I'm having the hardest time getting into the swing of things since the girls have gone back to school. I am doing things. All day. Everyday. But I am feeling rushed, anxious and scattered.
Fall is the busiest time of year for my little soap company since I do so many shows and festivals on the weekends. And, Razor is doing an adventure race this weekend where his team hopes to qualify for Nationals in November. Boo and Licious are clogging a little extra in preparation for the big fall festival where the group performs each year. Oh, and this weekend the girls and I are camping with the Girl Scouts. And tonight is Meet the Teacher night at school.
When I type it all out like that I realize all that we have going on. Perhaps a few deep breaths are in order. ::Inhale:: ::Exhale::
So anyway. I need to clear some things off my desk. This gorgeous necklace has been sitting here since I bought it sometime in June. It is made by the talented Lisa Leonard and I'd love for one of you lovelies to have it. Leave a comment and I'll randomly select the winner on Sunday afternoon. Sunday afternoon when I roll back in from camping with 33+ Brownies. Sunday afternoon when Razor is back from racing nonstop through the night like a maniac. (And, just for the record, he is a maniac.) Sunday afternoon when several of my to-do's are crossed off my list and perhaps I'll feel more like myself again.
Good luck homies.
ETA: I'm too tired. I'll pick the winner Monday morning. Hope you'll forgive me. :)
Enter me please. :-) I would love this for myself, but I also think it would make a lovely gift!
Oh that is sweet. I enlarged it to read what it said. Lovely.
oh random number generator please pick me!!
thanks for the chance to win! I love Lisa's blog/jewelry, very nice!
I know what you mean by getting in the swing of things! I feel like I have been doing that since I quit my full time job to stay at home with my kids. The worst part? That was two years ago. I think as mothers we are all in a constant battle to keep our lives in balance. Specially when we want to do something for ourselves that we enjoy (like your cute soap company) Sometimes you just have to take it a day at a time and take a big deep breath! And enjoy it!
Have a great day Dana!
oh! Super cute necklace! I would LOVE to win it!
Beautiful necklace. How generous of you to share. Good luck with all the activity. Doesn't it go in waves? I'm so behind in the blogging, with all that's going on. The pics are taken, thoughts are gathered, but it's just hard to sit down and type it out. You do a wonderful job of sharing your life and activity with us and supporting your family. You go girl!
How cute is that. :-)
That necklace makes me smile inside. And I would not give it away. Because I am JUST that selfish.
I would LOVE this! My girls call me Mama and I would wear this with pride.
A beautiful necklace celebrating my most beloved role...mother!
Thanks for sharing the chance to win it.
I know what you mean about needing to breathe! Amongst all the chaos of school starting up and all of the extracurricular activities starting back up we had to prepare for Hurricane Ike. We got the house ready last night and were planning to leave at 5am this morning to move further inland. As I was heading upstairs to wake up the twins and get them in the car, DH checked the weather and discovered Ike had turned farther north and he would be able to finish up ginning cotton today! Sooo, I let the kids sleep and we're still here! You just never know what the new day will bring, do you?
Have a great weekend with the Girl Scouts!!
Oh I love that! I love being "mama" the most (more than "mom" or "mommy")
Have a great weekend.
I love Lisa's work, in fact I have her button on my blog! She made the most precious "Teacher" necklace that I gave to my daughter's preschool teacher in May.
I have been feeling the same way as you. I have been adding craft fairs to my calendar and already feel anxious about having enough bags!
I have been working on a to-do list and add every little thing to it. Just to clear my mind, feel like I am accomplishing something, and to try and keep myself focused.
OH! Sweet SuperWoman, Hero to many - Dana!
Fall is the most beautiful time of the year... and can very well be the busiest! Keep on breathing! (it is actually easier to breath in that wonderful crisp fall aire!) just keep going! in and out in and out! ;)
Don't forget! dont get too caught up that you don't take the time for yourself & to enjoy the beauties that you are surrounded by! (easier said then done sometime... I KNOW!) Be sure to take your camera... cause i can't wait to see what wonderful things you capture this weekend!
in and out, in and out... Ü xoxo
Please do remember to take care of yourself too!
The necklace is beautiful and definately something I would be very proud to wear! Please enter me :-)
Lovely necklace! Would make a great gift for my wonderful mother!
Gosh - you really are a busy lot! Lovely necklace, please enter me into your drawer.
Oh how pretty! I hope I win!
