Monday, July 26, 2010

It's been awhile since I've given a quilt away


And I reckon it is high time I did something about that.

I'm not one to name quilts. 

But this one immediately looked like a fenced berry patch to me.  And I've been calling it that ever since.

Even cutie pie with the pink shoes calls it the berry patch quilt.

It even has bees pollinating the flowers.

This lap quilt measures 38"x46" and is made with 100% cotton.  Machine washable and dryable.

Leave a comment here before 6:00 pm US EDST  on Thursday, July 29, 2010.  As always, international entries welcome.  Only one comment per person counts. 

And . . .

Fabric Shoppe will also give away one of these killer Kona Cotton designer solid fabric by Robert Kaufman basic bundles.  To a second lucky winner.

One winner wins the quilt.  A separate winner wins the fabric.  Both by random draw on Thursday, July 29, 2010 after the deadline and announced soon thereafter.

And, I will be giving away some other stuff over on facebook too.  Check it out.



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Nancy said...

oh...i don't want to be first...first NEVER wins...

I love that berry patch cute...and the colors are perfect.

pigbook1 said...

the flower quilting is adorable!

Me? A Mom? said...

What a beauty! What a generous giveaway!!! I'd give it a very loving home. :)

Sally said...

That quilt makes me want to go berry picking!

Regina said...

Love the berries -and especially love the bees!!! So pretty!

webmailaddress2 said...

What a beautiful quilt! I love the X's and asterisks.

Kelly Bennett said...

what a beautiful quilt.... i love it!

cabesh said...

Love it, love it, love it. I think the bees are my favorite part. :)

Unknown said...

Oh, I'm expecting our eighth baby in the next two weeks. This would be the perfect present!! I hope I win!

Mae said...

ooh gorgeous! would love that Quilt or fabric :) Mae

Jen said...

oh no way! To own a quilt from the talented Dana would be so awesome!! Thanks for the chance! It's beautiful!

Abby said...

I would love to win either that quilt or the fabric!

Anonymous said...

Fun fun fun !!

NorahS said...

What a great giveaway! I would love to win either one!

Linda Stewart said...

I would be tickled to win either giveaway. I love to snuggle in the recliner with the babies and a quilt at night.

Jen T said...

I would love to win one of your beautiful quilts!

Rebecca said...

Beautiful quilt!! That is going to make someone very happy :) And the fabrics would be great for a project I have in the works - thanks for the chance!!

Luv 2 Kreate said...

I would love to win this quilt!

RosaMaría said...

what amazing giveaway!! you are so talented and generous! many thanks for the chance, I would love to win either one!

Wendy said...

What a fantastic giveaway! I would love to win either one. But the quilt would really come in handy as my dd is having a baby in Nov.

JenR said...

Beautiful quilt! And the name fits it perfectly! Thank you for the chance to win! Good Luck, everyone!

Katie B said...

Fantastic, Dana! So generous.

Sara said...

very pretty quilt and I hope, just maybe it will be me to get it!! Thank you for your generosity!

Teresa said...

Pick me Pick me Pick me!!! I love this quilt!

Melissa Hannon said...

Such a darling quilt! I love the colors. Makes me want to have a picnic with my kiddo.

Deb Robertson Writes said...

Dana I love the colours in this quilt, it's incredible... they really zing!!

Angoraknitter said...

Your quilts are amazing! I know I've been so thrilled with the one you sent me a couple years ago. We use it all the time and it's still in fantastic condition! So bright and vibrant...we love it!

~Michelle~ said...

CUTE quilt! and great quilting on it :) And I LURVE the Fabric Shoppe, such an enabler!

DianeY said...

Oh my-I can't believe you could part with your berry patch! I would be really happy if I won that! Or the fab fabric!

Megan said...

I love the colors of that quilt. What am amazing give away!

Val Miller said...

love it! full of fun colours that deserve to be named!

Vallee said...

Wow what a beautiful quilt! I love the kona fabric as well.

The WoodLand School said...

Lovely! What a great giveaway!

Sarah said...

Pretty! Thank you for this generous giveaway.

beth said...

wow! you're giving a QUILT away? How nice.

beth said...

wow! you're giving a QUILT away? How nice.

Nancy said...

The quilt is gorgeous.... and the Kona Solids would look great with my other solids (using them in my GFG)


Purple Quilter Queen said...

