I'd like to give these three different quilts to three different winners.
Um . . . Er. . . Well, let me rephrase that . . .
I'm going to give these three different quilts to three different winners.

I've talked about them all before but let me do a little run down. The first up is made from the new line of fabric called Sugar Snap from Melissa Averinos for Free Spirit. You'll remember that she (as in the fabric designer herself Melissa!) generously gave me the fabric specifically for this give away. She sent it when I was the busiest with my soap company and stuff so in order to make all this work a lovely friend of mine actually made the quilt. Her name is Anne and she does impeccable work. And, since after every quilt giveaway I get a slew of requests to replicate the giveaway quilt, Anne is willing and able to do that for anyone who wants one. How stinkin' cool is that? If your interested email me and I'll get you in contact with Super Quilter Extraordinaire Anne!
Did I mention the Sugar Snap quilt measures 53 x 63 and is 100% cotton? I've washed and dried it to give it that crinkly, wrinkly look that I love. It's so incredibly my style and whoever wins it is one lucky duck for sure.

I've spoken some about the middle quilt as well. It is made with fabric from Moda by their uber-talented designer Tula Pink. Remember she signed a bit of her Nest fabric and sent it to my long arm quilter Russ? That hand signed bit of fabric is IN this quilt!
Susan Guzman, of SuzGuz Designs, specially designed this pattern for this giveaway. It is called Candy Bar Road and it brilliantly shows off fabulous fabric. Susan made this quilt and is throwing in two Candy Bar Road quilt patterns for a fourth and fifth prize.
Ladies and gentlemen, a big round of applause for Susan Guzman!
And just so you know, the Nest quilt measures 56 x 64 and it too has already been washed and dried for that lovely aged affect. Rest assured, however, that in case it arrives at your house smelling like the fried chicken we had for dinner last Sunday you are perfectly safe to throw it in the washing machine and drier.

Last, but certainly not least is this 45 inch square quilt. It too is 100% cotton and washed and ready for use.

It was designed and made by the talented Kari Ramsay from Fresh Cut Quilt Pattern Company. The fabric selection is killer and Wendy Nabhan quilted it beautifully. Boo and Licious have hosted several tea parties on this lovely little quilt and will hate to see it go.
But go it must! Now back to scrubbing the floors and cleaning the chimney girls! No time for tears! I've got a contest to start!

How to enter? Leave a comment to this post.
Wanna earn extra entries? There are THREE different ways to increase you chances.
First, blog about my give away. Snag any of the photos here to put in your blog post. Blog it. Twitter it. Facebook it. Do any of that and it gives you FIVE extra entries.

Second, put the above button in the sidebar of your blog. Simply copy and paste the text in the box below and put it in your sidebar. Dude! That earns you FIVE more entries. Now you're up to TEN.
Third, make a video and upload the video to YouTube with the title being the link to my blog (so title it, "http://oldredbarnco.blogspot.com"). Make it about why you wanna win a quilt. Make it funny. Making and uploading a video earns you FIFTY extra chances!
I'll close the contest at 7:00pm US EST on Monday, November 17, 2008. International entries welcome. ALL winners will be selected by random draw. The video entries earn an extra 50 chances but it still remains random. If I had to choose by merit then I'd never, ever in a billion years be able to choose a winner. I'd be up for the rest of my life making quilts for each and every one of you. And who would feed and clothe my children? And more importantly, who would supervise them on the whole floor scrubbin' thing?
Good luck!
Check this!! My friend Tipper's exceptionally talented family made this video. Listen closely cause they are singing about DANA'S QUILTING PARTY!!!
I am loving all of the video entries so far and plan to feature them all here eventually. If you want yours to be linked to you and your blog, etc. then let me know in an email. dana@oldredbarnco.com
ETA: If you are still feeling the quilty love then head over to Camille's blog cause she is giving away a quilt too. And she is gonna custom make it for the winner with one of her own patterns. Dude! Check out her blog Simplify . . . it is a feast for the eyes and your fabric lovin' heart!