Oh that necklace is precious! I love celebrating my biggest and most rewarding job as a mom. Good luck getting everything done!
how nice of you to share something so sweet!
I like the new banner - and that necklace is just lovely :-)
beautiful necklace. i've been eyeing lisa's jewelry lately, but haven't treated myself just yet.
beautiful necklace. i've been eyeing lisa's jewelry lately, but haven't treated myself just yet.
What a sweet piece of art! Thanks for sharing - sounds like you need a glass of wine with all the busyness :) Please don't forget to breathe!
How sweet of you to give away such a beautiful piece of jewelry.
Oooh... I hope it's my turn to get picked!! That is beautiful, and you truly are beautiful to share so much of yourself with others!
I would love to win this necklace...I am a Mama in the making with my first baby due in April....thanks for the wonderful contest!
What a beautiful necklace!!Please pick me!!!!!
Hi Dana,
Fall is such a busy time especially if you do shows. Lovely necklace and I'm feeling lucky this week.
Anita O
Count me in! Thanks for giving a little joy when you are stressed. Good remedy.
Oh, it's beautiful!! I love all of Lisa's jewlery, she's awesome!
Beautiful necklace. And good luck with those Brownies. That's a lot of little girls.
That is a beautiful piece! I've only recently found your site, and wow! I am inspired!
What a beautiful and meaningful necklace. Count me in for the drawing!
Yikes! Good luck with the schedule. Ours is like that through Nov. I've always wondered how you crafty women pull it all off! Have fun camping. If you can!
I totally feel like that too! In fact I've not been sleeping well because my brain won't shut down. I keep going over to-do lists and thinking of all the things I want to do and all the things I HAVE to do (like clean) and it's throwing me off. All I want to do is nap by the time it's quiet around here. Ah well, such is motherhood. At least fall is here and the apples are good!
Thanks for the chance to win such a lovely gift.
Talking about busy, I just home from helping my guild set up for our quilt show this weekend. My tootsies are tired!
Hi Dana,
I follow Lisa's blog too. What beautiful jewellery she makes. I just love the necklace you chose, and would love to be entered in the draw.~Susan
What a lovely necklace!
Have fun camping. I hope the weather is nice for you!
WOW....so special and so kind of you to offer this to one of us lucky bloggers. thanks for your kindness. Hugs, Annie from San Diego
This is a beautiful necklace. Please enter me for this.
what a sweet giveaway! her necklaces are so great!
Wow, beautiful necklace. My wife has admired her designs online and it would be great to win one so that I can surprise her! What a generous giveaway ... thanks so much!
Wow you are a busy woman. Good luck with eveything!
It's the strangest feeling having his change happening. I completely understand, I still have one at home, but feel soooo lost, and yet so busy I don't know whats what. I love the music list you have chosen, it smacks of many of my own personal favs...sometimes I will put in Curious George just to listen to Jack Johnson....
I really, really like that necklace and whoever gets it will be blessed, but I truly would NOT mind if it were me that was blessed ;0)....
Hoping your weekend goes well, and continue to breathe...
sorry forgot to include my url...so there ya' go! sorry 'bout that
i'm game. what a sweet necklace and a lovely reminder to have around your neck and close to your heart. i mean MY heart (ahem). *fingers crossed*
Have fun with those Brownies - hope the weather is kind to you
Oh, I'm in on this one! I love Lisa Leonard's stuff -- I want to win!
Good luck with the camping! It always made me so proud to have my mom along on camping trips when I was a brownie and girl scout.
Gorgeous necklace...it would be really fun to wear. I thought I had a busy weekend until I heard about yours...I think I'll stop complaining now!
you are very generous to give this beautiful necklace away! i would definitely be selfish and keep it for myself!
i just need to sit back and breathe today and BELIEVE it everything will be okay for me. my father is suffering from alzheimer's and is getting worse and my son is giving me an absolute time, and i need some to reflect as a mom, wife and daughter. i'm feeling very unappreciated today. enough of my rambling.
have a wonderful weekend.
what a beautiful necklace and I know how you feel! Fall and Halloween are my busiest time for my crafts and since Dyllan ahs started pre-school I'm having trouble balancing my time and energy.
Just discovered your blog! Gorgeous necklace that would be lovely around my new-mommy best friend's neck!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Lisa's stuff is just too wonderful, thanks so much for passing on a piece of her jewelry! And good luck with everything you're doing; sometimes that kind of hectic can be just what we need... if only for a little while:)
So lovely :-)
breathe, breathe, breathe .....
