I love Mettler thread. Really, really love it.

And when I was planning the second quilt along with the pinwheels I contacted Mettler and asked if I could give away some of their thread.
And they stuttered and balked and questioned more than once just who the heck I am.

But alas! I am persistent! And Mettler is generous.

For I am giving away TWO Mettler thread collections containing 28 spools of thread each.

Just leave a comment to this post anytime before Friday, April 2, 2010 at 6pm Eastern Daylight Savings Time USA. International entries welcome . . . as always. Two winners will be selected by random draw soon after the deadline. I'll even put together a prize pack for the person leaving the best/funniest/wackiest reason why they should win the thread.
Good luck.
1 – 200 of 547 Newer› Newest»Really? They didn't know who you are? I am appalled. That threat looks yummy and good enough to eat. But, alas, I am the first post and everyone knows the first post never gets picked. Can I post again once everyone sees that the first (worst) post has been done? XO, Mimi
I was trying to think of a clever reason why I should have the thread, but i can't. On the other hand, at least I'm not the first poster! ha ha
Ooohhh, beautiful thread! I'm working on a pinwheel quilt using Tula Pink Nest fabrics, with white backgrounds. This would be wonderful for quilting the finishined product.
ooh ooh! persistence to benefit one of us?? why thank you, generous lady! but seriously, I like the Mettler too, they always seem to have the color I need for my projects :)
Thread! Thread! One can never have enough! I love Mettler thread too. I have an antique spool holder I'd love to display those on.
We know who you are and that is what matters! They'll know soon enough. Those threads are gorgeous!
Just to have them on my shelf is enought reason to go out and buy that set! I just hope I win it.
The pinwheels are fun.
What a great giveaway. I've not used Mettler thread before, but just might have to check it out now.
I love Mettler thread! What a great give-away. Thanks Dana :)
I guess this isn't a clever reason... but I want to give it to my mom. She doesn't do the whole blog/internet thing but I do and love it!
She is a quilter, hand and longarm machine and has been a crafter in many ways for as long as I can remember. I have many a memory of beautiful handmade bedding, easter dresses, Barbie doll clothes, matching summer outfits for my sister and I (I specifically recall my sister and I looking like walking mustard and ketchup in a terry cloth 2 piece outfit she conjured up in the early early 80's), teddy bears and baby dolls made by my mom :)
Talk about eye candy - those boxes of threads are gorgeous! I love the Mettler brand too. What a cool giveaway - looks like a great assortment.
Oh my. I belive my heart skipped a beat when I saw that you were doing a THREAD giveaway! That has to be one of the best giveaways I've seen yet.
Oh pretty please, random generator thingie, pick me!
I've never used mettler brand. I'm not sure why. I guess if I don't win, my next spool of thread will need to be mettler :)
Persistence is a wonderful quality! But really, they didn't know who you were...WOW!
I don't NEED the thread, but boy would I love to have it. I'm not even sure I would be able to open it up and use it, but to think that I might have the perfect shade of thread to match what ever whacky quilt I might be working on is like a dream come true!
I would love to win this. LOVE it.
And my reasons?
Because the thread has palatable motivation by just looking at it.
Because my 2-year-old would want nothing more than to tear it all apart strand by strand, and I'd get a wicked kind of satisfaction from putting it 'up high' since it would be 'mine'.
Because my mother's quilt has been waiting for so long to be finished that she no longer needs it anymore since she has just purchased (!) one instead...sigh.
My email is rae_sunshine4(at)yahoo.com if your'e getting in touch with us that way, and by they way I love your play list. It's the only one on a blog that doesn't annoy me, and my little one sings along when it comes on. :)
I have a million projects on the go, most of them gifts, and no doubt having this thread would inspire me to get down to business and sew like the wind! Then I get to pass the thread on to others via the finished objects. So I'm not really receiving the threads, more as being their custodian for the time being :)
Glad you were persistent...and also glad Mettler is generous. I love Mettler as well...and yes, I'd love to win...I sew a lot...quilting mostly...and have to drive at least an hour to the nearest quilt shop...so this thread would save me...a lot...plus be wonderful to just look at in my sewing room!
OOOHHHHH....I've never had the opportunity to work with Mettler thread. I hope this is a first for me!
me! me! me! Pick me!
And Girl, you KNOW I have the wackiest reason as to why I should win the thread - or have you forgotten my conversation with myself the other day as to why/why not use invisible thread?!? I think those wonderful thread choices would satisfy ALL of my multiple personalities and keep me out of trouble for a while!
Thanks for a great and useful giveaway!