What a great giveaway! Thanks! Love the colors you used. It reminds me of berries too! Jenn p.s.Kona solds are beautiful!

Lexilooo said...

that is amazing and gorgeous!

Freda said...

I love the colors! Thanks for the great giveaway.

Jenn said...

I think that's a very fitting name! It's also reminiscent of those little baskets that strawberries used to (or maybe still do) come it - especially the squares with more of the stripes across them.

Sameday said...

Thanks Dana, that name is perfect for the quilt. I would love to win it.

Vickie said...

Ack!!! I would LOVE to have a quilt made by you!!! And this one is a-d-o-r-a-b-l-e!!!! The fabric 'rocks', too!!!

Vickie said...
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kellie: thelemondime said...

yipeeee! i'm hoping my friend Sara Peads' luck wears off on me! I want one of your quilts BAD!!!! THANKS!

Gina said...

I love this quilt. It is so beautiful. Thank you so much.

Becky said...

Great giveaways! I would be honored to win either. :D

Cheri C. said...

Love the colors AND the design!!

Marsel said...

Although the quilt is absolutely beautiful, I would love to win the fabric bundle! :) Thanks for the chance!

Gena's Garden said...

Yay for giveaways in blogland! I would LOVE to have either. The quilt is beautiful! I am also glad I found you on facebook! :)

Amber H. said...

That's one awesome looking quilt! I love how beautiful the colors come together, you did an amazing job!

Cindy @ Creating at Home said...

What a lovely quilt! The quilting on it is so cute.


Margaret said...

It's beautiful! I love the colors. :)

Colleen said...

I love your work! Beautiful quilt! Thanks for the giveaway!!

Anonymous said...

It's just dreamy!!!

Audrey said...

What a beautiful quilt! If I win it, I'm going to give it to my Mamaw!

Oma said...

It looks like such a happy quilt. You are so kind to give us a chance to win it!!

Jan N said...

Oh Dana, it is a smashingly beautiful quilt! Feel like I might get berry stains on me if I touch it! Love the name.

You've made a very "happy" quilt and you're going to make a VERY happy person!

Angela said...

I love the berry patch quilt! As my son would say "Me, me, me, me please!"

mean sarah jean said...

i love the blue honeycomb fabric, and the name is perfect. such a cute quilt!

TaDa! Creations said...

This is gorgeous! I love your fabric choices.

trish said...

Oh Dana! Your quilt is just so cute! What a sweet act of kindness to give it a way. :o)
I posted about our trade. :o) Thank you again. It was so fun and anytime you would like to do it again, would be great.
Happy Monday.
Sincerely ~ Tricia

Amy said...

How berry beautiful!

Ugh- please don't disqualify me due to my terrible joke... I COULN'T HELP IT! :)

Angela P said...

Fantastic. Love quilt give-a-ways makes me want to make quilts to give away.

Anonymous said...

We are hopefully moving soon-I would love to have this to snuggle up under on my couch in my new house!! Holly

Winona said...

Berry Patch is a perfect name for this quilt. It is a beauty. Please enter me in the giveaway. Winona

Nanna said...

This is one pretty fenced berry patch! I love the quilt and the fabric!

Carol said...

Wonderful quilt and a wonderful giveaway!! I just returned from the blueberry patch - do I get an extra chance for that?

Jane said...

Such a beautiful quilt. And the fabric is gorgeous too!

Beth Gracie said...

My son Hollis loves berries! And he'd love this quilt!!!! Adorable!

HRH Gigi said...

So generous! Thank you. (pick me, please)

Mary said...

What a cute, cute quilt!! I love the asterisk blocks and the quilting is wonderful. The 29th is my wedding anniversary - sure would make a nice gift! I have a wonderful new granddaughter I would have lots of fun sharing with. Thanks for a great giveaway.

debra lynn said...

That is a beautiful quilt and I love the name too, it totally fits. Sweet of you to put it up for a giveaway.

Johanna said...

It would be an honor to welcome your quilt into our home. You are one of my first blogs that I came back to on a daily basis (before I discovered my google reader...).

Alyssa said...

What a lovely give away. The quilt is beautiful.

{Leila}Where the Orchids Grow said...