Oh I hope that you can breath and enjoy your weekend camping. How fun that sounds. Anyway, I would love a chance to win.
Thanks, Nat
You have got to be one of the most generous people ever! I would love a chance to win the necklace. It would make up just a little for not winning that beautiful quilt!
Take it easy. Remember to enjoy the fall!
Thank you so much, Dana...that necklace is beautiful! I'm a bit jealous of the girlscouts. I have a fantasy of being a brownie/girlscout leader some day! Not so jealous of your crazy Razor...I'd be worried sick all the time!
How very thoughtful of you!!! Thanks Kathie k.bugbee@att.net
How very thoughtful of you!!! Thanks Kathie k.bugbee@att.net
Very beautiful! Please enter me!
Blessings, Kimberly
I've been reading your blog since your quilt giveaway. I've followed Lisa's blog for awhile too. I love her necklaces. What a great giveaway.
just beautiful, would be a perfect reminder of what mother really means.
I can't find my groove either. I'm not so much feeling rushed, just un-motivated (though I do have a lot to do these days!). This too, shall pass, at least I keep telling myself that. I used to be a Girl Scout and LOVED the camping trips. Have a great time! Nice giveaway. Thanks for making it available.
A lot of us are too busy right now.. stressing...my days go too fast. Have fun camping with the girls. Please enter me.
oohh I love it. I love your quilts too! Sharla (my little gems)
Oh, How Darling! Please pick my number!
Have a Great Fri!
Wow - do you ever just get to sit down and breathe? Enjoy your weekend - How bad can a weekend full of brownies be? Oh right - GS brownies not chocolate. Well good luck!
I really enjoy reading Lisa's blog. Her jewelry is very pretty.
You can do it! Us moms were made to survive...and that's exactly what you'll do with 33 brownies.
You are very generous! Enjoy the camping!!
and in for my chance to win a special circle..
scattered friend
Inhale, exhale....inhale, exhale... Dear Jesus you ARE doing too much, but where do you cut down? It's a good thing Razor is such a great help to you.
Hugs from Georgia,
Blessing for you,
You'll think of something to help yourself out here. Make a list. One of my friends would do a specific thing on a specific day of the week and stick to it...you know, like your mother or grandmother probably did. Mondays is for doing the wash. Tuesday you ironed. Wednesday...well, you get the idea
WOW, it's so pretty! I hope things work out for you in the next few days so you can relax and breathe again!
I'm glad I'm not the only one who's doing ten things at once. I kinda like it. Makes me feel very alive. Just remember to breathe.
I hope someone special wins the neclace it is gorgeous.
Hugs Mary.
What a giver. Dana, your such a winner in all things.
With your busy schedule your not letting life pass you by. You seem to be enjoying life to the fullest.
Do take care of yourself.
I love her jewelry. That necklace is so tender in it's message. I had to take a breather last week, I felt like I was in a creative funk and hadn't been spending enough time with the kidlets and hubby. Now I feel great. Hopefully once the back to school schedule settles in you will feel more at peace. Have a wonderful rest of the week.
Dana, hope you get your grove back and into the swing of things. You always do such fun giveaways. Next you should do some of your homemade soap.
What a beautiful giveaway. I think your next weekend should be a trip to a beach somewhere exotic! What do ya think?
You are very generous to give this beautiful necklace away! mpulley@chatmosscable.com
love it!
i love this necklace! it's a beautiful little summary of what it is to be a mother.
take some deep breaths and hang in there!
Ooooh! That necklace is beautiful, and describes perfectly what I do all day.
Ohhhh Lovely necklace! I am almost to the third trimester for baby number two- this would be a great little gift for this mama!
Wow. That is one precious necklace.
I'm inspired and encouraged by your blog. It's lovely!
hope you had a good time.linda gerig
Whoo hoo! I'm in!
You're a busy lady! Definitely time for a few deep breaths.
I love Lisa's jewelry and that necklace is especially beautiful. Please put my name in. And thanks for the generous giveaway.
Dana, what a stunning necklace and an amazing giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win it - if I don't I may just have to save up and buy it!! Jess
Hi, I am a new visitor, so how lucky to be able to enter a contest. Nice blog and necklace (o:
Beautiful necklace. I love the writing on it too.
Good Luck this weekend. . .
How nice of you go to give this away Dana. Mama, it is so you. Count me in, and thank you.