1 – 200 of 1789 Newer› Newest»What beautiful work! Thank you for sharing these--hopefully, you'll share one with me!
I think I was one of the earlier commenters in the last one and it didn't pay off. Darn. It was so cold at my house last night. I wish I would've had one of these to snuggle up with on the couch. Thanks for the opportunity!
Oh yeah enter me please!!!!! For the awesomeness.
They all turned out great. Hope I win one this time.
They are ALL Beautiful!Please Pick me!!
I am signed up for a class to make a buggy barn quilt just because of you. I love it!!!
Can only enter once as I don't have the ability to do the others, so please enter my one chance to win one of the glorious quilts.
I would love to win one of the quilts! I just posted on twitter and also added your banner to my blog.
twitter id : ribbonrockstar
very happy beautiful quilts...
can;t beleive your doing this again!!!!!
very generous
I'm so excited! These are all so beautiful. Thanks for the links, too.
Cool idea and beautiful quilts! I'll add you to my blog if I can figure out how.
These are awesome. Please enter me for a chance to win one. tammy@learningfelt.com
I am going to post your button on my website under the Favorite Links page. www.learningfelt.com
Wow, just wow! Those are all beautiful! May you be blessed with lots of warm soft things to replace the gifts you are giving!
Oh how I would love to have one of these beautiful quilts to keep me and my Pugs warm this winter!
Oh they are so so gorgeous!
you all are so talented!
Do I really need to put in a video???? I'm not a very funny person when it comes to it....
Those quilts are so gorgeous!!! You're an amazing lady!!!
I'll go try and do what you ask and let you know when it's done!!!
(if you don't mind it will be in French, my blog being in French only now.....)
THanks again!!!
I can't miss out on a chance for a free quilt!
Those quilts are stunning!!! You are so talented. I would love the chance to win this beautiful quilt! Thanks!
These are so beautiful and I would love to win one. I've posted a link on my Facebook page since I don't blog. Thanks for doing this, it's incredibly generous of you!
They are beautiful, all of them! Hoping that I'm one of the lucky three.
oh my goodness!! i have been waiting for this giveaway! linked twice - a post on my facebook page, and also on my blog http://www.larksongknits.com
These are absolutely stunning, I would love to win one of these. WOW!
I've blogged about it
I've added your button to my sidebar
I've twittered about it (which also appears on my Facebook page)
I hope you'll be giving us links to all those YouTube videos. I'm not brave enough to do one myself but would love to see all the others :)
All of these quilts are just lovely. My home would welcome any and/or all of them.
Hi again!!! For some reason I cannot put the button on my sidebar, Over-blog won't accept it, so I put it in a post instead along with the pictures and sent the link directly here. Hope that's OK and will increase my chances of winning one of those gorgeous quilts!!!
Thanks for the game and your extremely generous offer and to the people who helped you in the effort too!!!
see you soon!!!!
Hi again!!! For some reason I cannot put the button on my sidebar, Over-blog won't accept it, so I put it in a post instead along with the pictures and sent the link directly here. Hope that's OK and will increase my chances of winning one of those gorgeous quilts!!!
Thanks for the game and your extremely generous offer and to the people who helped you in the effort too!!!
see you soon!!!!
I'm so in awe!! They are all beautiful!!! But if I don't win I DEFINITELY will be emailing Anne requesting one! :)
I'll be posting it on my blog and adding it to the sidebar.
The pictures w/ the leaves are amazing!! Stunning....
Thanks Dana, you rock!!
Your photos are simply stunning. They could be postcards.
I twittered and Facebooked your contest: www.twitter.com/ldgermany312
I am also putting you in my "share" box in my sidebar.
Beautiful, beautiful quilts!
no blog for me, no youtube, just 1 old fashioned entry for one of the quilts for me, they are all beautiful!
I've just finished scrubbing my floors! What a great break! I hope a quilt will find it's way to our mailbox!
I never win but I will always try for the beautiful quilts you make!
hey, super sweet quilts. I will blog about this and put a button on my side bar for the extra points. Hope I win!! Thanks for the giveaway.