I can't believe you're giving that beautiful quilt away!!
As fas as give aways go I'm not very lucky but somebody certainly will be very lucky to win this!
Loving the Kona too.

floribunda said...

the quilt is beautiful but there are no kids around to hug it -- so I'd rather be in the running for the Kona bundle . Thanks for the giveaway!

***LIZ*** said...

Love this!!

hollymade said...

Lovely fabric, gorgeous quilt!

Brenda said...

What a perfect summer quilt! I would love it. thanks for being so generous.

Tracy said...

I would be thrilled with the quilt and the fabrics!

Libby said...

Beautiful!!! You Rock!!

Rachel said...

Très cute! I'm commenting from a little apartment in the Latin Quarter of Paris :)

What a great giveaway. How nice it would be if this little gem were waiting for me at home after my vacation.

Lesly said...

Too good to be true! Congratulations in advance to the winners - not me, I seem destined to only ever be a whiner, not a winner! Awesome giveaway, Dana!

Pam said...

I love the quilt and the name!!! What a wonderful giveaway ..thank you for the chance to win!

Michelle said...

AWESOME giveaway!!!

Korbi said...

I wanna win! Would love this berry patch quilt in my living room! LOve it!

P.S. Kona fabric is the best. hands down.

sarah, rsm said...

There once was a girly named Sarah,
Who longed to win quilts from one Dana.
She wrote down a word,
And rhymed it with "bird"
In hopes of becoming the winner!

Jane said...

Wow, what a great giveaway! I'd love either prize!

Always Sewing said...

Thank you for such a totally awesome giveaway!

Nikki said...

I LOVE! Thanks for the amazing giveaway!! :D

Jen said...

Great giveaway as always. And such a pretty quilt! Thanks Dana!

Amy said...

That quilt is delicious! And the Kona cotton is quite yummy too!! :)

Corinnea said...

*sigh* I never, ever win anything.... wouldn't it be awesome if I won this time???? Wha? it's random? there's no sympathy vote???

The quilt is beautiful! That will be one lucky winner!

trish said...

Love those colors! I'm hoping the gods take pity on the girl working two jobs blah blah blah. Time to go make a sacrifice, me thinks!

Anonymous said...

That is such a beautiful quilt and the name fits! You are such a generous person to give it away. I'm sure it will go to a good home. :)

Kimberly said...

Dana, that is beyond gorgeous.
Please, oh please pick me.
I'll be your friend forever.

(How's THAT for a suck up?)


Ashley said...

Love it!!

felicity said...

Oh, sweeeeet. What a quilt! Wow! Thfanks for the giveaway!

Annette said...

So cute!! And the name is perfect...just makes it even more cute. You are so generous to part with it.

Trisha said...

Great name for a great quilt!

Sandra McKibben said...

Really fun colors. Very kind of you to give it away!

Bec Clarke said...

Oh I have loved that quilt block since I saw it on blogland a while ago. You have done a wonderful job mixing up colours and patterns. I would be honoured to win.

Melanie J. said...

Commenting! Both are beautiful, thanks for the opportunity!

Michelle said...

Great giveaway! Love the quilt!

janine b said...

Beeeeeeee-ute-if-ul!! It's such a happy quilt...keeping my fingers crossed.

Anonymous said...

I love the quilt. Thanks for the give away. Thanks for sharing you talents.

Jo said...

Fantastic quilt and lovely pink shoes!

Jo said...
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ladmquilter said...

Great giveaway your quilt came out awesome thanks for the chance to win.

Belinda said...

CUTE quilt! and the Kona's - OMG!!!

Cindy said...

What a great happy looking quilt. I have just the spot for it,

silversmith said...

dana - you offer the best giveaways!!! the quilt is like a berry patch... flowers...bees...and all the red berry happiness.

love the fabric as well. hope i win!

Amy said...

it's beautiful Dana! I missed you last week :) I hope you had a lovely week and thanks for the fun giveaway!

Trudi said...

Oh, that is sucha beautiful quilt Dana! And the fabric bundle is pretty hot too! I'be happy to win either :) Happy Monday!

mazie jane said...

Show me boundless joy
Summer berries on the fence
All mine, on the couch.

pescbrico said...

What a very wonderful quilt! So generous of you to give it!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Jillian said...

You are one talented little chica! And so generous also. Thanks so much.

mouse said...

Love the colors on the berry patch quilt--very cheerful! :)

edeenut said...

what fun colors. Who wouldn't love one of your quilts?

colleen humphris said...

