Wednesday, March 5, 2014

New beds. Of the garden variety.

We didn't have much of a vegetable garden last year which felt weird.  It was mostly because we took a long trip out west right at the time that a garden goes in and needs lots of attention.

It turned out to be a good year to sit out as it was a very rainy summer and most gardens didn't produce much at all.

But having that year off seems to have given us time to plan, think, sketch, research and let all of our ideas simmer.

Razor took time this past weekend to build seven gorgeous raised beds.  We have already sown lettuce seeds into one. And come May, we will put out summer squash, cucumbers, orach (well, that will be before May), Candy Roaster squash, a variety of peppers, and carrots.

Tomatoes too.  But they  won't be in  these raised beds.  We also will be adding to our blueberry patch, starting a raspberry and blackberry patch and picking strawberries just as fast as they ripen.

Spring is on it's way.  Finally.



  1. those are some awesome looking beds! just as soon as we can get the (dirty/disgusting) birdy shed taken down (this weekend) and the yard reclaimed... we'll be putting in some beds too.

  2. Yummmm berries!

    Do tell me what orach and candy roaster squash is please?

  3. Those beds are beautiful! I feel like you're a month ahead of my game-- still freezing here. Can't wait for some sunshine and planting...

  4. Oh boy! I do envy you your land and green houses. I will have one 4 by 8 foot raised bed where I will try square foot gardening, so 32 different veggies, herbs and flowers in that space in a community setting. Wish me luck :0).

    Happy Gardening

  5. How exciting!!! I love what you are using for the sides of the beds. It's going to be so awesome having all those yummy treats coming out of the garden. :)

  6. We are just getting ready in our garden too, I'm looking forward to the fruits of our labour :). Happy gardening in ose lovely raised beds!

  7. Ours is still covered with snow!!

    We had to put our blackberries and blueberries in the fenced in garden because the deer are eating everything!

    So now we have to make the garden bigger....when the snow melts!

  8. My poor hubs desperately wants to be a gardener. We haven't had much luck except for the strawberries and blueberries last year. Hoping for a better year for him this year, and spring can not get here soon enough for me.

  9. Grow little seeds, make a bountiful garden. :D

    Still have snow, still frozen ground, and frost lurking like mad until late May. I need to decide where to put my little garden that the hens won't demolish. They aren't picky and neither are the deer. Hmm, I need to ponder this a bit more.

    Happy growing. I look forward to seeing pictures of it growing and producing lovely veggies.

  10. Those beds look great! I can't wait to see the fruits (and veggies!) of your labor. We haven't decided whether or not to put in a garden this year. We're a little concerned about the drought conditions here in Central California.

  11. On nom nom! Well in a while anyway.
    And your cats have a new litter box or two ;-)

  12. This makes me happy to see. Since we will probably be moving to whichever law school sees fit to have me, I will not be doing any kind of garden this year. I will get my fix from watching your posts about this, so please, post much about your garden, even if just for my vicarious enjoyment.

  13. i will live and enjoy your pictures of a bountiful vegetable garden and all the wonderful meals you will make with your harvest. I don't think we are ever going to thaw out here. March is apparently our snowiest month! yuck.

  14. Your pictures make me feel like spring might actually come. Still too much snow and cold here to do any garden related activities.
    Hope you have a great growing season.

  15. I'm envious of your new raised beds and also the fact that you have all that space to add to your garden space. Happy gardening

  16. Oh, I love this! I so wish I were a garden girl. I try every year and do fine until it turns hot as blue blazes in July and then I'm out. I love your raised beds!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Love this idea, have passed it on to Jason as I am still determined to grow something lol

  19. I LOVE those huge logs for the sides of your beds. We're going to be putting raised beds in soon too!

  20. Love the beds. So envious of you. I live in Ontario Canada and we are having a snowstorm right now!! March 12/14. So much snow on the ground and more coming. Love the tree house as well.