There was an old lady who couldn't get out of bed
'cause she had so many quilts to finish - but hadn't any thread
So she entered a contest with out delay
Hopeful some spools would soon be on their way!
Crossing my fingers!
Dana, I NEED that thread. All I've been looking at the last few months is Pink, Pink, Pink. Just looking at the beautiful colors makes me all giddy inside!!!
Oh how lovely!
Yesterday I was doing a bit of quilting (I'm very much a beginner!) on my mother's old machine, which is the same one that was my grandmothers! (it isn't as old as it may sound!)
All of a sudden, the machine made a weird crunching sound and I couldn't figure out what happened. I pulled out the bobbin, and with it, came huge chunks of thread, but I couldn't figure out where they came from. It took me about 30 minutes to figure out that the entire thing was mis-threaded, and I didn't realize it!
I guess I still have a lot to learn :)
I need the thread! I love Mettler, I would love to add some to my dwindling collection. Why is it dwindling you ask? Well, I do sew a lot. But I also have a few scissor happy kids, and every once in a while they think it is funny to sneak into my sewing cabinet and undo spools of thread to make spiderwebs to surprise people, spread thread around the yard for birds to make more colorful nests, and all sorts of random projects. I could call this thread collection off limits, no more sharing.
Oohh, so pretty! I've heard a lot of good things about Mettler thread, but they don't carry it at my regular quilt shop and I never think to buy it when I see it elsewhere. This would be a fun way to use it!
Oh My, I have to wipe the drool off...I would love these. They look like such wonderful colors. I have lots of projects in the mix right now, and these would add more to the list I'm sure.
When I run out of thread, I've been known to just sub something in. Dark brown on black fabric - sometimes, yes! Yellow on white? Sure. I'm hopeless, I know.
Mettler thread is top quality indeed. I am afraid I am not too funny or entertaining today, but I will say that my machine sews the best with Mettler thread!
Holy cow - that's a lot of thread! My son loves to terrorize my sewing machine and leave trails of thread around the house. I could always use more!
Persistence pays! I would love to win...I always quilt with white or off-white thread. Think of it as a recession-proof way for me to practice my quiltin' skills.
Roses are red, violets are blue, Amy needs quilting thread, and Mettler will do.
Oh my gosh what beautiful colors. I'm going to cross my fingers ...thanks!!
Wow, you go, mama! Hmmm why should I win? Because my wits are hanging by a single thread... so this would give me many threads to hang by.... bwa ha ha ha
A girl can't have enough thread. Love to win some Mettler.
Oh, I would LOVE that thread!! It is beautiful!
I am drooling . . . thanks for this awesome giveaway!!!
Awesome giveaway! Why should I win?? Because I need something to hand my not so dear husband up by his toes. And while I'm at it, I may as well make it look pretty!
Every few months my dog Bailey goes through separation anxiety out of the blue. She knows what things we love the most and destroys them as soon as we leave the house! Last time she ate holes in my husband's golf bag and attacked my craft supplies. She munched a WHOLE BAG OF BRAND NEW THREAD I had just purchased a few days earlier. I learned my lesson and lock it all up now, but alas, I have yet to replace the eaten spools. If that's not a sad story, I don't know what is :(
How could they NOT KNOW who you ARE?? I'm totally insulted! Oh well, at least we finally got the thread. I have to say I need that thread more than anyone. I'm hatching a diabolical scheme to take over the quilting world in western New York. All I need is better quilting skilz and a whole lot of thread! I figure getting the thread would be the easy part . . . .
fun! i love all the colors!!
COOL giveaway! And I would love to win some Mettler thread because - like shoes - you can never have too many...right? LOL!
I should win because-- I do a lot of donation quilts, and I'm always finding that I don't have the right color of thread for the binding-- stitching it down by hand on the back or top stitching it on the front. Donation quilts should be every bit as nice as those we make for ourselves-- including the Quilts of Valor.
I just won something on another blog so if you pick me I give my chance to the person that posted first :) Yeah! Spread the fun.
wow, good on you for being so annoying *strike through annoying* umm.. persistant! and nice of Mettler to bow down to the wonderful and powerful world of bloggers!! I live in the middle-of-freaking-no-where and it's 2hrs to a store which carries anything more than cheap n nasty white cotton. So anything so shiny and bright as this Mettler thread (a brand I haven't even heard of) is like looking at a bright sunny day while the birds chirp and the children (not kids, children!) skip through the meadows. Who am I kidding, it's all dust and mine shafts..
I think I should win because I'm color blind and this would give me more shades of grey to look at :) Just kidding... I can see the beautiful colors in this give away and my, oh, my, are they beautiful. This does beg the question of whether or not you can be a color blind quilter?? Hmmm? anyone?