Love it! Want it! Please pick me!!!!!

carmel said...

that quilt is a total killer!!
i love it! totaly love it!

Sherrill said...

Aww that's a beautiful quilt and love those fabrics, too! Thanks for the great giveaway.

Emily Cole said...

Wow, It's a very pretty quilt! I love the colors!

Kristin said...

I hope you took these fab photos with those brand spankin new lenses! i hope i win!! :)

Bree said...

Amazing giveaway! And what a gorgeous quilt! :)

pklaw said...

I love the colors on that quilt and the name you chose is perfect. I have a navy and cream family room and this would really spice it up! The Kaufman solids are so nice to work with - thanks for the opportunity to win either one!

jabeybaby said...

What a pretty quilt! It really does look like a berry patch quilt, love it!

Anonymous said...

Such a cute quilt!!!!

Cristin said...

ah so gorgeous! love the unique crisscross blocks! I really need to stop by more often! :-) Cheers!

Ranelle said...

Gorgeous quilt. I'm in love with those little bees! : )

Noelia said...

Beautiful quilt! I love it! Thanks for the chance.

Paula B said...

Love the name. Love the quilt. Love to have it in my home!

Erin @ Why Not Sew? Quilts said...

love the quilt! the name suites it just perfect.

Anonymous said...

what an amazing giveaway. i hope im one of the lucky 2 :)

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bonus Mom said...

Beautiful Dana!
I am so behind in blogging/facebook! I had to get a job last week and things are so crazy here. I miss being home with my kiddos hopefully I won't have to work for too long.
Of course I love your color choices for Berry Patch! So sweet! Super generous too!

AnnieO said...

I have a weakness for honeycomb prints just now, and combined with the berry patch, it's definitely a winner! Thanks for the giveaway :)

Jessica said...

Oh what a beautiful quilt. I love the colors and design. Thank you for such *berry* nice giveaway! hehe

scraphappy said...

So cute -- especially with the pink shoes.

D'Lyn said...

I LOVE Berries!!!!

Courtney said...

Absolutely adorable! You do beautiful work.

Gale Yawn said...

So cute and so generous of you. I'd love t win the quilt or the fabric.

Crystal said...

oooh! Such fun! Both are wonderful gifts!


Vonnie said...

Your color combinations are outstanding in this quilt. One of my great-grandchildren or a foster child could cuddle up with this quilt. The fabric would fit nicely into my "stash." Thanks for your gracious gifts.

Valerie said...

Oh, oh, oh! Soooooooo cute! And it would conjure up my own memories this summer of blueberry pickin'! You are so generous to offer up such a great quilt. :)

Anonymous said...

i ADORE that quilt!!!! i really, really, really hope i win!!!

Annette said...

It looks awesome!! Great giveaway...moving on to your facebook page...;)

Margie said...

Cute quilt! And who couldn't use the extra fabric?

BitnByAQuiltingBug said...

Oh! OH! A chance to own a Dana original? I'm in! Pick me! See my hand raised high? LOL! I'd love to own that beautiful quilt!

sew happy Stacy said...

How can you give it up? Your quilt is so adorable!!!

Anonymous said...

I believe I'd like my name in this basket.

Leah said...

Looks great!

Gene Black said...

Wow a lot of comments before I got here. I love the Berry Patch quilt. I also love the Kona. Pick me for either one please!

Gene Black said...

Wow a lot of comments before I got here. I love the Berry Patch quilt. I also love the Kona. Pick me for either one please!

Amy said...

I found your blog because of a giveaway from a long time ago and have been hooked ever since :)

Artfulife said...

Oh I would love to give that berry patch quilt a nice home out here in NV :) Beautiful work Dana!

Lee D said...

with over 150 comments I wonder what my chances are? only takes one to win a wonderful quilt or awesome fabrics.

Unknown said...

Love your quilts and this is the colors in my living room, it will match perfectly! hope I get to win it!

scottylover said...

That name fits perfectly! I'd love to own it. I love pinks and blues, so it would fit me to a "T"! And second prize is nothing to sneeze at either!

Thanks for the chance to win!
Sandy A

terri said...

such a cheery quilt...I followed a post on FB by my sister...I see many others are thinking the same..Whom ever wins will be happy to welcome this pretty quilt into their home.

