Heirloom tomatoes are convivial to grow. And scrumptious to eat.

Costoluto Genovese are not only fun and tasty but down right beautiful.

Resplendent really.
I don't know whether to eat them or merely admire them in a pretty bowl.
P.S. Due to recent complaints, I have removed the music player from my blog. I am looking into alternatives because I like music here. Sorta completes it for me. So hopefully I'll find something better soon. If you have a suggestion, please do let me know. Thanks!
ETA: The complaints came because the music player I was using caused problems (freezing and crashing user computers). So, I've switched to a new player that does NOT start playing automatically. You have to go over and push the play button if you care to. I'll be adding more songs as time permits. Peace out. (ha! I accidentally typed peach out! how appropriate!)
ETA Part Duex: It is back to the old player but if you want to listen to music you have to push play. I hope you don't mind that I am on a bit of a Johnny Cash kick right now. Probably cause I just watched Walk the Line. I still plan to put more music up so I am sure it will be changing again soon. Over and out.
Hi Dana, Most of the time I don't mind the music but sometimes it catches me off guard if I'm surfing late at night and hubby is already asleep. Some of the blogs I follow have the jukebox thing on the side and the visitor to the blog can click play. Maybe that might be an option for you. I love the variety of your blog! Thanks all you share with us!
1. those tomatoes ARE lovely
2. i dropped by your blog this morning in order to listen to your music! ha ha.. :) sometimes i come here just to listen to your playlist while i sew. i hope you can find something else that works for you.
pretty pretties! I had the same trouble with music on mine. I hope you find a solution - I always enjoy your collection :)
I love your music... Keeps me happy during long boring days at work. PLEASE GIVE ME BACK YOUR MUSIC!!!!
Can you post a link to your playlist? My kids and I will go through withdraw without your music, lol!
The tomatoes are beautiful!
The music never bothered me. I've always been able to hit the pause button if I didn't want to hear it at that time. It stopped playing and I could finish browsing quietly...especially helpful if people are trying to sleep. But it never really bothered me.
I liked your music. Since I am deaf and I don't hear the dj on the radio stating who sings what song, your music was a good way for me to see who was singing and the name of the song. The stuff you picked was catchy and fun.
Were there really that many people complaining about the music?? Not to be disrepectful but it's YOUR blog and you should be able to do as you please...
I'm with Jenny! It's your blog and you should set it up with your music if you want! There's always a mute button visitors can use so they won't hear it. Love your blog and I have some of those maters growing but mine aren't ripe yet! You made my mouth water!
Those tomatoes are BEAUTIFUL!!! And I love the inspiring adjectives you used to describe them! Fitting for an heirloom. Mine have blossoms but no fruit yet - i think I planted them late.
You know I love your music too - remember I was just downloading a bunch of it to listen to in the car, etc! I also open up your blog at times to just listen. :)
The tomatoes are beautiful.....and why did you delete your play list???? It's your blog, do what you want..... some people just need to complain.
oooh! I can SMELL them.... and a tomato plant is one of my favorite smells in the world! my heirlooms are nice a big, but not ripe yet... seems to be taking forever this year. i think we have not had enough sun, but it is out now!
Summer tomatoes are just the best, no matter what kind. But these look like some real beauties.
Beautiful photos, I've never seen those tomatoes, they look like little pumpkins! And with the music thing, I actually prefer no music on blogs, I do a lot of late night browsing and I usually set my volume on mute, as when the music starts automatically it's usually unexpected and it scares the crap out of me!! I have music on mine, and it does start automatically, but you can choose the volume of your player before you upload it onto your page, so I hope mine doesn't come on too loud! I know what you mean though, it kind of seems like part of the blog design to have it finished off with music that expresses who you are. WHEW! :)
Those are BEAUTIES!!! I have some basil and fresh mozarella cheese that your tomatoes would love....and a little balsamic vinegar too!
PS. Sorry the music has issues...loved your play list!
I was not a music complainer but I do prefer that the music doesn't start on its own. When I have lots of windows opened and they are all playing music...OY! The tomatoes are GORGEOUS! I think I would admire them for a very long time and then enjoy them in SALSA!
oh my! those are just beautiful!!
and i absolutely LOVE your playlist!
Oh me, oh my! I tell people to come to your blog for the playlist, but this is fine too. One extra click is no sweat for me... just alot of work for you. I happen to know that you have about 100 on your other list. Is there a way to go to playlist.com and hear your list? It was superior.
Also... I'm jealous as hell of your heirlooms. Ours have all blighted... every variety accept the sungold cherry.
edit... "except" the sungold. Hmmm... "accept" is as interesting a typo as "peach" for "peace."
Your tomatoes are doing far better than Martha Stewarts. Hers all died due to blight. I think you should make yourself a yummy tomato sammie. They look so very yummy!