I just acquired a Singer 99K, my first vintage machine, and I can't wait to start using it. Some new thread would go nicely with it!
Seriously? How could they NOT know who you are? Silly people. :) But I love their thread so I think we should forgive them and congratulate them for stepping up. :) Pick me, will ya? :)
I feel a little guilty only now posting a comment on your wonderful blog because you're having a giveaway. My apologies... I read and enjoy, and am glad you do what you do.
Oh, but truthfully I am starting to lose patience on your perfected cinnamon roll recipe. I've got a pretty good one, but would love the "right" one!
The thread is beautiful. Thanks for the opportunity.
Yes, please! I don't have any funny stories, just utter desperation. Surely that counts for something!
I have a few spools of Mettler thread and keep them together in their own special box for applique. It works great for that. How awesome it would be to have 28 more colors to choose from. And of course when they are all used up I would add the empties to my classy plastic spool collection.
Me and my sewing machine love mettler thread as well! Yes, please include me and my sewing machine in your give away!
I love Mettler thread too. I can't believe they didn't know who you were--now they will!
What a great giveaway! I would love to have some Mettler thread.
Well, I have a flea problem you see... and so I need the thread because everyone knows that the only way to REALLY kill a flea is to strangle it with thread. That's right, its a secret known only by the very, very wise and pest control professionals. The pest control guys have had to keep this secret quiet so that you pay them to come back and spray the yard again and again. To make a long wacky story short, I need all that thread because I have a SERIOUS flea problem. SERIOUS.
(ps. After that comment, I really may need to be committed! )
Even as a beginner quilter (very beginner, as I am still in the process of completing my first quilt!!) I have drooled over these threads, they are pure eyecandy!
Oh how i'd love to start my collection off with these beauties :)
I am not a quilter but my mommy is . . . so if I win I could give the thread to her to make me a quilt. Yay, that's what I'll do.
oh, fun! i have always wanted to try mettler thread.
I should win because I spent today with a crying baby in the rocking chair while my machine was across the room staring at me. Now that my husband is home and the crying has stopped, he is 3 months old (the baby, not my husband), I had to put away the machine so that our older son can do his homework. Hopefully I'll have better luck tomorrow!
oooh I'd love to try it. i'm a mettler virgin!
Hmmm, if I won this thread I could use it to spin a giant, multicolored, super-strong (because it IS Mettler thread!) spider web to catch evil little chihuahuas when they try to chew up my houseplants. Or, maybe I'd just quilt a couple of UFOs!
I'm assuming that thread costs more than the $1.98 I usually spend (or less if I happen to find some clearanced...) and if that's the case, I shouldn't win because I'd be way too frugal with that loveliness and barely use it!
why me?? well, let's see, because i only own three spools of thread, white, black, and natural coats and clark from walmart, i know sad, but true!! i am dying to try some real thread, but have yet been able to buy any, i can promise if i win, it would get cherished, and used!!! thanks dana!!
Groovy giveaway. I can always use a bunch of thread. Sweet.
I never used Mettler thread, but have wanted to for some time. It's not sold here in my one-horse town and to order thread online when I have no idea what it really looks like is a little scary. So I REALLY want this thread!
I need the thread because when I bought my first machine I knew nothing about sewing and I bought stashes of the cheapest fabrics and thread I could find. It didn't take me long to figure out that the cheap wouldn't be worth using if it was FREE! I need to replace all that crap with better quality supplies, but I feel to guilty to buy more. Now if I were to win it...
Hi Dana - maybe instead of just doing a drawing for the thread, you and your husband should plan an extreme quilting adventure race and the ones who get to the end first get the thread! Yea, now that would make for fun blogging!
lovely thread. I'd love to give it a try in my machine...they'd probably get along VERY nicely! My machine may decide it's the only thread that it will work with! then...I'd have to fire all of my "off brand" threads. They'll be crushed! So maybe I shouldn't win. :/
I need to win this because here are my local thread-buying options: WalMart, Hobby Lobby, and Joanns. All of which carry crap thread. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win this!
would love to win! it is beautiful!
I have never heard of Mettler thread....I would love to win this as my husband recently slashed my fabric budget....i need to pick and choose very carefully before I make any purchases now,
thanks for the chance to win....
I think I should win since my birthday is Saturday, and I am a thread junkie! I will only receive quilty presents if I buy them all myself, and what fun is that? Seriously, if you've seen my blog, you know I have no trouble purchasing, so a win would be awesome! Thanks.
My favorite, too! My fingers are crossed!