Gorgeous quilts!! Awewsome giveaway!! I have my fingers crossed.
Yeah! I'm in! I've posted on my blog and also placed the button for extra points. I would love any of these beautiful quilts...especially since my quilting is going pretty slow these days!
I would LOVE any one of these quilts!
I'll play. I'm adding it to my side bar and I'll even blog about it, but I refuse to make a YouTube video!! LOL
Dana, Dana, Dana! You are in thick! It's going to be a fun week :) I still would do the joint custody if you wanted to - I might have a plan ;) Not that I couldn't make them myself but winning is such a rush! You understand. The quilts are beautiful, here's hoping you don't have to send them to strangers :)
I will be posting both on my blog and sidebar . . . I don't have a current video camera, so no video from me. Just imagine my sweet little ones jumping on their beds with no quilts - k?
These are all beautiful quilts. I would love to win any one of them. Great colors and designs.
All three of these quilts are beautiful! I especially like the pink smaller one! I will be posting on my sidebar!
Awesome giveaway! Count me IN
WOW they are all beautiful. Please throw my name into the giant pot.
I'm off to check out their sites ... too yummy.
Absolutely beautiful! They all look so fun!
Dana, I want to win one of those quilts! I have posted pictures on my blog, http://fudgebuckets.blogspot.com/
and have also put your box in my sidebar. That gives me 11 chances, correct? If I could make a video, I would do that too! I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
Marcia Gilbreath
Wow! I have been anxiously awaiting this give away! They are all so BEAUTIFUL!! I would be so excited to win one. I have posted on my blog about the give away as well as my side bar. OK now I have to try to find out from my daughters who are much more computer savy than I am how to do the you tube thing. I am hoping to do that to. I HAVE to win one of these beautiful quilts as I already have a home picked out for them. I can't wait to hear the winners!
Oh No I forgot to leave you my blog. disneyscrapper-teresamsblogspot.blogspot.com
Beautiful quilts!
Alright, it's time to get serious! I blogged about it and put the link on my side bar. Hope I win!!
well dana you've done it once again! very very lovely! you didnt say how razor did in that last race, the cute monyako that he is. the snow is melting just to be all covered up again this weekend. hunters will be happy with some snow opening weekend. yeah...less dear to leap in front of your car.
Three beautiful quilts Dana, I will be adding your giveaway to my blog...don't know how to make a video!!
It's been ages since I was here. Gorgeous, as always.
Oh these are are so beautiful. I wish I was creative enough to pick fabrics like this. I'll take them all, thanks!
Ok, I blogged about it:
and added it to my side bar:
and its on my face book page:
Rachael Sanders!
these are so beautiful. I would love to win one for my mom.
I love them all! What a generous giveaway. I'm just amazed that you can bear to part with these! They are stunning!
Day - It's Mar. All are Beautiful. Put my name in the "electronic hat". Love ya!
Love them all! What a fab giveaway! Thanks for the chance!
What gorgeous quilts! Thanks for your amazing generosity, yet again!
I've blogged about the give away and also added your button to my side bar.
Cindy Keery
I am completely in love with these! I would LOVE one for our new apartment in California (moving from Boston in 2 weeks)!
I blogged and twittered and sidebar'd it. Expect some YouTube action very soon! :-)
Oh what beautiful quilts!! Sure hope I win one!!
Thank you for doing this again...I hope I win one this time!
Blogged & sidebar here:
I have my fingers crossed that I might win one of these gorgeous creations, thank you so much for your generosity.
these are all just so gorgeous and i am happy to throw my name in the hat! i'll blog and button too, but i'm too chicken to figure out youtube... thanks for the chances to win!!!
Those are pretty, let me see if I can figure out how to do all those steps. I'll probbly put the button on my angoraknitter blog, cause it's more craft oriented...
first visit to your blog...my dh and I are getting into cycling, but your dh's sport looks more like something my dh would enjoy. I on the other hand prefer being a roadie.
