with both of those!
Wow! Ur quilts r so wonderful. I love ur 9 patch so much. And the gnomes with polka dots... be still my beating heart!
Your daughter must have a lot of patience! That little quilt is just beautiful and so well made too. Well done to her and for making them for someone else as well. Good for her!
Love your nine patch quilt cover. Mine is still in a bag waiting for me to back it and then quilt it. I really should get on with it!
WOW...the whole quilting process is awe inspiring. Your squares are so whimsical and fun. The apple does not fall far from the tree. Gorgeous!!
I must make a scrappy nine-patch with sashings. I love it. It's adorable! I really love the other quilts you showed us too.
That Nine Patch is beautiful!!
I love all of your quilts, but I must say your 10 year olds quilt touched my heart. Be thankful she wants to sew, my girls are in their 20's and I could never get them interested. Who knows, maybe once they are married and have children...
Thanks for all your share and the inspiration you are.
Blessings to you today.
Dana, the nine patch is stunning! I'm working on a crazy nine patch right now. I'm glad to see your quilt with the white sashing. It's something I'm leaning towards. The zig-zag is coming along beautifully. I haven't even started on this one ...it's on my to do pile! I guess I better get busy because I definitely want to join a wonky log cabin quilt along! Such inspiration!
Yay for Boo. My oldest was in the NICU for 1 month and each isolette had its own quilted coverlet to keep the lights out. We still have his little quilt and it gave us comfort during a hard time.
I just started sewing at Easter and I am thinking of trying a quilt.
So many things to comment on!!
1. I love that nine patch. I really want to do one of these, but I think I need to acquire more scraps!
2. LOVE THE GNOME block! Seriously so cute. I one in my garden! Not a quilt block - a gnome!
3. Boo is breaking my heart with that adorable quilt. Way to go little sister quilter!!
4. Love the zig zag. I really need to get over there and get mine started!
5. You have been busy! :)
beautiful! i LOVE the gnomes!
Oh wow you have been busy!
Is there anything more peaceful then relaxing in a creek...just so much fun to discover little things, splash and play. Its been 20 years since I did that with my own kids :0)
Enjoy those beautiful girls these days go faster and faster!
Happy sewing
Well done Boo. You are a very clever little quilter!!!
(Your mum isn't so bad either!!!)
Wow! Your daughter is as talented as her mother!! And I'm super-pumped about another quiltalong!!! I was so hoping . . .
Goodness Dana....since I have dial-up it takes a while for the photos to come up so I read the comments....then I went up to see the pics and my jaw dropped in my lap....that 9 patch ROCKS!! I even made my husband come over and see it....scrolling down I see Boo's quilt....jaw then hit the floor...there is no way you can let that 1st quilt out of your house!!! Definately swap or $$$$$ donation....tell Boo I'll donate if she gives the quilt to you...just tell me where to send the money!!!! I'm serious!!:) Way to go BOO!!!!
Incredible skill you have, and Boo, too. Amazing!
All 3 of these quilts look wonderful. I'm playing along with AmandaJean's 2nd 9 patch quilt along. I think I'm behind. Your daughters quilt looks awesome, I would have a hard time parting with it too. She's got some talent. And I'm with DeeRoo don't let it go. :)
Have a great August.
Love the quilts -- as a result of your quilt-alongs, I have broken out of my primitive/repro rut and used the blue seashore fabric for the zigzag - and today bought some red/aqua combinations that may be begging for the wonky logs... thanks for the comment on using a red binding for the quilt - have been thinking the same but worry about bleeding as I just finished a donation quilt that was pre-washed but bled anyway...
My girl is turning 10 in a few weeks too.
I love the Nine Patch.
I love all of the quilts...just gorgeous. Looks like lots of hard work.
All of these quilts are gorgeous! And WELL DONE to daughter! What a great skill to learn early on ;-)
That nine-patch is to-die for! Geez I love it!
Your zig zag looks great! I came home from the hospital and the cats had ran all over my layout... uggg!
Wow, your scrappy nine-patch looks so fabulous! I especially love that scrappy border too. I need to remember that one. And Boo's quilt? Perfect! You are smokin' today!
WOW I adore that block with the red and white dots and the gnome....would love a whole quilt of that. Your blog wakes up the happy creative spirit in me. Thank you! Mary Lou
That 9 patch quilt is so lovely!
