Wednesday, June 16, 2010


It is a humble garden this week.  Humble in that the plants are small.  The scarecrow is big.  And the foundation is well laid.

Poor Razor has been working his fingers to the bone.  I do help him from time to time and probably more so this year than most.  But I have this thing. 

This thing that causes my family to call me the snake whisperer.

You see, nearly every time I'm working in the yard I see a snake.  Some small.  Others not so small.  And often times they slither right between my legs.  

I don't care for snakes much.

Razor hasbeen at it for many, many weeks.  Early spring included these asparagus and rhubarb. 

And although the onions and potatoes are the only things that are looking big and bountiful at this point, we know that our time is coming.  And thanks to all this much needed early work, our entire summer shouldn't be spent weeding.

Just picking and eating and canning and freezing.

Preferably without the snakes.



two hippos said...

You're brave. Snakes terrify me.

Anonymous said...

I think you should add this post to my go local challenge links. Just sayin'

And I'm with you. One thing I don't miss about living in the South is the snakes, ticks, and big ass bugs.

Angie said...

Ahh, a garden!
All I planted this year was 1 tomato plant in a 5 gallon bucket and 1 Sweet Basil plant.
Can't wait to see your harvest photos!

Elissa said...

with or without the snakes, an inspiring garden. even my little space makes me happy, but so many things i want to try that we didn't have room for!

Rafael's Mum said...

eeeek... snakes.... brrrr... but the garden is looking good!!

eva said...

Oh so.... beautiful..
a whole other kind of patchwork developing there.....

have you heard of ruth stout?
check her system out..

bleh!!!!! to snakes....

as always..

brown robin said...

You're too much! I'm getting excited about having enough to can and freeze this summer. Our new garden is busting thanks to all the sun. I finally posted a pic on my blog. Have fun this summer!

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

That's a huge garden!

I saw one snake on our property recently and screamed like a little girl.