Whoops I forgot to say that I have blogged about your giveaway and posted a picture in my side bar.
oh wow, i can't believe you are doing this again! you are the best! thanx for the chance
i've blogged this and added your button to my blog.
Enter me, pretty please! I love quilts and with winter coming I'm ready to get wrapped up in one!
urka84 (at) gmail.com
OH my they are all beautiful, I'd be so happy to have one to call my own.
You're in my sidebar:
urka84 (at) gmail.com
In the sidebar of my personal blog as well!
urka84 (at) gmail.com
All three quilts are so adorable!!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I win!
I've posted it in my blog and put it on my side bar!
THANKS!!! I'm excited!
How pretty! I love quilts!!!!
Okay, figured it out.
Nifty idea! I'd be curious to see how much increased traffic you get.
Wow, these quilts are beautiful! I've been bloghopping so I don't remember how I got here, but I'm going to keep coming back! And if I win a lovely quilt, all the better. :)
They're all so gorgeous! I blogged and put the button in my sidebar!
I would really really like to have one of these beautiful quilts. I've added your giveaway to my sidebar, and posted about your giveaway on my blog. Come by & see me at whenlifegivesyoulemons2.blogspot.com
I blogged it http://treasuresofjoy.blogspot.com/2008/11/win-1-of-3-quilts.html
and added a button too.
This is a lovely gift just in time for Christmas!!!
How generous of you!
OOOOOhh they are soooo beautiful! I would cherish it forever it I won one.:)
Dana, great job on the photos! All three look fantastic! I'm going to add you to my blog, but I'm probably a conflict of interest :) Although, if you'd happen to pick my name, the quilt could go to a nearby children's hospital? Anyhow, great job organizing this. I can't wait to hear of the results!
Oh yippee!!!!! Here is my entry. And you better be ready for a delightful little video from yours truly. I will also post about it on my blog and insert the sidebar "thingy" into my blog. If I happen to win, I have promised my mom that she can get the quilt this time. I suppose that's fair since I already have one of your amazing creations! But I think she's also going to enter possibly, so be ready to hear from one excited mom who wants one of your quilts so very badly! :)
Wow!!!! What beautiful work!!!
They are beautiful! Pick Me! Pick Me! lol
Please count me in your drawing. The quilts are all so lovely!!
I love them all - especially the Nest one!
I'm blogging about this and adding your button to my blog. thanks for the chance!
Wow, how incredible - three utterly beautiful quilts to give away!!!? Couldn't I just bribe you to give me one? No, forget I said that! ;-)
I have put your button in my side bar and my blog post will appear tomorrow (thanks for giving me more NaBloPoMo fodder!!!).
However, I don't think that I will be uploading any videos, you will all just have to do without my sheer brilliance!! ;-)
They are gorgeous!!!! I so hope i win one :)
These are totally amazing. The colors make me happy just looking at the pictures. I so hope I win. Thanks for your generosity
I want to win so badly! They are all so beautiful! I posted about it on my blog, put it in my sidebar, and I am going to attempt to make a video when my children get home from school today!
I want one. They are all so beautiful. I'll do my best to post and will see about the video.
Beautiful quilts!! I don't know how you're able to give them away, but I'm sure they'll be loved wherever they end up :D
I would love to win one of these gorgeous quilts!
Yay! I wanna win!!!!! Beautiful quiltness......
Thanks for the opportunity to win one of your beautiful quilts!
I've been waiting for this. Please enter me... I am going to put the button on my sidebar...
Avec le traducteur j'ai un peu compris que j'avais une très minime chance de gagner, et pourtant ce serait super qu'un de ces magnifique Quilt arrive en France........ LOL en tous cas ils sont magnifiques BRAVO
I just posted a link to this giveaway on twitter! You are so fabulous to offer these lovelies!
I so would love to have any one of these quilts . I however am unlucky in the sense that this will be my only entry because I am technologically chalenged and don't have a blog or youtube capability. Maybe I will get lucky and figure it out! Thank you so for your generosity and the inspiration that you make available to many on the environment and the utter importance of so many issues. I truly appreciate what you do and hopefully can figure out how to spread some of the word!