"Ode to Mettler"
Oh Mettler how I love thee
With your brightness and perfect sheen
Never breaketh do you ever
Better than my favorite sweater :)
I really would love to win this thread. I totally love Mettler thread and can't quilt without it.I so agree it is definitely eye candy and looks good enough to eat!
A limerick:
I spend so much time on this site
That my desk chair is no longer right.
I sit and I stare
Now the cushion's threadbare
But Mettler thread would make it all right.
Oooh, lovely thread! I should win....... um... because I don't use nice thread right now, just polyester stuff from Joann's. Mettler would probably secure a new thread junkie if I won, and then they would sponsor more giveaways, right?
I can't believe they acted like they don't know who you are. I can give them at least 100 reasons why they should know you.
1. You started a revolutionary online support group for fabric addicts.
2. You have introduced some of the best quilty friends ever from all over the world.
3. You contacted them didn't you. If you knew who they were they should know you.
Well I could keep going to 100 but I think I'll spare you all the details. Would love a chance to win the thread though.
Hmmm, well - I am quilting again after an 8 year lapse. I have a brand spanking new Janome (had it 3 days) and I have exactly 3 colors of thread - white, black and chocolate brown!
I would SO love to win this thread! I'm in the middle of my surgery rotation, which means ridiculously long hours in the hospital in addition to lots of studying. Looking forward to sewing and pretty fabric at home is what keeps me going, and fancy thread would make things even better. Pick me please!
webmailaddress2 @ yahoo.com
P. S. I do love the little poems that others have written though!
um... I have never used Mettler. Is it really that good? I would love to find out..
Why should I win? Because I am 57 years old, babysitting my very busy 2 year old granddaughter during Spring Break...(since when do day cares have Spring Break? Is she too young to send to Cancun?) and I deserve something nice...as soon as I take my nap...
"Who are you?" they said,
when you asked them for the thread.
"I am Old Barn Red."
But they sighed and shook their head.
"I sew for my bed
or share recipes instead."
"Oh, do you make bread?"
"Yes! It keeps my children fed!"
"Of you I have read!
So, please forgive us," they pled.
"Your fame is widespread!"
"You can giveaway our thread!"
ohhh ohhh I want that thread! I am somewhat new to quilting and I have only recently learned how important good quality thread is, so all i have is bad, crappy thread and I NEED good thread :-)
Love your blog by the way!
pick me. pick me. pick me. whether I am selected or not thanks a lot for introducing me to this thread.
i'm terrible with my cottons. Always got bits and pieces and never enough of one when I need it most. This looks like a lovely collection. Thanks for the giveaway
Thanks for the chance to win a lovely lot of threads! How rude that Mettler didn’t know who you are! Shame, shame, but at least you got some goodies to share with the rest of us.
Awesome giveaway, thanks!!
Hi Dana
I would love to have this thread from Mettler because,
my name is Elaine and I am a hoarder. Since I drug the industrial ladder truck into the hallway, I am now able to traverse the length of the my sewing room via cherry picker basket. I found a place for the thread, I think, right next to the empty cereal boxes and toilet paper roll cores. It will make me sleep better to add this fine collection. Thank you, Elaine
Please don't call A&E on me, my kids are going to for my birthday! Good times.
Oh, purty! I would love to win!
Just commenting on this lovely giveaway - far too exhausted from an awful day of work to be clever!
I think I love thread as much as I do fabrics.
I think lack of beautiful thread is all that's holding me back from finishing the huge pile of ufo's
wow! very generous of Mettler and a girl can never have too much thread to go with her overabundance of fabric!!
This would be so handy to have! Why should I win the thread...because I'm a nice girl!What would I do with it..well I'd probably look at it and admire it for a while before using it (Before Christmas I bought a Martha Stewart glitter pack, which was a real splurge for me. I admired it for a few days and then finally caved and used it).
Thanks for the giveaway!
What???? They don't follow your blog????? What is wrong with them? Glad you were able to convince them. Please enter my name.
Well, they know who you are now!
My reason? Because I recently packed all of my thread in anticipation of moving next month. My chances of ever - EVER - finding it again? Slim to none.
ok let's see - wackiest reason...I live on a tiny island, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, and have no quilt store (or even a Joann's) to go purchase any Mettler thread - you don't want me to try and paddle to California to try and get some, do you? That's right - you can just send it to me :-)
What a wonderful giveaway... I actually been researching thread lately. If I won, I would be so careful with it that NONE would end up wound up in my vacuum!
Wow, what a gorgeous group of threads. I'[m so thankful your contest is open to those of us from Canada!
What a great giveaway! :) So pretty -- this would make my year!! Glad you were persistent ~
Since I don't drink, I need the thread to play with when my monkeys are driving me nuts.