I am a new mother, my toddler is only 2. I know i have a long way to go. This year I'm focusing a lot on myself, not that I'm doing it intentionally... and then i see other women (like you) with a full schedule, so focused on family. And I ask myself, can i get there? :)
Razor needs to come to Mid-Missouri today. Look what is going past my house about 4:30.
Gorgeous!! I wanna be lucky, please!!! :P Thank YOU!!
This is a beautiful necklace.
Please enter me in the draw.
Thanks, Kali
Breathe - that's the best advice you can give yourself. And cut yourself some slack too. It does take a while to get into the groove of the school. :o)
The necklace is gorgeous! Thanks so much for offering it. I am a HUGE fan of Lisa's work, but have yet to treat myself to a piece of her jewelry.
Here's hoping...
Hi--I'm here to enter the quilt giveaway..?
Just kidding, dear Dana. I'm here to say--hang in there. These school schedules can be dizzying, unsettling, overwhelming. I wish I could offer more comfort...I hope you find the right gear soon and also that magical key to making it all slow down just a little.
Big hugs to you.
(I'm fascinated by your husband's nightime races--through the woods, no less! Good luck to him!)
My little one is not in school yet, but I am even feeling the change of pace this year. I hope you have some time to just "be" and enjoy the season! Gorgeous necklace - and a wonderful sentiment on it!
Oh - and I LOVE your play list today - my Munchkin LOVES Jack Johnson so we listen every day in the car!
WOOT WOOT WOOT! That's loverly!
Thanks for the comment this morning, Dana. I totally know how you feel with so many things on the go. I know that you are enjoying those many things, though, so keep enjoying them and remember to take breaths when you get the chance. Get some good snuggles in and good luck to your fam in all their adventures. I've been missing you in my blog-less week. Can you enter me, please?
I love Lisa Leonard. She is one of the most talented jewelry designers that I've ever come across. Everything is so simple and elegant and looks good with everything :)
wow, I hope I win :)
oh, that is beautiful... i'd love to wear it!
Just stumble across your blog. Love the pictures, and wooo a give-away. count me in.
Enter me!!!!
What a beautiful necklace! I'm crossing my fingers!
That is a beautiful necklace!
Be blessed in your busy-ness.
Ooo! Ooo! Pick me! Pick me!
So cute! Thanks so much!
It sounds like you're as busy as me. I can't believe your kids haven't started school yet. Where do you live? We are in AZ & our kids started the 6th of August. Isn't that awful? It's so hot & miserable. I really wish we started later!
okay I'm not going to whine and beg like I did last time....I'll try to maintain my dignity...uhh hem.....
Thank you for giving us a chance to win such a lovely piece of jewelry, you are WONDERFUL...oh...opps, there it goes....
I just received my soap today and wrote a post about how lovely it is, thanks for making it and remember that camping can be fun...did you score on a yurt or cabin? or are you tenting....hope you have nice weather!!
I know what you mean, I feel like I am running around like a chicken it's head cut off all the time! Good luck! The necklace is great! Have fun camping!
Sounds like you have a busy weekend ... totally LOVE the necklace!
Hi Dana - Can't wait to see your girls clogging! Amy
Here we go...Let's see if I can get WIN #2 from the Old Red Barn!
I know how you feel and the deep breaths help out so much. What a little treasure you are giving away and you are sure you want to pass it on? How very thoughtful of you. Have a wonderful time with the girls this weekend. Stop and breath in the beauty that will be around you this weekend as you are surrounded in Gods goodness.
The tanksley Crew.
tanksley23@comcast.net or
What a wonderful giveaway! I totally understand I am still trying to figure where July & August went :) Meg
What a perfect mommy necklace! I can think of so many wonderful young mothers I could give this to. How will I choose if I win?
Keep breathing this weekend and have fun!
How lovely! school holidays are just about to start in my neck of the woods and I can't wait!
You are too generous. Please pick me!
Lovely! Hope I win this!! :D
lovely, lovely, lovely...
my fingers are crossed!
That's so pretty!
Wow that is beautiful. My hubby deployed this morning for 7 months at sea. So seeing this post this evening made my day.
Love your blog and that necklace would look great around my neck. Sign me up.
What a beautiful nechlace! Hope you have fun on your Brownie Camping trip!! :)
What a lovely necklace! Aren't you sweet to give this away to a lucky someone (who I hope will be me! :o)
Have a good weekend!