Gorgeous!!! As usual. ;) I hope to win this time! I twittered it. :) I also put that button in my sidebar. If I have time I will make a video.
Oh I would love to win one of these beauties. Thank you for the chance.
Rita E in AZ
Please enter me and I am blogging about it and I have put it in my sidebar.. Thanks for hosting..
These are so beautiful and I would love to win one.
I've posted a link on my Blog. Thanks for doing this, it's incredibly generous of you!
Hugs Karin
Those quilts are absolutely gorgeous!
Your quilts are stunning. I would love to win one of them. I have put you on my blog and also on my side bar. Thanks for the opportunity to win one of these beautiful quilts.
Would love love love to win one of these beauties! Count me in!
Your quilts are wonderful.
Great quilts - I would love to win one. I will cross my fingers, toes, and my children's fingers and toes!
Great quilts - I would love to win one. I will cross my fingers, toes, and my children's fingers and toes!
They are all gorgeous, but I love love loooove the Nest quilt. That one is definitely my style, I love the colors!
I posted about it on my blog and added the html to my sidebar, now I'm hoping I am the lucky one!
Thanks so much for your generous giveaway!
How darn cute! Love the fabric choices.
Thank you for sharing in this beautiful giveaway! I am also happy to have found out about your company as I wouldn't have otherwise!I will be more than hapy to spread the word about your company!
Gorgeous, all of them! Such a fun giveaway!
Here you go again...being all wonderful and generous! The quilts are gorgeous, of course!!!! BTW, I inserted your "button" in my sidebar and it looks great!
The quilts are all beautiful? I'd be thrilled to have any one of them. You certainly are generous!! I've posted a link on my blog.
Oh, I'm in! I love quilts and have no skills at all -- I hope I win!!
I love all of these quilts but especially the Nest Quilt! Just beautiful:)
I added a post to my blog and a button to my sidebar. We'll see if I'm brave enough for the video! Thanks!
I love all of these quilts but especially the Nest Quilt! Just beautiful:)
I added a post to my blog and a button to my sidebar. We'll see if I'm brave enough for the video! Thanks!
First, I BLOGGED ...
Second, I SIDEBARRED ...
Third, I THOUGHT about the video ...
Still thinking ... still thinking ... still thinking ...
still sad I didn't win the last one :) These are beautiful!!
take a bow Jenn
What wonderful quilts, I have to say that my fav would be "Candy Bar Road" Just gorgeous, what wonderful colors.
I have added your button to my sidebar.
They are gorgeous!!!!!
you're on my blog http://whatsyourroadman.tumblr.com/
and even if i don't win thank you for making these beautiful creations available!!!
Ooooh, please enter me in the drawing! I did two out of the three things for extra points!
What beautiful quilts! Your blog is very inspirational.Thank you.
those are so pretty! off to post it on my blog and make a video, but i can't guarantee funny or creative.
I love them all!
Blog post - check
Facebook post - check
Sidebar - check
Comment here - check
Video - ...ummmm - will get back to you on that one but I hope to be able to direct a sequel...
The quilts are all LUSCIOUS!!!!
There will be THREE very THANKFUL people this Thanksgiving!
Thanks as always for your fun generosity! Can't wait to see the videos!
Oh! I NEED a cozy quilt! SO beautiful!
I checked everything, except the video! ;)
Thanks so much for the opportunity!
Absolutely delicious, please include me!
Absolutely gorgeous quilts! Thank you for making them available. I've added you to my blog. Please come and check it out!
cheers and God's blessings!
I’m from El Masnou (Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain). I have read about your blog post “Win 1 of 3 quilts!” on Suzguz Designs Newsletter, where I have seen your generous giveaway of those beautiful quilts, and how I want to have the chance to win one of them, I've blogged about it, twittered, also added your button to my side bar, and added one of the photos than you have in your blog post.
Thank you for the opportunity than you has done me.
Josepa http://mondepatch.blogspot.com
Sign me up! I added your button to my blog as well!
