Our peach trees produced their first crop of peaches this year.

And we've made jam, syrup (No it wasn't planned. Yes it was a batch of jam that I screwed up. But, man, it is delicious!), peach pie and peach cobbler.

Luckily Nana and Papa were here to help with the overflowing jam situation. It wasn't just a situation, it was a total peach predicament. Boiling hot sugary syrup spilling up over the top of the pot. Good times I tell you.

The beauty of homemade jam is that I'll forget all about that catastrophe by winter when I have this taste of summer on my toast.
oh no kidding. my mom usually does some jamming in the summer. this is the first year she hasn't in awhile. i'd like to get into it too, but maybe when the kids are older. i just can't manage it right now. and, maybe never, as cooking anything is seldom at the top of my list! ;-)
You made my mouth water girl! I can smell it, taste it. I am drooling!!! lol
yum! peaches have to be one of my faves.
Oh man I wish I could smell it!
Are those your parents that helped you?
How many jars did you end up with?
Oh I do hope you make some homemade peach ice cream too......my favorite!
Yummy....... the joys of summer :0)
Oh, I love love love peach jam! My mom and I made it together every summer. She'd buy a lug or two of peaches and we canned and jammed. Now? I get peaches from Eastern Washington, but I make no jam. My husband only eats "dark" jam. What is up with that?
oh yum! peach pie...mmm... there's a place here in LA that does peach/raspberry pie with icing on top, it is divine!
I very fondly remember helping my Grandma and Grandpa can peaches. My Grandma made aprons out of old vinyl table clothes but we still got sticky up to our elbows. =) And the smell ... oh the smell! And the sounds ... clinking canning jars, the hum of the gas stove, and Grandpa humming to himself. I'm so glad you and the Grandparents are giving your children memories like mine!!!
I had the worst kitchen incident of my life a couple of weeks ago making peach and raspberry jam...fire in the kitchen is no fun to clean up!
Do you use Sure Jell? I'm looking for a recipe that doesn't use it b/c it takes too much sugar and makes the jam super sweet.
MMMMM peach cobbler.
mmmm peaches. I canned plain ol' peaches for the first time last year and hated the process of pealing and cutting and all that, but loved eating fresh peaches all winter long. They tasted so much better than what you can buy from the store. Everything looks so good.
Hmmh,this looks soo jummy!!
I do like making jam myself but never tried with peaches...jamm!
Your own peaches?! Don't tell my kids... I can taste them from here. Canning is on my list of "to try"... some day.
Yum!!! I love fresh peaches and that jam.... well..... it looks delish!
Nobody would know if you screwed up until you tell them of course, it makes a great tale. You would just now call those preserves I believe :)
Anyone getting a homemade jam/jelly would love it anyways I am sure! I have never tried canning yet, not that brave.
hi, I really like your blog except for the music that loads automatically every time I visit. Sorry, but I hope you decide to have it as an option vs. a requirement for visitors.
Ok....now that my mouth is watering...yum yum yum...I don't have a peach tree (did when I was growing up)so I have to buy in bulk to do my peaches now. Canned peaches is one of those fruits that doesn't loose as much vs fresh...except maybe the fuzzy skin. YEAH for peaches!
MMM, looks so yummy!
You know I don't think I've ever had peach jam. Sounds rather tasty though. I've not been brave enough to attempt jams yet. Maybe this summer I will. Absolutely love those jars. I have a growing collection of pretty jars too. Enjoy your jams!
Yum! I want some!
YUM! Love the peachy goodness :)
Sweet juicy peaches...a little taste of heaven. Looks like you had a wonderful time.
We just canned cherry jam and made cherry pie filling. Home canning gets me through the dead of winter in northern IL. : )
Peach syrup? hmmmm....I can see that heated and drizzled over vanilla ice cream---eaten in front of the fireplace in the dead of winter.
Yeah it sounds crazy, but you can forget winter for just a minute and summer floods your mind.
MMMMMM peach Jam on toast yummy I want some LOL.
Hugs Mary.
Do you follow Southern Plate? She just had an awesome-sounding post for peach freezer jam. Also, she has printable templates for canning labels. Check her out:
fresh peach jam...yummmm....i am dealing with the raspberries. this year i pureed them in the blender, left the seeds in, i have a huge batch ready to start cookin up tomarrow. then i have about 2 gallons of puree in the freezer which i will have to make into jam. i think i will make the last bit of it in the winter like i did last year...that was nice. i have been making pound cake with fresh raspberries and then one with blue berries...got receipe from "everyday italian". super easy, and mark and his son inhaled them. they about gobbled up a pineapple unside down cake i baked last night. they are going to have to fight over what's left tonight. i guess i could go to a roadside stand and buy some michigan peaches, they are beautiful and make a batch or two of jam. i can smell them peaches from here....
if you got lemons, make lemonade
if you've got syrupy,mushy peaches, make jam instead--
it wasn't an accident Dana--you were being resourceful :)
Haven't heard or seen "Peachy Keen" in years and years and years!!! Oh the memories.
I'm pretty sure the border men would let you send some to Canada if you have too much of that jam hehe I love making jam :)
I LOVE peaches. My Nana made a deep dish "cobbler" in a dish pan- a single pie crust on the top, sprinkled with sugar. You'd break into the crust and scoop up the juicy peaches...you had to eat it in a bowl, sometimes with a little vanilla ice cream. She had no recipe, saying it all depended on your peaches. I've spent years trying to perfect it...and I've gotten pretty close. (And she was right, it really does depend on the peaches!)
Yum! good ripe peaches are good any way you eat them!!
I adore homemade peach jam, and your batches look so delicious. How fun is this! I feel like shopping at the farmers market now for some yummy jam.
I opened a jar of this awesome jam last night and had over an english muffin - oh my
And such fun doing it together
Feel free to send some of that yummy jam right on over! I'm glad you found a new music player. I almost freaked when I read your post about taking it away. I listen to your player ALL THE TIME! Glad you figured it out :).
O...one jar will be fine...thank you! Looks so good..I can almost smell them...mmmmmI love peaches.
Oh boy - I find the little dribbles of jammy stuff really clag (or jam) things up and stick really tight after only a few minutes (cos I won't touch them when they are hot) - I can't imagine having to clean up a whole boiled over mess! But yes it will be great in winter :-)
Making peach jam/syrup was one of my best mistakes. IT IS TO DIE FOR ON BLUEBERRY PANCAKES!
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