Flash of brilliance. Stroke of genius. Call it what you will but I have this whole motherhood thing down.
As you know, a few weeks ago we found some frog eggs. And by some I mean thousands. They had been sitting on my back porch in a five gallon bucket for several weeks. Unless you count the few minutes where they were spilled and I was frantically picking them up while shooing cats and dogs from eating them.
Well, as they started to turn into tadpoles I convinced the girls that we needed to find them a new home. A natural habitat. A place where we give them the best possible chance of turning into frogs. This involved a long speech about being kind to mother nature and being good stewards of the earth. Blah. Blah. Blah.
We considered several locations. The creek behind our house. No, it needs to be still water. The lake by Razor's work. No, the fish would eat them. Here is where the stroke of genius hit me. How about the ditch just down the road that always has water? We walk the dogs right by it several times a day and we can easily watch their development. Nice still water. Perfect. Right?
Cause if it doesn't rain at least once every few days the ditch actually starts to dry up. Something about the ground saturation and stuff. Blah. Blah. Double blah.
So now, cause I don't want to disappoint my daughters, as soon as I drop them off at school I come home and fill these buckets up with water, trek them up the road and dump them into the ditch.
Fun times.
I got a giggle out of that one! What we do for our kids...huh?
That's funny! Just think of the arm muscles you are building hauling all that water...
I wouldn't want to witness you doing CPR on one of them if you're late in getting the water over there :)
What a good momma. Maybe you'll get some rain soon.
You are the best mom ever. And I wish I could be there to haul those buckets with you...I adore frogs.
You are the best mom ever. And I wish I could be there to haul those buckets with you...I adore frogs.
What a great mom you are!
Just one more job you never thought of before children. ;-) You are one wonderful Mom!
you are such a good mama ... to humans and amphibians, too! :)
by the way, i love your new/old dishes and glasses. we had those same dishes in the last house i lived in.
You just won the Mother Of The Year Award! God, you are amazing! Lucky kids hahahaha
Those frogs will grow up and love to hang out with you!!! You are a good Mommy!
You are hilarious! Oh the things we do for our children :)
Bwhaaahaaahhhhaaaaa.....sounds like the girls have YOU trained!:) And I would do the same thing...just think of it as resistance training for your arms!:)
Oh my gosh - surely you hear me laughing. I love you - and the mother you are!!
i think you just earned a new nickname, froggy momma!
this is awesome! you are too!
The things we do for our kids!!! ;D
You are the BEST MOM EVER.
LOL you're pretty awesome! My mum wouldn't even pick up our fish that had jumped out of the fishbowl!!!
I think that is sweet! thanks for sharing!
What an awesome momma! I think that's great!
and I bet you do it with such a happy heart and a skip in your step :)
Haha - that sounds like something we would do! Keep that ditch full! :)
snort. the things we do for our kids!
I love it!
From an animal loving grandma, this is truly touching, just one problem. When one adds water to a home aquarium, there is a liquid you add to render the clorine in the water harmless to the aqualife.
Otherwise the chlorine in tapwater kills the fish.
Oh and those drops are inexpensive, and you only need one, maybe two drops per gallon of water, so it's very doable. You can get them at Wal-mart in the pet department. Good luck!
I'm trying to catch up on all my blogs after the holiday weekend. This is by far the best!!!!
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