Gorgeous quilts...I could live with any of them! Please count me into the drawing!
Mary Jo in Iowa
What gorgeous work! I would love to win one!
Ooh, ooh, may I play? I love the crinkly look as well - so classic! I'd LOVE love LOVE one of these gorgeous quilts!!
Those are absolutely be-yoo-ti-ful. I'd love to win one!
Oh they are beautiful!! My post is made and I have the tab on my sidebar. I don't know how to make videos so I'll stop here.
Thank you so much!
wow--absolutely gorgeous! I am a quilter myself, and I can certainly appreciate all your talents!
Wonderfully beautiful quilts!
You are gifted.
you? cinderella? not a chance!
*love* all this sharing the love.
have twittered/tweeted it -
and facebooked it -
the button's in my blog sidebar too!
mwah X
Throw my name in the hat too! I'll add a post and pic to my sidebar... youtube video... nope. Not doing that.. LOL!
Jen :)
How absolutely beautiful! All of them! Hope you share with me.
How absolutely beautiful! All of them! Hope you share with me.
*love* the quilts. They are all so beautiful! I posted the button on the side of my blog. *please* let me win :)
*love* the quilts. They are all so beautiful! I posted the button on the side of my blog. *please* let me win :)
Please enter me in your very generous and awesome quilt giveaway. Wow!
Beautiful quilts! Count me in! I would love to win and I will post you on my blog :o)
dude. i so totally want a quilt! please! please!
I've been waiting for this day! I'm hoping my luck is better the second time around!
I've posted about the giveaway on my blog.
I've also added the link in my sidebar.
I'm working on a video. I'll let you know when it's up.
Muchas Gracias!
Absolutely stunning! Beautiful quilts. Thanks for the chance!
Dana, you are crazy! I love your kind of insanity! Pick me!!
I am sooooo entering your quilt giveaway... As a mom of three boys- I need a hip girly quilt all for myself :) I'll blog about it too :)
I wanna win! I addded link on blog post and side bar! Random # generator people pick me!!!!
Dana, a special thanks to all quilters involved in this nice giveaway. I am in! I have posted and put the picture on my sidebar. Oh I hope I win! :)
They are all absolutly beautiful! My fingers are crossed!
they are all beautiful as usual! jollyrencher@gmail.com
Oh I love them all! I would love to win any of them! I've blogged about the giveaway and added it to my sidebar!
Rats! I only have this one chance to win. Wish I had the means to enter more. These quilts are delicious! Here's to hoping you pick my name...err number!
Thanks for the giveaway. You are fabulous!
Thanks Dana. I love, love the quilts. I don't have a blog (my life is not that interesting) but I did post it on MYSPACE http://www.myspace.com/justalittleladybug. I wanna win.
April -
Oh my gosh..I wasn´t going to join...but how can I not...just have to try my luck out.. These quilts are absolutely amazing... :o)
Have posted and added the button to my sidebar at the blog...will sit and keep my fingers crossed on the 17 th... :o)
Lovely quilts! Would love to win!
Have a Blessed Day,
WOW GORGEOUS!! I linked you up to my blog!!
Thank you for entering me!
These quilts are works of art! It would be an honor to win any of them. Thank you for such a wonderful giveaway.
Wow, what beautiful quilts! I also LOVE the crinkly look, especially on that fabulous Sugar Snap quilt.
Hi Dana,
You have outdone yourself once again -- such marvelous, beautiful, and simply gorgeous quilts. Just looking at them on pictures is wonderful. :) Thanks for all the fun and joy you bring to so many people -- you are one special woman for sure.
Greetings from Munich,
PS: Now off to think RANDOM thoughts of the RANDOM chance to be a RANDOM winner of a RANDOM quilt... ;)
Gorgeous quilts, what amazing giveaways!! Must be so hard to part with them! Please enter me into your very generous giveaway! Thanks!!
What great quilts.Thanks for hosting the giveaway.Have posted and linked to my blog.
What beautiful quilts! I would be blessed to win any of them!!! I put you on my sidebar!
