Friday, March 7, 2014

Creative freedom

Sometimes I work on a project with dogged focus and determination.  I'll be knee deep into it and know precisely the exact next step.  And the step after that.  My mind races and plans and knows just what to do once my fingers catch up.

Yet other times, focus eludes me.  I'll be itchy to make something but clueless as to just what it could/should/outta be. Yesterday was one of those days.  I had a window of time with no pesky chores to do.

And ended up making a pile of pin cushions.


P.S.  I was recently gifted a most perfect whale pincushion by my friend Kimberlee and can only figure I was inspired by her awesomeness.  


  1. Awww. So cute. Doing quick projects always gives me the feeling of satisfaction.

  2. the little whale is gosh darn cute! I really like your cushions too - relaxed and sweet in their simplicity.

  3. That whale pincushion is adorable! I am like you with the focus thing. I have even made a few pincushions myself lately. They're so mindless and fun and useful!!! But, many pincushions do ya need, Dana? I am particularly attracted to the one on the far left, though they are all beautiful. ~grin~

  4. Sweet. What do you stuff your pincushions with?

  5. I am in need of a fun weekend sewing project. These have inspired me, thanks! I love that sparkly button in the middle. Have you seen or made fabric book/page corner markers? I may make some of those too.

  6. These are adorable - love the little green one with the frog reading!! What I call "instant gratification" projects.

  7. Cute cute cute, whatcha ya got stuffed in there?
    Nice way to spend a rainy day, it was awful here yesterday but today plenty of sunshine and a beach walk in the near future :0)

    Happy sewing

  8. Boy I hate when that no focus thing happens. Course lately that is my normal state. LOL
    Cute you used your time well.

  9. Beautiful little cushions.

    Inspiration making me want to do it when I have some time just to sit in front of a machine to sew instead of pinning and editing, editing and stabbing myself with straight pins. ;)

    I love the button in the middle...just perfect and so simple to be amazing.

    Enjoy your weekend.

  10. ahh, the (unfocused) joy of simply creating without a purpose. I think sometimes it helps me solve 'problems' in my head that I didn't even know that I had, sort of like a wakeful dreaming...

  11. Those are fantastic! There's something about a pincushion...