Not sure this counts as the wackiest . . . but we have a newborn a week old and I can't go shopping for thread. Well, I can't really sew right now either, with a newborn.
My thread collection is pathetic, really pathetic. This would be such a spectacular giveaway to put some spring into my quilts!
Thank you for the chance to win.
That thread looks scrumptious ... I may not be able to sew with it, just put it on display instead ;).
Thanks so much for the giveaway!
Here is a thread haiku in honor of this auspicious event:
Box full of color
Possibilities abound
Please come to my home.
I would love to win this thread! My reason: it's my birthday on Thursday! Yes, it's April Fool's Day, but I promise it's not a joke! :) Thanks for your persistence!
Oooh! Oooh! I am thread poor ... when I had to pick some thread tonight to sew I noticed that it was a 29 cent spool (or 5 for $1.00) from TG&Y. It's been a long time since thread was that inexpensive, and most of my thread stash is olde. Trading up to some Mettler would be wonderful. In our rural area, Wal-Mart is where we have to buy thread if need to match colors to fabric. A Mettler thread pack would be a fabulous giveaway to win! mlwright29 {at} hotmail {dot} com
I probably wouldn't do anything bizarre or outrageous with the thread, but since I live about 22 miles round trip from the nearest spool of thread, I know I would love you forever, My Dana, if I was so lucky as to win this!
And do we all need to email Mettler to say thanks? Because I guaran-damn-tee you, they would NEVER forget who you are again! :)
I have only used mettler a couple of times and it is wonderful but I have spent all of my money on fabric and didn't leave any extra for thread and this thread looks so yummy with all of the wonderful colors to match all of the wonderful material I just bought. It works so well with my diet too no calories and the best candy possible just in time for easter. Thanks Dana for the great giveaway I am keeping my fingers crossed for this one. Thanks for the chance.
I am also a Mettler lover. A person can never have too fabric or thread.
oh my! reminds me of candy...pick me random num generator thingy!!!
and since i have baby number 5 on the way, i couldn't help but think i could pull a WHOLE-LOTTA teeth out in STYLE with this thread..the way my daddy did; tied to a tooth and a door handle and slam the door shut! the kids could each pick out a different color for each tooth!!!! yeah that's it!!
Wow! What a generous giveaway! I guess it just goes to show what can happen when one asks:)
Ok, brand new quilter here...er..as in I have NEVER done a quilt before!
I followed you guys on your last quilt-along and have been stalking you ever since :)
Would LOVE to win and have one less excuse to not join in your next adventure in quilting.
I reeeeeeeeally want to learn to quilt!
Thanks for the chance!
I loooooove Mettler too! And I think it is the only kind of thread my new machine likes. It purrrs with the Mettler!
I should totally get this thread package b/c my last name is Mettler. Okay, so actually my last name is Slack but being the Slack-er Quilter (or Slacker Pastor...as that's my actual job) doesn't seem like a great way to win some lovely thread.
Also, I'll soon be quilting a baby quilt for our own little one due later this year and I'm planning something that could use some lovely variegated thread.
oooh pick me pick me : ) I Love thread. Any kind at all. I have had many spools of thread but none as lovely as these beauties......
They are generous. And so are you.
Well I think I should win the thread because I NEVER win anything! I just have no luck...but seriously I've never used Mettler before as it looked too expensive. I'd love to give it a try. Thank you for offering this beautiful set!
Mettler and my Bernina are made fore each other. It's been love at first sight. It seems like whenever I try other threads, even though they are upper-class threads from fine families, my Bernina gets her feeling hurt and doesn't perform as well. I don't want to put a strain on my relationship with the two - it's Mettler for my Bernina.
I don't have a clever reason...but I would love it!
Oh pretties, pretties, you want to wing your way across the Pacific and live with me! You could replace the cotton that I cannot find, the cotton that must be there somewhere! (The cotton that would show up immediately if I won you.) But I would love you and cherish you and use you in my quilting to show you off to the world :-)
I have only tried one spool of Mettler and I really liked it. None of my local stores carry it and I would love to learn more about it.
Wow - beautiful thread.
I can't think of a crazy, whacky reason why I should have all that gorgeous thread, except that maybe I need it to mend my clothes because they're all falling apart and soon I'll be running around naked. Not something anyone needs to see.
Just kidding...
I would love to win this, and I don't think this counts as wacky or funny, but I am pregnant and SICK as a dog, if I won it would really make my toilet hugging day.
what an awesome giveaway!! I would REALLY like to win because in a few weeks I will be having additional back surgery, and I would like to bring the selection of thread to the hospital to offer it to my neurosurgeon so he can pick a pretty color to stitch me up with. The last surgery he just used plain old boring black!