I'd also like to be entered into your generous giveaway. I will go add a post to my blog about you and you are already in my sidebar. Keeping everything crossed. My cats wanted to enter also, but I told them they could share with me. LOL
I'd also like to be entered into your generous giveaway. I will go add a post to my blog about you and you are already in my sidebar. Keeping everything crossed. My cats wanted to enter also, but I told them they could share with me. LOL
Would love a chance at one of the quilts. They are all so beautiful. Thanks for the oppurtunity.
Oh Yippie! This is always so much fun Dana. I will not only blog about it but add it to facebook, twitter, and I might even climb up on my roof and shout to the neighbors. I am sure that would attract a bit of attention. Look for my video very soon. Hope you have a lot of fun with this amazing giveaway.
I would love a chance to win one of these beautiful quilts!
Okay, this quilts are amazing! So now I need to work on a video.
These quilts are beautiful. I'll just allow myself one chance to win....this post :)
Wow those quilts are beautiful! What a great giveaway!
I have put your link on my sidebar! And I have posted this on my blog!
once again i will link and sidebar and sigh and hope and wish . . .
beautiful quilts, as always!
I'm trying to figure out how to post this on my blog and facebook. I'm a computer dope!
Posted on my blog, my facebook, and on my sidebar! Hoping! *crosses fingers*
They're all beautiful!
The only quilt I ever made was many years ago when I didn't understand that quilt block patterns do not have seam allowance added, so my double bed size quilt ended up as a gift to my Mom for when she was traveling. She was thrilled with the gift (I even made a pillow to match) and insisted that it was fate that allowed me to make the quilt sized for her - would love to won one of your beautiful quilts - much more professional than mine.
I'm so glad I am able to participate and did not missed it :) So I've talk about it on my blog and here is the link http://pescbrico.blogspot.com/2008/11/quilt-giveaway-tirage-dune-courtepointe.html.
I also put the link on the side bar on my blog! You are doing such a great job! :) Thanks for all the fun and the hard work :)
You are quite mad to give lovelies away. They are beautiful! LUCKY US!
I would gladly take any of those beauties. I promise if I win I will give it a good home. I've always wanted a handmade quilt. What a kind selfless person you are! Bless you!
okay, i posted and linked and sidebar-ed, but i also LIED and said
DON'T go see Dana, she is definitely NOT giving away those gorgeous quilts . . . do you think they'll fall for it??
They are all so beautiful!!!and look so warm and cozy .I will post it on my blog :) have a great week
Simply gorgeous! Thank you for the giveaway!
Wow - I can't believe you're doing this again so soon! I am amazed and impressed and in awe and all of the above! I have blogged you and put you in my sidebar, and if I can figure out how to do it I'll do the You Tube thing and comment again that I have done so.
Thanks so much for your generosity!
Your quilts are so beautiful. I have no idea how you are able to part with them.
I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed, those are three fantastic quilts. Thanks for the chance to win one.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
what beautiful quilts! i'm off to blog about em!
you always have the best giveaways.
please enter me.
adding you to the blog right after i hit publish comment.
I'm in :o). I put your banner on my blog and I'm about to go post about all the fun that's going on over here. Thanks!
Oh, they are gorgeous! What a treat to win one!!
Very nice quilts! So colorful! I think they are great! I blogged about them on my blog....
The quilts are just beautiful. Thanks for such a great give-away!
Another generous giveaway! Three quilts? Wow! Please add my name to the drawing.
I want one of those quilts. How absolutly beautiful and how very generous. I blogged about your giveaway!
Gosh Dana, how generous of you. Please count me in. I have blogged it and added it to my sidebar for people to join in!
Good luck to everyone....but I want to win OK? !!!
Kathryn. XX
Awesome looking quilts!
Those quilts look exquisite!
Wow what an amazing give-away! Thank you!
Hope you'll pick me for one of the winners!
Your quilts are lovely and I would love to win one. I have posted your info on my blog at http://candlelitequilter.blogspot.com/
Thanks! Lisa
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