At 10 you are many things. Kind. Smart. Funny. Thoughtful. You are a thinker. An observer. A planner. Boy are you a planner. You love art, the outdoors, your pets and your family. You are into finding new favorite things. Especially if they are a little unusual for you. Think new foods, new fashions and new interests. You are grateful and appreciative for even the littlest things. Your nose flares when you giggle. And if we point out that it is flaring you laugh even harder. And make us all laugh too. You are dependable, conscientious and responsible. You love new school supplies just as much as I did/do. You love to be in warm cozy clothes especially on a rainy day. And it is even better if someone else will be in warm cozy clothes too. You are an artist, a wordsmith and a remarkable mathematician. You are beautiful. You are mine.

As you turn 10 I am many things. Proud. Happy to know you. Astonished that ten years have passed in a blink of an eye. I am grateful to spend the ordinary, everyday moments with you. And lucky to share the special and fleeting ones too. To see you growing and learning and becoming is a gift. A gift I try to remind myself of often. I am so many things thanks to you.
I love being your mother.
the big ten oh!!!!!! time does zoom by doesn't it. my baby will be thirthy three at the end of november and my oldest, yikes! he turned 40 in april. he was grumbling cause he was forty and i said, hey kiddo, just think of me, im your mom and older than that. well, that put a cork in it i tell ya. she is so beautiful! like fragile flowers, but ya know how a flower can stand up to a big windy rain storm..........xo happy birthday
Beaufiful post...I'm getting tears remembering when my girl turned 10--such a great age...enjoy :)
oh, I love this. What a beautiful tribute to a gorgeous girl! At 10, anything is possible!
How sweet and beautiful - I teared up!
I'm all verkelmpt....tear, tear! I remember 10....my wordsmith is 22 now!:)
Oh Happy Birthday dear girl!
She is beautiful, Mom! Hold her close because (in our house anyway) with turning 10 comes a whole new schwack of adjectives to describe them with.
But don't worry, most of them are good adjectives.
Awww. You summed it up nicely!
Happy Birthday to you both!!!
Happy birthday girl... My all good blessing are with you.
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Wishing your beautiful daughter a lovely birthday as I wipe away my tears!
Krousegirl2 at aol dot com
Happy Birthday! I love when they are there own person and have the freedom to be that. Such lovely compliments from MOMMY too!!
That's beautiful - and so is the Birthday Girl!!! Enjoy!
Tears! Great and it's only 8:22am. Once I start I am emotional the whole day.
How lovely, I hope she gets to read it and see herself through your eyes.
I have to say it never grows old watching your kids change, grow, discover and find their place in the world. I'm blessed with two that still call to share a new page in their on going story.
I love being their mother too....I wish I had written such lovely things to them at a younger age.
Happy Sewing.....soon?
Beautiful thoughts!
Oh, I'm all teary-eyed. Beautiful post...almost as beautiful as your birthday girl...almost.
Happy Birthday to the beautiful Birthday girl! It's so awesome to see moms who are so passionate about their daughters. I truly believe that is one of the number one things that every girl needs in her life to become the woman she was created to be. Behind every wonderful girl is a wonderful mother who helped her become who she is. (I know that rings true in my life).
Happy 10th Birthday young lady!!
That was a really special tribute to an adorable sweetie!!
That was so sweet!
It brought tears to my eyes thinking about my oldest getting ready to turn 10 in a few months!
Sweet! I love the sentiment of her and of you.
I teared up too! I think she must get her wordsmithi-ness from you. This is a beautiful tribute.
Beautiful post, sniff! Happy Birthday!
oh 10 is such a big, important number! many happy returns of the day and blessings in the coming year!
Dana this is beautiful. ;) I'm right there with you... I love being a mom too.
Happy Birthday to your 10 year old... her first year of "double digets" ;)
Love from Texas! ~bonnie
Beautiful post Dana! I am amazed at how fist the years seem to fly :) Hope she had a good day!
Ah, Dana. So beautifully said that you made me cry. Happy birthday, big ten year old. Apparently, we both get to enjoy August birthdays. Lately I've been savoring both my kids, like long cold sips of a really tangy lemonade. Can you believe that summer is coming to a close?
How can our babies be 10?
. . . and an amazing Mom at that! ;)
My baby girl turned 10 at the weekend. So, 10 years ago we were in the same boat - staring in wonder at these tiny bundles. How did the past decade go by so fast? I have learned so much from my daughter, probably as much as she is learning from me.
Happy birthday to your 10 year old, I hope the next decade doesn't go quite so fast, and that she continues to bring you as much joy as ever.
Beautiful, Dana!!! My daughter just turned 11 last week -- reading your words brought tears to my eyes...but in a good way :-)
I am expecting my first child, a girl, in about seven weeks. Your post made me cry (in a nice way), like many others above. It's astonishing how much I love somebody I haven't even met yet -- I can hardly imagine what it'll be like in ten years.
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