Pick me! I'm like you, often asking people for stuff to giveaway (check out the Fresh Modern Quilts discussion section on April 1 and you'll see what I mean). And while it is really nice to be impertinent on behalf of others, I do sometimes wish some thread or other goodies would end up being thrown my way!
I belong to a quilt group that gives quilts to people who need some love-illness, fires, floods, etc. I would give the thread to our group. It's not clever but is a good reason.
What a lovely giveaway! I can always use more thread!!! ;D
Mettler thread...haven't had the chance to try it yet. And now with a new stitcher in the house (my 11 year old) we're using thread twice as fast!!
I need thread to support my habit-quilting!
ohhh pick me I would love to win this mint flavour dental floss is getting hard to thread hugs Beth
Oh my, to win Mettler thread, lets see...If we didn't have a good thread, we would all be in pieces.
Dana, they just needed to go to blogland to find out who you are.
Thanks for the giveaway.
Ooh=I would love that! The colors look so vibrant! I have a couple of spools of it & have no idea where I bought it. I don't believe I've seen anyone carry it in Hawaii!
i love Mettler thread. I wish i had something wacky or creative or funny to say about why I love it but I don't. I'm too tired. But I sure do love Mettler thread. I have a hard time finding it locally.
Wow 2 hr later and over 130 post. Pick me pick me. I never win anything plus my Birthday is coming soon. Great give away....
Can't think of anything clever - but I do love this thread and I'd use it to make Project Linus quilts. Good enough?
This is one give away I would Love to win. Thank you for being so persistent and generous!
I would love to win this thread collection. It looks wonderful. Thanks for the chance to win.
I would love to win some of this! I honestly can't think of a funny/wacky reason why I should win, but it would really make my day:)
I've only been sewing for about a year and have started my 1st quilt. I would love to win all that thread!
We moved 3 weeks ago and my dad dumped 2 (unorganized!) drawers from my sewing cabinet into a box- I was so mad! (I was going to put them in my back seat for the ride across town.) All my thread and pins and ribbon and stuff...everywhere.
I'm still working on getting it all back into it's place so I can get back into sewing. :)
Oh my goodness, I would love to win some thread! I never seem to have enough thread or the right colors, so a collection would be lovely!
I should win because I am a winner, if I don't win... well let's not even think that way! :)
I would love to win this so that I can use some of it tie my kids up while I quilted~Have you ever tried to quilt with 5 kids running around? Just wondering :P
Wow, those are gorgeous. I am working on a new quilt pattern that involves embroidery and these luscious packs would be great for it!
I have spent the last two days cleaning cleaning cleaning my house (and not sewing! *sob*) to prepare for a visit from the in-laws. Some pretty new thread would be better than a basket of jellybeans!
What a FABULOUS giveaway!
A quilter can always use more thread.
Oh thread, yummy yummy thread. It would all go so perfectly in my new sewing space!!
Spools of bright colors
I would adore and hold them
And then use them up.
The end.....
(Maybe I should stick to prose..) :D
Hi Dana I would love to win your thread giveaway. In scotland we used to call a reel of thread A Pirn of Threed And when I came to Australia I went into the shop and asked the girl for A pirn of threed And you should have seen the look I got I had to go behind the counter and show her what it was I wanted then she told me it was A reel of thread I will never forget that day.But Now I know what to ask for. But I sure would love to win your Pirn's Of Threed LOL.
Hugs Mary.
Wow! Look how many people love Mettler thread! Such a nice giveaway.
What a great giveaway! I think I should be the winner because (1) it's almost my birthday, (2) I've never tried that brand of thread before, (3) and I'm utterly useless with coming up with a funny reason, so perhaps you could just take pity on this gal. Or maybe the random number generator will... : )
Thanks for being persistent so that we might win!
Holy smokes! I've never used anything but Walmart/Joann's threads. What a score this would be!
Wow you are great at being persistent! Maybe you should be my twin sister. That is what my sons call me. Great giveaway!
I would love to have the thread as a work of art to gaze upon. I would use it too on quilts I give away.
I don't know if this is wacky or just OCD, but I love collections of things. Which is why I started quilting! Collections of pretty fabrics together with the bonus that it'll keep you warm! These threads are the perfect collecty thing. I would display them on my thread wall and stare at them lovingly until I needed them. PLUS! I see that there is some verigated (sp?) thread and I have been wanting to try it FOWEVA!
Thanks for the giveaway! =)
Tantalizing, tempting, terrific threads! I would LOVE to own these beauties. There are oh so many reasons---none of which are all that wacky but totally reasonable...