Ps. If people have high speed internet, your computer would not crash when you open up a page that has music on it. It's really not much more for the upgrade :) Love your playlist, but you already knew that :)
Those really ARE beautiful tomatoes! Mine are still green, just barely starting to turn. Can't wait to make salsa and tomato sauce.
Dude! Those tomatoes look tasty! I'll have to try the heirloom variety next year! Cheers!
I love how those tomatoes have pre cutting lines! How beautiful!!
Thank you for the tomato link! What an incredible resource! Next year I hope to order your Genovese tomato and the Julia Child! Have you seen the movie "Julia and Julie" that just came out? It has inspired me to try Julia Childs' recipes much to the delight of my family! So, I've got to try that tomato! lol Thank you!
Hey D, as much as I LOVE peaches...I SUPER LOVE LOVE LOVE tomatoes. They are my favorite;) I grew 13 varities one year. Everything from grape to heirlooms. Really loved eating them right off the vine,warmed by the summer sun. I had so many cherry tomatoes that I made some screen racks and sun dried a lot of them in my backyard YUM YUM YUM;)
Awesome tomatoes...my mom-in-law planted some of those this year...they are great and cute!:)
About the music, I never have my speakers on so I didn't even know you HAD music!:) Also, someone said something about it not costing much for an upgrade to high speed internet so there wouldn't be a problem...I beg to differ...we can't get cable or DSL out here in the western section of our county so you have to get a repeater type thing to get high speed and it is $70+ a month....that's not cheap to me so that's why we still have slow dial-up!;) One day........
I love your taste in music :)
Those are the prettiest tomatoes I have ever seen. I love your new music player.
Those tomatoes look great. Mine aren't doing to well this summer. I just need to give up on gardening.
As for the music, I personally don't like it on a blog because I'm usually reading blogs when someone/everyone is sleeping. But I have found some great songs from blogs when I can listen to the music. I love the idea of it not playing automatically. Hey, do what you want, It's your blog. :)
I love the music, but I have to admit, I could never open your blog at work cause of it.
I love your music and am constantly listening to the song Dream. I like to play it during those dinner making hours of the day! Glad you found something else that works!
Ilove your tomatoes they look like A nice bowl of flowers I love music too.
Hugs Mary.
I'm a lurker, but when I read you were getting rid of your music player, I about lost it. I always go to your blog when I'm quilting or scrapbooking. It's the perfect music to have while I'm working. Glad you put it back up!
Wow! Those are some beauties!
Those are some beautiful tomatoes.
The tomatoes remind me of cinderella pumpkins. Their shape is reason enough to grow these beauties.
The tomatoes are beautiful......
they look like pincushions......
um, dude, johnny cash? BRING IT ON SISTER!
i seriously hope we get to hang out in real life some day, cuz i just FEEL YA girl.
Is there any chance you would be willing to make a list of all the songs you have put on your juke box player past and present? My mom loves the music and I would love to buy the music for her iPod so she can listen to it in her car. It would be much appreciated!!
Oh those are just beautiful!
Here in the Hudson Valley we are having "the summer without tomatoes".
We have been hit with a blight that has killed all our tomato plants due to the cool wet weather. It is heartbreaking. I volunteer at Locust Grove ( home of Samuel Morse of Morse code)and we had to pull out everyone of our heirloom plants......nearly 100 of them. It was a sad, sad day. My plants at home have the same blight!
enjoy those beautiful tomatoes my mouth is watering for them!
Wow! THose tomatoes look AMAZING!
love your blog; just found it through Make and Takes.
I can't even tell you how beautiful your tomatoes are! Love them. Enjoy a delicious tomato sandwich for me : ) YUMMMM
I am such a fan of your playlist!
It's such a lifeline here at the cabin.
Thanks for keepin' me company while I work on the deck!
Yummy!!!! They're gorgeous!
Nooooo don't take away your music! Seriously Dana! half the jewelry I create has been inspired while listening to your playlist. I need my music fix each day :O)
my computer did not like the music, was very slow bringing up your page. But oh I love the tomatoes. How i miss growing them and canning them.
Dana, your playlist is my most favorite thing here! You have the BEST choice of songs ever! Never bothered me a bit, but I know everybody's different...anywho...I wanted to ask you what kind of camera you have -- your pics are SO gorgeous! I'm trying to figure out if it's the kind of camera, or is it a certain setting you put it on...your pics are simply maaaaaahvelous darling!
I adore your music. :) I'm a big fan of music on blogs and just *finally* set mine to not auto play.
I find that if I have to turn on the music myself on a blog, I'm not likely to do that, and I'm not likely to stick around on the blog past the first post. But if there is great music playing, I'll hang out and browse for a long time.
BUT, I do understand those who don't want it to play automatically so I did that too.
And I have several friends here in Kansas who can still only get dial up. They live out on farms and high speed isn't an option!
Such pretties!!!! Never had a problem personally w/ your music and must say how much I enjoy it. I think you were very kind to consider your readers though and think this is a nice alternative! Love your site!!!
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