Hello Dana!
You are such a sweet heart to give away such a beautiful necklace! I just received your soaps the other day and we are all enjoying them alot!!! Will be back soon!
Anyway please count me in on your giveaway! Thanks so very much Dana!
Consider me entered, you busy little bee you!
I know what you mean by being busy, working full time, having three ferals to keep me busy, a sick dad and sick brother to worry about, it seems no time for sewing.. but I try to make time each day for me!
I have only just found time this past week to read blogs again after 3 months of nothing, and yours was one of the first I checked out in my bloglines..
what a generous giveaway.. I love it and am checking out this lady's stuffs now.. thanks for sharing..
I'm so glad to have found your site, via Lisa Leonard's blog! I sympathize with your rushed feelings, and I don't know about you but it won't slow down here until after Christmas!! I just try to keep remembering that someday when my babies are grown I will ache for this type of "busy"! Enjoy your camping trip with the brownies!!
I love your give aways. I check your blog several times a week just to see what you're working on. I think I need to be taking your vitamins!
Love the necklace! I have never seen your blog before but am excited to look more closely at it! Nice idea to do a giveaway! WOW
What?? Giving it away!! Pick me, pick me!! :) Really, it's a beautiful piece with such a beautiful poem from Sarah!
I like your blog and the senior photos below! :)
Great necklace...good luck with the Brownies, hope you have a great time!
How sweet of you...I would love to win! Have a good weekend. :)
Wow...you've got a lot going on! Thanks for doing a giveaway in the midst of it. The necklace is absolutely STUNNING! I love it! Can't wait to see who wins that fabulous thing! :)
YO, YO, YO DANA Girl! I Really be wantin' dat Bling bling! Let me win Homey!
From Micah & Levi's Cool Mama
Sounds like you all are busy as bees!! Love the necklace. We'll miss you guys tonight-but hope you have a ton of fun camping. And GO RAZOR!!!
Beyond lovely- I am keeping my fingers crossed for this one!
Just take in a deep breath and know this too shall pass. The youngest of my three daughters is a senior in high school and the years have flown by fast. It isn't until you "hear" the quiet of a house with children grown and out to their own lives that you have time to reflect back on those busy days as wonderful, calm, delightful days. Enjoy!
First I would like to say that your qulits are gorgeous!! I was so disappointed when I FINALLY made up my mind on my necklace choice and Lisa no longer had this one! I would LOVE,LOVE, LOVE this!!
How sweet of you to give away!
Hope its me :)
I know how you feel! I just had a baby two weeks ago and can't seem to find my groove again as well!
Maybe this weekend will be the end of the tunnel for us and we'll get all of our mojo back!
Fall certainly is a crazy busy month! Take a few deep breaths and remember to eat some donuts and drink some cider and enjoy the season! I need to clean off my desk, too. Too bad there isn't something by lisa leonard on it!
rain rain rain...and the sump pump pumps....still not used to that one. trying to sew with some success. you are the busy one. good luck for razor's race :-) i look forward to new clogging vids of the kids...happy trails
Oh that is stunning! it has such an old world charm about it! i love it!
Please count me in!!
oh, I love her jewelry, add me to the list!
Being a mom of two girls and hearing my three year old call me "mama" touches my heart every day. The necklace is such a nice symbol of the love I have for my girls! Thanks for the free drawing!
I love that necklace. It reminds me of the connection I have to my sons, but as well as that it reminds me of the connection Ihave with my own mama and with my grandmama. I love being a mama and I love the connection to all of the women in my life.
My mother's birthday is coming up! I'd love to win this for her! She's in Michigan...I'm in Australia!
What a pretty necklace... and a very generous give away!
Love your tunes too!!!
Lala :o)
What a great giveaway! I love your blog!!
Lisa Leonard has some great designs!! You like her stuff, then you should also check out a friend of mine that makes jewelry too!
This is her blog:
And, this is her Etsy:
Hope your busy weekend was great!
That necklace really spoke to me and is what mothering truely is. Thanks for doing a give away! I hope I win! -kriss
Very unique necklace :-). And the Senior pictures are great too.
I hope the random number is 164.
You are such a giving person and blessings for you come back multiplied. I hope you have rest multipied too!
Hope I'm not too late, would love to enter and win! Am sure the weekend was great, cant wait to hear about it!!
I loev it. Hope you can get some rest soon . . . .
I would be honored to wear this :)
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