I think they are beautiful!
I need thread, I really actually do!
My thread organizer is bare except for white and cream thread.
It would look like a crayola box which I absolutely adore!
I live in Hawaii which is paradise but not soooo great for finding quilting supplies.
It would make me HAPPY!!
Pick thread bare me!
ooh those are gorgeous! they look like bits of candy! hope I win!
That is so kind of you to think of us. thank you.
Dana, I was laughing reading your post - I can just see you calling and calling and bugging them. LOL How could they not know who you are?! I mean jeez... you just helped over 1,000 women start quilting for cryin out loud! :D AND I might add, you pushed their thread as your favorite the entire time. Hmm.. wonder if their sales showed a large increase in the last year?? LOL
Ok, no crazy reason for me... but... if i win, i will see if i can get everyone on ORBCO to send a thank you note to Mettler, on behalf of you! Can ya just see it? A couple hundred cards rolling in, and them saying "WHO IS this lady Dana??" hee hee... twould be fun!! :D
Oh Dana-pretty pretty pretty! If I won I would just have to look at the threads and enjoy them for a bit before I even opened them. Thanks for being so persistent! Next time they will know exactly who you are :)
With Easter just a few days away, my first thought was how much the thread collection resembes a carton full of colored Easter eggs! My kind of Easter Basket!!
This is a brilliant idea - I've never seen a thread giveaway! I've also never used Mettler but I'd love to put this fabulous collection to good use! I could totally use it to tie up all the loose ends in my life! (Oh wait - did you say cheeziest comment or funniest?)
Seriously?! I would love. love. love. to win these!! Thanks for the chance!
It looks lovely and very generous and I think I should win because I must confess I've never used it before. Maybe they'll win me over... :) (that's the idea behind a giveaway isn't it?)
What can I say, my life is better now that I "know" you! Who would have known the crazy STL connection we have :) I would LOVE to win this. My Crazy reason for thinking I should win is that because of you I have implemented the DANCE to get back in my car. If I knew how to put video on you tube I would show you the excitement you have inspired! Really some members of my family don't find the humor, and they are hilarious to watch not dancing. However the dancing that has come from this puts Elaine to shame LOL!!!
beautiful! I would love this to replace the thread my precious little one keeps unravelling
Beautiful thread. Love the colors!
Oh my! What beautiful thread & what great quality! I'd love to win! :-)
I think I need to go buy some of that varigated thread tomorrow. I have no idea what I'll use if for, but it's so pretty! I'd love to win one of those gorgeous packs of thread. Thanks for your pesistence Dana. :)
I deserve the thread because basically I am selfish and want it. Plain and simple! I was also told that I use "cheep" materials recently by a fellow quilter so I would like to see how "good" thread works instead of my thread bought at Walmart. :D
Wow that is really beautiful thread! Please enter me. I would be honored to win!
Okay, I'm pretty sure there are more deserving people than I who should probably win this thread. But it just so happens, I just had a thread catastrophe. My oldest daughter really likes to organize my threads in rainbow order. Unfortunately, she left the thread box out on the ground and my youngest daughter realized that by pulling the tail, she could make the spools roll across the floor. I caught her, 16 or 18 spools into it. I'm sure I'll untangle the mess... eventually. But it sure would be easier to start fresh!
Thanks for hosting the quilt alongs. I'm always late, but I'll catch up eventually!
I like thread!
Such yummy thread! I would LOVE some!
Oh thank you for the chance. I feel faint just looking at those beautiful boxes of colour.
persistence and generosity...pretty good recipe for a quilt If I do say so myself :)Thinkin' that thread would look mighty nice on my ORB "far far away" quilt ( yes that original ORB quilt along lol)
Oooh! Pick me! I should win because I'm a total noob at this whole quilting thing, and my mad-good-at-quilting friend let me borrow her sewing machine, which is WAY better than my crappy little gets-grumpy-all-the-time Wal-Mart machine. I don't even know if this thread will go on the machine I'm using, but I bet it will work on her other machine she kept for herself! So if I win, we both win!
I would love to win the thread because I just spent two weeks moving my sewing room downstairs after cleaning, painting and 500 trips up and down the stairs with arms full of sewing stuff. My nerves are "frayed"; my head's a "bobbin"; I feel like I've been pulled through "the eye of a needle"; and my brain is all "wound up".
There's one thing good about being poor - its inexpensive... which is why I NEED the thread.
I saw this joke and thought I would share, 'cause I'm not that funny on my own and I LIKE to WIN!!