Natalie said...

What and awsome giveaway!!! I would love to win. The thought of berry picking sounds amazing to me right now. Darling quilt and great fabric. Awsome!!!

Terri said...

Oh, what a lovely quilt! You make me want to get back to the sewing machine!

Jayne said...

Its a gorgeous quilt - I would love to win.

Carla said...

I like your quilt berry much, plus it matches your blog header!! Kona solids are tasty as well!

Debbie B said...

Love this quilt. The colors are lovely and would look great in my home. Thanks!

Jacque. said...

ohmygosh, very generous of you! That quilt is delightful...and the name is perfect! However, please don't enter me in the giveaway for it...someone else must deserve it more than I. Just wanted to comment on it.

But...the Kona solids...I would happily accept those!

You rock!

Pauline said...

What a generous giveaway, Dana! I love this quilt, might have to make one myself!

dolores said...

Are you kidding me....Wowser!! You are one generous kiddo!;)

Had myself some blackberries from our patch this morning...maybe that will be my good luck!

Elissa said...

oh, oh, oh. that little flower and the bees are killing me with how much i love it! okay, everything is crossed cuz the fabric bundle would be cool too.

but that quilt? so amazing that you can give it away, especially after you've NAMED it!

bobbie23nc said...

I could get lost in this berry patch. The colors are gorgeous.

Unknown said...

What a generous giveaway. The quilt is gorgeous and the fabrics devine.

JoAnn said...

What a lovely quilt! I would be very proud to win such a lovely art piece...
The fabric prize is nice too :)

Amber said...

Such a cute quilt Dana - and that name is perfect!!

Emily said...

A quilt I don't have to finish myself? Count me in!! Love the colors and the name.

Scottish Nanna said...

Pretty Please Pretty Please Pretty Please.I have an Alergy to Bee's But these ones Cant sting me So it would Be perfect for me to Snuggle In.LOL.It Is A Beautiful Quilt.
Hugs Mary.

Unknown said...

What a pulchritudinous quilt! Thank you for sharing your blessings and talent with the rest of the world through your blog.

Michelle said...

The quilt is beautiful!!

Kimberly said...

Lovely quilt. I know just the person who would love this as much as I do. Thanks for the giveaways! we added chickens said...

Beautiful! and so fitting that there would be bees (fabric) around the "berries" and among the flowers :)

Kristine Hanson said...

comment!! ;)

CrochetnQuilt said...

What a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance.

berylthepearl said...

I love your blog site, your quilts and the chance to win. Thanks for your kindness.

berylthepearl said...

I love your blog site, your quilts and the chance to win. Thanks for your kindness.

allsewnup said...

Wow!! This is such a cheerful quilt and those fabrics by Kona are just yummy. Thank you for the chance Dana.


Quiltluver said...

Such a pretty quilt! And those Kona fabrics look like sherbet ice cream. Thanks for the chance to win this quilt.

ksrunt said...

I hope you had a wonderful trip! The quilt is gorgeous and would look great with my red hair.

CitricSugar said...

Welcome back! And I'd've said that even if you weren't givin' stuff away... :-)

erika said...
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erika said...

I love your berry patch! You make beautiful quilts!

Heather Vo said...

An amazing giveaway - gorgeous! Love the colors!! Thank you for the opportunity. :)

SO I'M Anna Fogg, an eclectic kinda gal said...

Berry Patch is a sweet name, raspberries, blueberries, mulberries, they all work for this quilt. Love it!!
~anna in md, mom to 1 hunky carpenter, homeschool mom to 7 great kids.

Susan said...

omgosh what an amazing giveaway!!! dont know how you could part with such a pretty quilt, but throw my name in the hat!!! thanks for the chance to win either gift

Jen said...

So generous as always! Thank you for the opportunity to win such a gorgeous quilt.

sweetbabies00 said...

The berry patch quilt is so cute. What's the pattern?

Casey said...

it's so awesome how generous you are!! I would love to own this quilt :)

Bailey said...

What a generous giveaway and such a beautiful quilt!
Thanks for the chance!

Osage Bluff Quilter said...

Your quilts are always so awesome. I'd love to win one!

Jill said...

beautiful quilt. someone will be very lucky and i hope it is me.

amylouwhosews said...

as always - you rule! Love this! so very much!

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