Any guesses?

Any guesses? Come on. Go ahead and try to guess. Cause you could guess all day and never guess this one. I dare ya.

Ok. So, these hip young people are Associated Press reporters. They came down from their Washington Bureau to do a story on me. Dude!! ASSOCIATED PRESS!
To be a proper hostess I fed them coffee cake.

Later it was chips and guacamole. And some of the most amazing heavenly elixir on earth . . . Jones Soda Co. Creme Soda. That stuff is so good. I like a good creme soda but a good one is hard to find. Often they are too sweet and too syrupy. Not this otherworldly concoction. It is the perfect blend . . . um . . . er . . ..
Did I mention the ASSOCIATED PRESS was at my house yesterday from 11am until 4pm?

This is Julie Pace. When I first talked to her on the phone I thought the interview sounded fun but doubted it would lead to anything. I figured she was someones intern making a few calls. But then I googled her. Eeeek! The nerves set in and I was terrified that she would call again. She did call the next day and told me they were coming October 2nd. Oh. My. Stinkin'. Heck.

And this is Matt Ford. He is a multimedia producer from Associated Press. I've googled him and find lots of stories he has produced and others he has contributed to but I can't point you to one concise place to read all about him. Dangit Matt!

So, my story should hit AP outlets next week. I'll provide some links here once I know it is running.
And get this. They are flying me to Washington, DC on election day to watch the presidential election results come in with other voters and political analysts. It will be some kind of live Internet streaming video kind of dealy bob.
Holy crap.
Holy crap!! Keep us posted! This is exciting, Dana, VERY exciting! Congrats.
yeah! its much better,
Wowzers! You're gonna be FAMOUS!!!
You are too funny! I am sure you did fine, now if those two hadn't been smiling as much in the pictures .... I would have my doubts. LOL. Can't wait to hear/read all about it.
Great Balto! Fill us in! What was it all about!?!? Can I have your autograph!? Woo!
yeah...holy crap!
All I gotta say is HOLY COW!!!!
Holy Crow! It is your lucky month! Enjoy.
Wow, I sort of feel like I almost know a celebrety by association! ;-)
Holy crap is right! You must be beside yourself! Congratulations!
Ditto HOLY CRAP!!! That is amazing!
Congratulations :) You said you were feeling lucky, no joke!!
WOW! Will there be a chance to see this online? Oh I am so so so happy for you!
Wow, Dana that is awesome. Keep us posted.
That's amazing! Good for you!
I have a famous blog friend!
I got a little laugh because my sister-in-laws name is Julie Pace too!
Holy crap is right!
Wow...we can say we all knew you when. Just remember us little people when you are with those too big for your britches people in DC :-)
How exciting!
Very cool! Congrats!!
wowzers! you're a celebrity now :) congrats.
I Knew it!!!
"Ahh yes, I knew her when . . . "
Sounds cool! Can't wait to hear more about it!
Dag yo!!! You are in the BIG BIG time now.
WOW! I can't believe I am going to 'know' you when! HOLY COW WOMAN! AWESOME!
holy crap indeed! awesome!
that is SO STINKIN fun! and btw, jones cream soda is my favorite pop EVER. i save it for treats because otherwise if i buy it,i will drink it ALL THE TIME.
You will be too FAMOUS"""" To talk to us soon How exciting for you.
Hugs Mary.
Wow. I'm impressed. Now I'm even more excited that I got the chance to meet you in person!
I posted about hour meeting on my blog yesterday--check it out.
Please keep us updated!
HOLY CRAP! I wanna be you Dana! LOL :)
Dana! That is so cool!! And you get to come to DC! I hope you love it as much as I do - it's a great city. I can't wait to see the piece!
DANA! What's going on!? You are so amazing! You are a rock star! :)
Holey Crap is right! Way to to Dana!!! We're still BFF right?????
To borrow my 4 year old's new favorite phrase, Holy Moley Macaroni!
Thats awesome!
Dana that is so exciting. Who knew that a little Murphyite could be so famous (not counting Rudolf)? Anyway, does your whole family get to go to DC with you? I know you are busy on the weekends with shows so stop by next week and tell the gang at BMS quilt shop all about it! We are so proud of you!
Yay Dana!!!!
This is because you're a rock star, you know that, right?
I still want to be you when I grow up.
You go, girl! wow! Make sure you provide those links! Can't wait!
Okay, it's official... There is no more denying it, you are for sure the COOLEST person I know! Don't you dare send me one of your emails saying that you aren't because you are dang it! Give us more details on the story please!!!
WOW, WOW, WOW......how fun for you.....=) Very cool......Keep us posted. How cool that you will be in DC on election day....you will witness history in the making....How cool is that!!!!
You are totally big time.
WOW! That's serious stuff! Good luck and congrats!
Holy cow!! Holy crap!! HOLY COW CRAP!!!!
I would have pea'd my plants! Congrats!
I am speechless, I thought you were a humble stay-at-home-Mom, canning what you grow in your backyard, making soap from scratch and sewing quilts. So what is going on, is this an election Forum you were picked for? I knew you were special but this is awesome. This is definitely better than being picked for jury duty.
Where do I even begin to drop the wows? Super wow! That is so awesome, Dana! But it doesn't exactly surprise me...I mean, it IS big, but not at all unfitting.
Very cool! That is sooo great for you! i can't wait to hear more about it! Yay for recognition. You deserve it!
SHUT. UP. That is so cool that you are going to Washington!!!! Does the family get to go, too? Girl, you so rock and so deserve it all ~ CONGRATS TO YOU, YOU, YOU!!! :-)
that is soooo COOL!!! way to go!!!
Dana WOW!!!!! That's awesome!!
Can't wait to read it!!
I'm sending you an e-mail with the answers to your questions :o)
You go girl! Congrats and have fun!
Gina at QuiltersBuzz.com
DANA!!! Holy Bjolie! how Crazy KEWL is that!? CONGRATS! so GREAT!
Ok not only are you going to be famous BUT you had an adorable guy there to participate in the event!!!! That's so AWESOME!!!
Just remember us flaky little bloggers when you are taking over the world.
Hi,I found your post when I googled their names. They did an interview on me, also! Aren't they just the nicest people! Mine should be on sometime next week, I think. Anyway, I'll be at the election party also, I think it's fantastic that they are letting us participate and paying for it all! I think it's awesome that you blogged about this (I didn't even think to take pictures!) Which issue did they interview you on? We were the economy. Well, maybe we'll see each other in DC. Take care!
Congrats and how exciting always inspirational and interesting things going on in your blog space, it took the media to catch on that this is where on the fun is happening.
hey! quit living my dreams!
congratulations ;0)
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