Thursday, April 28, 2016

Under the Dogwood

We moved into this house when the girls were 4 and 2 and this Dogwood tree outside out back door became a hub of play and imagination. Ropes and boards were hung from this exact branch to make swings and benches and beds. Then an official rope swing hung here for many years. Today a star hangs set on an automatic timer to light our way in the night in the dark forest where we live. I see this spot from many windows in my house. And I rest here in the shade often. When I gaze upon it or sit beneath it, sweet memories flood my mind.



Kar said...

It's absolutely wonderful how a majestic old tree creates and stirs up beautiful memories. Have a beautiful day Dana!

DebbyMc said...

Beautiful , Dana. I felt transported, and enveloped by sheltering arms. Love this.

Megan said...

I was just thinking this morning how the apple and plum trees we planted earlier this year will be the same age as this babe growing in my belly... and that made me smile. Your post this morning reminded me of that. It's wonderful to have such a great example of motherhood to look up to and to see the things to look forward to.

Nita said...
