I have two dads and this is one of them. His name is Dale. He had surgery on October 19th and is encountering some problems in healing after the surgery. His intestine is leaking into his body cavity. Doctors say that 80% of the time the intestine will heal on its own. He won't be able to eat for 12 weeks . . . IV nutrition in the form of a substance called TPN. Cat scans today. Wound exploration in the next day or two.
If your the praying type, would appreciate a prayer for him.
i'll be thinking of him and you.
:-( He will be in our prayers.
So sorry, Dana. We will definitely include him in our prayers!
We know each other indirectly...I have purchased soap and scrub twice from you this year at festivals. To my family you are the "Man Soap" lady! Which you should take as a huge compliment! I have just recently started reading your blog and found several common threads between us. Photography, daughters, the thrill of thrift stores, loving husbands that we share a business with and two Dads. I just wanted you to know that tonight your Dad will be in my prayers and will remain there until you tell us he has made a full recovery. Take care.
((((Dana)))) Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
Dana, I'm late seeing this, but my prayers are with your entire family.
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