LOL, I've been gone for a month and you're on quilt-along #3?! Good grief. Can hardly wait to see the wonky log cabins...
Love Boo's quilt! She must be so proud - at least she should be :) Good job mama! I love both of your tops, are you planning to quilt either of them yourself?
Love Boo's quilt!!! It is wonderful! Can see why you'd want to keep it... maybe she could do another one?? Those gnomes are such fun!
Your Nine-Patch-Quilt is really beautiful. Nice fabrics!
How did you manage to do all that in July, I must be slacking!! If that is Boo's first quilt, you should definitely tell her she should keep it, signs of big things to come, it is great!!
the time? no kidding! i ADORE the 9 patch quilt and your daughter's quilt is just lovely! i love seeing young people interested in crafting. if she's still into it as a teenager, you've got a miracle and, if not, she'll come back to it for sure. i don't know how you'd give that one up, except for it being such a generous thing for her to do. maybe if i keep stalling on my quilts for ellie, she could just do them herself!!! ;-) hahaha!
Oh, it's all beautiful, your 9 patch, Boo's first, the zz- everything.
I agree with the others- trade with Boo or pay her off, but keep that quilt in your house at any cost! Her generosity is to be commended, though, what a sweet girl.
Yay for another quilt along, I'm excited!
Love the 9-patch, double love the Neptune zz and as far as Boo's quilt~I feel your pain. Each October a group of girl scouts I work with donate quilts to Sutter Memorial's Pediatrics Unit~they're hard to give up. Some of the moms cry~it's such an emotional event. And did I read correctly, a wonky log cabin project. . .oh my, oh boy. . .I better finish ziggy!
Boo has GREAT Taste!! I love it!
the zig zag is beautiful...and i'd be so proud of a daughter like yours....:)
Go Boo!!! You're first quilt is beautiful. :)
(Dana, yours are pretty too.)
Wow your nine patch is fabulous... and I have to say your daugther quilt is awesome!!!
always love your quilts. beautiful. love the white background blocks on you 9-patch, and i really love that gnome print fabric. such a cheery quilt!
i'm having my first blog giveaway starting today, which includes a little doll quilt my daughter and i made together. if you have a moment, check it out. - http://www.larksongknits.com/2009/08/07/first-giveaway/
i think it's absolutely wonderful that Boo is spending time quilting for kids at the hospital. when my son was in the hospital, we were so touched to receive a handmade quilt as a gift from a volunteer. it is a treasured keepsake. someone will remember her kindness everytime they snuggle up with it.
That nine patch quilt knocked my eyeballs out of my head! It is WONDERFUL!
Can't you sneak Boo's quilt? I'd have a hard time letting it go.
Beautiful Dana! And I bet your are so proud to see you daughter following after you. That is so sweet, I look forward to those days. Your first quilt looks ageless, so classic! I just went to the Asheville Quilt show yesterday, you would love it. So amazing!
Dana, I love them all! Especially the gift for Boo, I've never done a straight up Square quilt and I really want to!!! I think I will use bright fabrics when I do, I always love the ones others make with bright, busy fabrics!
I might join that wonky log cabin quilt along, I need to try that block too!
I am DROOLING over all the quilts. Garden gnomes are my FAV so I am adoring your block. Your daughter's quilting is awesome, amazing that she's doing that so young! Keep up the fun summer posts as I LOVE to live through you guys.
I love Girl Scouts who quilt!!! My daughter started quilting when she was about 10. Now she's working on Quilts of Valor for her GS Silver Award project. Don't worry. Boo will make a quilt for herself someday soon.
LOVE the scrappy nine patch (the gnomes are perfect!) Also loved the Matt Wertz song you have on your playlist! I am a Young Life leader and he got his start playing for high school kids at Young Life camps.
I love your quilts! Beautiful!
I've been watching everyone on the zig-zag along & they all look great! And now that you mentioned a wonky log cabin quilt, I'm starting to giggle! Very exciting...
Aww! I love the gnomes! My best friend in the whole world is named Naomi and her nickname has always been Nomes (always makes me think if her when I see Gnomes!) Your daughter's quilt is nicer than some I have made! Wow, talent must run in the family :)
Dana, your ninepatch and your zig zag are fantastic but I love Boo's quilt. She's got a real talent there!
they are all very nice. I love doing the zig zag, it goes pretty fast.
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