Angus Broon of Glasgow comes to the little lady of the house exclaiming, “Maggie, cud ya be sewin on a wee button that’s come off of me fly? I canna button me pants. “
“Oh Angus … I’ve got me hands in the dishpan, go up the stairs and see if Mrs. MacDonald could be helpin ya with it.”
About 5 minutes later there’s a terrible crash, a bang, a bit of yelling and the sound of a body falling doon the stairs.
Walking back in the door with a blackend eye and a bloody nose comes Angus. The little lady looks at him and says, “My god, what happened to ya? Did you ask her like I told you?”
“Aye,” says Angus. “I asked her to sew on the wee button an she did. Everything was goin fine but when she bent doon to bite off the wee thread, Mr. MacDonald walked in… “
Pick me!!! Pick Me!!!
I've never heard of this thread, but if it's anything like Guterman, I'd certainly like to try it!
First - Love your blog!
Second - I'm a Mummy who's been quilting just over a year, with a very limited allowance for fabric, thread etc, so would be a great help
Third - I'm 30 weeks preg with baby #2 and he (yes we know it's a boy)and he went absolutely ballistic when i looked at the pictures of the thread, which MUST be a sign that i need it, as my body created happy hormones just looking at it!!!
*Hit's post comment button and runs off embarrassed*
I LOVE good thread...and you know why if you have ever used the cheap stuff! AND this is good thread in SO many different colors...FUN!!!
I love Mettler thread, too, but I tend to always stick with neutrals (taupes and grays). I need these colors to break me out of my rut.
Shazam! Oh, if I won this thread, I wouldn't be forced to threaten my poor Janome within an inch of her electronic life when she refuses to play nicely with Coats and Clark thread. Oh, if only...
I really can't think of a clever reason why I should win. I love thread and colour and there seems to be lots of both! I would probably share it with a friend that i am teaching how to quilt.
Wow, some major eye candy! I'm feeling lucky!
Aren't they gorgeous. I have ogled this brand in the past but unfortunately such delights are beyond my meagre budget. I would love them to come and live at my house, I am sure many hours of indulgent sewing could be had with them. I can dream can't I?
Because if I use these cottons it will be like sewing the with rainbow and maybe there will be pot of gold at the end of the quilt!
Wow, can you ever really have too much thread? I think not!
Because I've always secretly desired to be a spider and have many marvellous threads to spin into a pretty pretty web.
Okay - that's a lie. I've never wanted to be a spider. I HAVE always loved thread though... And I can't buy Mettler locally (I have to use the internet) and I can't find the right green and I can see it right there in the box!!!
Great giveaway - thanks!
What a delightfully colorful giveaway!
I would love to win this, since I live in "hilbilly hell" a million miles from a decent fabric supplies shop, I have to do a lot of my shopping online, which is ok for most stuff, but trying to match thread to fabric for a pedantic fuss-pot like myself, well it can be a bit of a brain-ache!
so a fabulous selection of threads like this would keep me quite happy and content for many hours of blissful sewing adventures :)
Great giveaway! Please count me in! I want to win because I have not ever used a thread like this.
Wow Dana, thanks for being so persistant, what a great giveaway! Imagine the possibilites with those babies! LOL
Oh, WOW! I'm counting the days (47) till I go to purchase my first embroidery machine! And I'm sure gonna need some thread for her. Thanks for the chance to win some!
Thread by Mettler!!! I love Mettler!
Why would I need all that thread? Well...I have all this lovely fine fabric or multi colors and patterns...they need some friends to make them all pretty!
And my cat, Riley, wants me to have more thread so he can try to snatch a spool when I'm not looking or when I might leave it out...
I actually love that box it's in...might make it easy to keep it organized and keep my cat out!!! :) My thread kitty kitty!! :)
My reasons why I should win:
1. I am new to quilting and would LOVE to win this thread!!! I recently finished my first quilt top and am getting ready to quilt it so this would really come in handy.
2. I get excited just looking at the assortment of beautiful thread colors.
3. Last but not least, it is midnight and I am surfing the internet for quilting supplies. Isn't that a pathetic enough reason in itself?
Didn't know who you are? Even all the way over here in Denmark people know who you are. I'll bet thet know now and will never forget!
The reason why you (or the magic number thingy) should pick me is that my 3-year old dropped all of my bobbins on the floor and they all (all 8 of them) ran out :( So now my thread stash is very low since I had to rewind them. Boring job!
So please pick me magic number thingy!
I love Mettler thread! Great give-away.! Thanks.
Ohh what a great prize. High quality thread like Mettler is expensive but I always buy the best now, it last longer and it better on your sewing machines internal, I hope I can win one of these amazing packs :)
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