::blink:: ::blink:: What?
Ok. So it was my husband who devised the system. Did it make it seem more official when it was the MIT punk?
On to the good stuff.

The above Sugar Snap quilt goes to Comment number 58 angoraknitter

The above Nest quilt goes to number 12,008 which corresponds to comment number 886 Shorty.

And the beautiful pink one above goes to comment number 1438 Kim and Jim.
The two quilt pattern winners (remember, 4th and 5th place winners win a Candy Bar Road quilt pattern from SuzGuz Designs??) are comment number 1 ambwee and comment number 1790 tracy . . . cause you know no self respecting random number generator thing-a-ma-bob is going to pick the very first or the very last number.
Congratulations winners. Email within .00004709 seconds of me posting this or you forfeit your prize and I get to keep it.
Just kidding. Email at dana@oldredbarnco.com within .00005 seconds or I keep it.
That's how I roll people.
HA HA! That is how you roll! So if they haven't emailed yet can we share!? :) They really are beautiful - congrats to the winners!
Have a great afternoon :)
Congrats to the winners!! Wish one was me :( sniff..sniff haha!
Oh shucks, I didn't win one!!!! (I had my eye and heart set on the Nest Quilt)
Congrats to the winners!!! I also think that some of those videos really deserved something because they were so cool!!!!
Thank you Dana for organizing this!! Hope your heart isn't too broken over having to hand them over to the winners. If they don't want them, I do!!!
Take care !!
Congratulations everyone!
congratulations, guys!
Congratulations to the winners! :) And thanks to you ! :)
Congrats winners you lucky SOB's! Just Kidding. Gosh, I hate being a loser...But really congrats!! Thanks for the chance to enter the giveaway.
Congratulations and enjoy your new quilts!
Thank you again!
Helena (Spain)
I'm so jealous and happy at the same time (for the winners),
I was sure that this was my golden win! Oh well! Glad theya re going to good homes! Your incredible Dana!
Sigh. I really, REALLY, really wanted to win a quilt (me and all of blog land!). I will be the bigger person, though, and give a hearty congratulations to the winners (even though it shoulda been me!). ;-)
CONGRATS to all the winners!!!! And a HUGE HIP, HIP HOORAY to ROCKSTAR DANA of Old Red Barn Co.!! You sure know how to make someone smile :-)
Holy Entries Batman!!! Congrats to all the winners... wish it were me... maybe someday......
You are hilarious. Wow, I am loving those beautiful quilts! You are one generous girl to be giving all that loveliness away!
Hi Dana!!! DANGO...
Thanks to you too Dana for such a GENEROUS give away!!!
Lala :o)
Congrats to the winners. I am jealous!
Congrats! I had to laugh at myself - I found I was scrolling down the post ever so slowly - like a slow scroll would magically make MY name appear as the winner of the next one down.
Perhaps next time - we need to see Wendy's next chapter in the continuing saga!!!
thanks for the chance to win....your method of drawing a winner (with all those extra entries) boggle the mind!
congrats to those who won!
Bummer! I wasn't one of the lucky winners but congratulations to those who did win!
Jen :)
Yeah for the winners....now when is the next giveaway??? :)
I CAN NOT believe I won!!! I am so excited I can hardly stand it! Thank you Dana - the quilts are just gorgeous and I am so very very thankful! Sent you an email with my info.
Thank you!!!!
Congrats to the winners! :)
Congrats to the winners! I hope you are extra warm this winter thanks to Dana!
Congratulations to all the winners! I'm green with envy. Thank you Dana, for offering up such lovly things for your giveaway. I'd love to give away a quilt...someday...I guess that means I have to finish one that is bigger than a dolly blanket first. Oh someday, indeed, someday.
Congratulations to all of the very lucky winners! And, thanks, Dana, for all the work you do for the drawings. It's fun to enter and to wait with bated breath as we watch for this post to show up!
Thanks for a fun time.. Congratulations to all the winners.... Lucky bunch to win those beautiful quilts...Gee I never had so many emails ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok this is the part where I throw myself on the floor in a huge hissy fit and scream and cry and wail and gnash my teeth while cursing the random generator for not picking MY number. lol Sadness has commenced. I'll never get over it. Ever. :P lol
Maybe one day I will. I can be bribed to stop the tantrum. With a quilt. lol :D
Congratulations winners!!!!
Congrats winners! You really got lucky. ENJOY!!
Congratulations to the winners.. one day it will be me... ha ha
Thanks Dana!!
*whimpers* WAHHHHH I didn't one. :-( *forces self to keep a stiff upper lip* C-c-c-ongraulations to the w-w-win...*disolves into tears again*. Oh whatever. Congratulations to the winners! I hope I win someday, LOL!
Congrats to all the winners, so awesome!!
Congrats to the choosen few!!!!
congrats to Winners. I envy you :)
Mr. Random Number Generator you are so very cruel! Congratulations to the winners, you are very lucky indeed!
Congratulations to all the winners! :)
Good times! I'm so happy for everyone. Really, I am! I think this giveaway stuff is amazing and fun and it makes people smile. Way to go!
Congrats to all the winners!
You crack me up! Congrats to all the Winners!-n
LuCkY DuCkS!! Congratulations everyone!
Congrats to the winners!
Kim and Jim I hope you love the quilt. You won the one that I made and designed, Dana generously did the binding for me!
For everyone else... the pattern will be available from my website in the very near future. It will be called Market Square. Lots of love and stitches from Fresh Cut Quilts!
Congratulations to the new quilt owners.
Thank you Dana.
Congratulations to the LUCKY winners!!! And thanks for a fantastic giveaway!!! :o)
Congratulations to the winners!! Now please excuse me while I go and sulk in the corner!
Congrats to all the lucky winners!
Wow, no way... I won something? Wow! Thanks so much! I send an e-mail.
I'll be sure to blog all about it, thanks again!
boohoo for me, but congrats to the winners! please, oh please love them as much as i would have ;-)
Now there are four people I'm not crazy about, since you have given away 4 quilts this year....sniff...
I'm trying to be mature about it, but it's not easy.
I don't know if I can do this again, it is fun but nerve wracking.
Hey, Dana, you're the greatest person I know. Your music always makes me feel good, thank you for the playlist, it touches my soul and brings out happiness from deep inside me.
I can't wait for Christmas so I can try out the soap I bought from you to give to my grown-up children. Make some more of that one I ordered but you ran out of, hmmm, I forgot which one it was.
Hugs from Georgia
If you ever feel like just giving a quilt away instead of doing all this contest work I'm here for you! That's just the kind of friend I am!
Winning a quilt must be such a happy feeling! Congratulations to the winners and Dana, thanks for doing this.
Winning a quilt must be such a happy feeling! Congratulations to the winners and Dana, thanks for doing this.
sniffle sniffle
Congrats lucky winners!
Congratulations to the winners! :-)
Congrats to the winners!!
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