For each year I relish in the first apples and peaches.

And although this is our first successful crop of big onions ever,

the gourds . . .

and watermelon . . .

and sunflower forest attest it is summer. Without a doubt.

Decidedly summer.

I find comfort in the predictability of it all.
something has been eating my sunflowers :-(
I do love the change of seasons and all that each has to offer but I'll always associated summer with big beautiful plants and their fragrances.
Love those sunflowers which I can not grow because of a deer infestation here in Pokeytown.
Happy harvest
Summer is my fave :)
Where do you live?!
Been wondering that, but can't figure it out...
Looks great! I'm jealous of your watermelon...ours always gets eaten before they get so big. This year we finally got the cucumbers to come in perfectly so that was our accomplishment!
Gosh, I love this post, and your photos.
I know exactly what you mean... the predictability comforts me greatly.
i love the sunflower forest! Mark is still trying to grow onions, I think he has left them in too long, they are about to flower, what does that do to the onion in the ground.
Lovely post! Those onions look great, as does that amazing and beautiful watermelon. Your kids and hubby are cute too! :)
Love your post....it is summer for sure!! Love the sunflower garden and all of your veggies are doing so well!!
Your garden looks great!
I have a couple of questions for you...
What do you do with your gourds? We just make birdhouses out of ours, but i'd like to try something different.
How do you harvest onions? Isn't there something about letting them dry out? This is our first year for them, and I don't know how to tell when they're done, or what to do with them when they are!
Can you tell i'm a city girl with a garden? Obviously not a farmer! hehe
I'm so thankful to live somewhere where there are seasons. Me...I watch the oak trees and wait to hear those acorns raining on the roof over my bedroom.
Yummmm... your harvest looks wonderful.
The garden looks amazing! We put in a rather large garden this year and are starting to see the results! We tried a few onions and have had delicious results! Next year we will definitely put in more sweet onions!
Your sunflowers are spectacular ...we put in a few, but nothing like yours! Happy Gardening!
I envy your garden Dana! My son was looking at your photos and asked if we could come visit the sunflower forest. :)
I envy your garden Dana! My son was looking at your photos and asked if we could come visit the sunflower forest. :)
I'm loving Summer too.
What a beautiful garden. I started a small one last year for my first attempt and only wound up with a few zucchini and more jalepenos than you could ever want. This year, everything is great, but your watermellon look much bigger than mine. :)
Great pics!
Wow - look at those sunflowers! I'd love to see them in full bloom!
Such beautiful pics Dana! The girls had fun up there :)
those sunflowers are outstanding!
Gorgeous...sigh... wish someone had done mine... with me being busy it's an overgrown mess! So nice to see yours looking so great! next year.... x
Love the harvest! And sunflowers are so much fun. But be careful...they reseed themselves.
one word...bountiful.
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